長野ダイハツ販売(株)松本筑摩店 - Matsumoto

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 長野ダイハツ販売(株)松本筑摩店

住所 :

1 Chome-30-11 Tsukama, Matsumoto, Nagano 390-0821, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 390-0821
Webサイト : http://www.n-daihatsu.co.jp/shop/tsukama/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9:30AM–6PM
Sunday 9:30AM–6PM
Monday 9:30AM–6PM
Tuesday Closed
Wednesday 9:30AM–6PM
Thursday 9:30AM–6PM
Friday 9:30AM–6PM

1 Chome-30-11 Tsukama, Matsumoto, Nagano 390-0821, Japan
丸山和男 on Google

修理にもって行ったらなにも確かめずに部品交換と言われ家にかえってからカバ─を外したら潤滑液をかけたら 問題なく直ってしまった。 直ぐに部品交換をしようとするところが許せない。
When I took it for repair, I was told to replace the parts without checking anything, and after returning home, I removed the cover and applied lubricating fluid. It has been fixed without any problems. I can't forgive trying to replace parts immediately.
平田賢司 on Google

皆さん輝いて仕事している 皆さん楽しそうにしている 何か自分も元気を貰えて嬉しい
Everyone is shining and working Everyone looks happy I'm glad that I got some energy
マルマル on Google

車を見に行った際に、TEL番号などをアンケートに書いたら、この店舗からワン切りの着信がありました。 2回目のワン切りの時に、かけ直してクレームを言ったが、謝罪も無く「どちら様ですか?」と、ワン切りした相手に聞くって事は、数十人規模でワン切りしてると言う事でしょうか? 2度と行きません。
When I went to see the car, I wrote down the TEL number etc. in the questionnaire, and there was a one-off call from this store. At the time of the second one cut, I called back and made a complaint, but without asking for an apology, asking the other person who cut the one, that it is a few dozen people. Is it something to say? I will never go again.
五味富子 on Google

This is Daihatsu that everyone knows. It's okay because we also take measures against corona. The correspondence of the staff is also good.
片桐直利 on Google

As it always happens, as soon as I enter the parking lot, I receive polite service, and the reception is kind and polite, and I feel good. Of course, the same is true when returning.
小田善光 on Google

It was kind, polite and good.
tsk snpi on Google

店長さんはじめ、皆さんの接客が素晴らしいです。 新車購入で何度か伺いましたが、毎回欠かさず屋外で出迎えてくれました。 納車の際も嬉しいサプライズを用意してくれまして、顧客の要望を超える心遣いを感じました。 車両トラブルがあった際は、多少高額になってもこちらにお世話になろうと思います。
Starting with the store manager, everyone's customer service is wonderful. I visited several times to buy a new car, but every time he welcomed me outside. Even when the car was delivered, we prepared a nice surprise, and I felt a concern that exceeded the customer's request. If you have a vehicle problem, I would like to take care of it even if it becomes a little expensive.
05 44 on Google

先日車の故障で立ち寄った所、皆さんとても親切で助かりました。 車を見てもらい帰ってた所また警告灯がついたので車では帰られないと判断して、もう一度連絡をした所、実際はやってないという、一時預かりを気持ちよく受けて貰らいました。その際にも、従業員さんも工場の人にも、声をかけてもらい、荷物が多いのを見るとタクシーまで呼んでいただきました。初めての土地で全然違う所から来た人にもこんなに親切にしてくれると思うととても感動しました。このコロナ禍ですが皆さん体に気をつけて下さい。 口コミで失礼とは思いましたが、本当にありがとうございました。
When I stopped by due to a car breakdown the other day, everyone was very kind and helpful. When I got to see the car and the warning light came on, I decided that I couldn't go home by car, and when I contacted him again, he said that he wasn't actually doing it. At that time, I asked both employees and factory workers to talk to me, and when I saw a lot of luggage, I even called a taxi. I was very impressed to think that it would be so kind to people who came from completely different places in the first land. This is a corona bruise, but please take care of yourself. I thought it was rude by word of mouth, but thank you very much.

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