東京の探偵事務所 総合探偵社 密会バスターズ - Shinjuku City

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 東京の探偵事務所 総合探偵社 密会バスターズ

住所 :

大久保南口共同ビル 4階 1 Chome-23番17号 Hyakunincho, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 169-0073, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8989
Postal code : 169-0073
Webサイト : http://www.mikkai.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
Monday Open 24 hours
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours

大久保南口共同ビル 4階 1 Chome-23番17号 Hyakunincho, Shinjuku City, Tokyo 169-0073, Japan
miya okamoto on Google

I wanted you to find out where he was. I didn't have a mobile phone and had only a little information, so I gave up half, but I was surprised to find it so quickly. I was glad that the response was very fast. It ’s like you ’re a fool! I'm really glad you asked. Thank you very much!
井上なお on Google

妻の浮気調査をして頂きました。 安易な気持ちで不倫をしていたようです。 しっかりと証拠をとって頂き、ありがとうございました。 子供の為にも互いに許し合い、話し合いも全てこれからですが 色々とアドバイスを頂きまして、ありがとう御座いました。
I had my wife cheating. It seems that she had an affair with a simple feeling. Thank you for taking the evidence. Forgive each other for children and all discussions Thank you for your advice.
佐々木なお on Google

DVの夫の浮気調査をお願いしました。 もう、私と子供の事が嫌いになってしまったようです。 バッチリと慰謝料と養育費等を請求してこれから離婚したいと思います。 これも、証拠を押さえて頂いたおかげです。 ありがとうございました。
We asked DV husband's cheating investigation. It seems that I have already hated me and my children. I would like to get divorced from now on by requesting a perfect fee, a consolation fee and a child support. This is also thanks to the evidence. Thank you very much.
河西としのり on Google

Thank you from the bottom of my heart for the investigators to search for the place where my son lost his will and left victims. I found it earlier than the police, I am truly a lifesaver. After that, we had a whole day and night sending out a talk with my son and talking to her parents home in Fukushima Prefecture. I think that they are wonderful detectives.
よっしー on Google

自分でもまさかこんな事になるとは思いませんでしたが、探偵に頼んで元彼探しをしてもらいました。 半同居していた元彼が急にいなくなり、何度か逢った地方に住んでいる元彼の母親からも私に連絡がきたりして、私も元彼の置いていった物を処分したかったのと貸していたお金を返してほしくて探してもらいました。 東京で人を探すのは難しい事だろうなと思っていたらすぐ見つかりました。。 元彼の母親に連絡して一緒行ってもらいお金と探偵料も払ってもらいました。
I didn't think this would happen, but I asked a detective to find him. The ex-he who lived half-lived suddenly disappeared, and his former mother who lived in a rural area where I had met several times also contacted me, and I also disposed of what he had left I wanted them to return the money they had lent and rented and looked for them. I found it as soon as I thought it would be difficult to find people in Tokyo. . I contacted his ex-mom and asked him to go with him and pay the money and detective fee.
青木祐樹 on Google

I had a problem with my original partner for some time. There were no people who could consult, and I was indebted to me, and I was very helpful. I was very glad to hear my story properly and give me accurate advice. Now, the troubles have calmed down and I can spend my daily life cleanly. Thank you very much.
青木明美 on Google

正直、ここまでやってくれるとは!! 結婚詐欺にあった私は、どうやって解決したらいいのか まったくあてもなく途方にくれていました。 相談の電話の声が優しそうだったので事務所に行ってみたら 親身に話を聞いてくれて解決の糸口が見え始め思わず涙が出ました。 その後の調査のスピードと頼りになることといったら・・・。感激です。 私の人生を救ってくれて本当にありがとうございました。
Honestly, what do you do so far! !! How can I resolve a marriage scam? I was at a loss at all. The voice of the consultation phone seemed to be kind, so I went to the office He listened to me kindly, and I began to see clues to the solution, and I burst into tears. When it comes to the speed and reliance of subsequent investigations ... I'm thrilled. Thank you so much for saving my life.
佐藤彩 on Google

I called after a lot of trouble, but I was kind enough to get a consultation.

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