産前・産後骨盤矯正専門整体 よしみち整体院

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Contact 産前・産後骨盤矯正専門整体 よしみち整体院

住所 :

Zushi, Takatsuki, 〒569-0036 Osaka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Webサイト : https://mamaluxe.jp/members/yoshimichi/
街 : Osaka

Zushi, Takatsuki, 〒569-0036 Osaka,Japan
畠山彩 on Google

妊娠後期に入りお腹が大きくなってきて、身体の倦怠感と腰痛と骨盤が歪んでるためか膝の高さが左右違ってることに悩んでいました。 妊娠中に受け入れて診てくれるところが少なくて困って探していたところ、たまたま見つけたHPがよしみち整体院さんでした。 産前産後ケア専門でされており、妊娠中や産後の 身体と骨盤の仕組みをしっかりと勉強されてる先生で、悩んでる身体の症状に対して優しく丁寧に説明してくださり先生に、 「産前からの身体のケアは本当に大事なんですよ」 とお聞きして不安に思ってたことも励ましてくれてすごく気持ちも楽になりました。 全く痛みのない施術で、骨盤だけでなく身体全身と大きくなってきてしんどかったお腹もを優しく整えてもらい、 施術後には悩んでて膝の高さも揃い、身体がスッキリしてすごく楽に動けるようになりました。 現在妊娠38週目に入って出産予定日が近づいてるのですが、しんどい時にケアをしてもらってたので今は身体が楽で安産を目指して快適なマタニティライフを過ごせています。 妊娠中にしんどくて同じ思いをして悩んでる方には本当におすすめしたいです(o^^o)♪ 産後もぜひお願いしたいと思います!!!
In the latter half of pregnancy, my stomach became bigger, and I was worried that my knees would be different on the left and right, probably because of my physical fatigue, back pain, and distorted pelvis. When I was looking for a problem because there weren't many places to accept and see me during pregnancy, the HP I happened to find was Yoshimichi Seitaiin. Specializing in prenatal and postpartum care, during pregnancy and postpartum A teacher who is studying the mechanism of the body and pelvis, and kindly and politely explains the physical symptoms that he is suffering from. "Physical care before childbirth is really important." It made me feel much better because he encouraged me even though I was worried. With a completely painless procedure, not only the pelvis but also the whole body and the abdomen that had become large and tough were gently prepared. After the treatment, I was worried and my knees were at the same height, so my body was refreshed and I was able to move very easily. I am currently in the 38th week of pregnancy and the expected date of delivery is approaching, but since I was taken care of during difficult times, I am now able to spend a comfortable maternity life aiming for a comfortable and safe delivery. I really want to recommend it to those who are suffering from the same feelings during pregnancy (o ^^ o) ♪ I would like to ask you even after giving birth! !! !!
日出山真実 on Google

I was interested in postpartum pelvic correction and was also worried about stiff shoulders, so I went to experience it when the leaflet was in the mailbox. There, they found their posture and pelvic distortion, and by the time the procedure was over, they were in good posture so that they could be seen clearly. It was a pain-free procedure, and I was really looking forward to seeing how my body would change if I continued to attend. Even after eight treatments, my pelvis is still in a stable condition, and thanks to the teaching of Perine Care, my weight has naturally decreased and my body shape has changed. The teacher is also very kind and it is a wonderful place where you can relax your mind and body during the procedure. I will continue to take care of you when you have a physical condition.
かずみ on Google

2人目を出産して1ヶ月が過ぎてからすぐに体験会に参加し、1回で体の変化を体験することができました。 骨盤矯正のコースをスタートしてからは、回数を重ねていくうちに骨盤も安定し、姿勢も良くなったので通ってよかったです。 育児をしていて不調な所が出た時は、先生に相談してケアをして頂けたのでとても助かりました! 生後1ヶ月の子供を連れて通っていましたが、ハイローチェアやベビーベッドもあり安心して連れて行けました。キッズルームも施術している所から見えるので上の子が遊んでる姿も見えて安心でした。 先生はとても話しやすい方なので、ついつい喋ってしまい施術後は心も体もスッキリでした。
One month after giving birth to the second child, I immediately participated in the experience session and was able to experience the changes in my body once. Since I started the pelvis correction course, I'm glad I went there because my pelvis became stable and my posture improved over time. When I was raising a child and found something wrong, I was able to consult with my teacher and take care of it, which was very helpful! I used to take a one-month-old child with me, but I was able to take it with confidence because there were high-low chairs and a crib. I was relieved to see the older child playing because I could see the kids room from the place where the treatment was performed. The teacher is very easy to talk to, so I just talked and my mind and body were refreshed after the treatment.
岸本有季乃 on Google

一人目を出産した時からお世話になっています。 妊娠中から、眠れないほどの腰痛に悩んでいましたが、一回目の施術からびっくりするくらい楽になりました。 出産後履けなかったデニムなども履けるようになり、姿勢も綺麗になりました! 充実したキッズスペースもあり、子供たちはいつもワイワイ遊んでくれています。 今の悩みに合わせて、先生が色んなストレッチを教えてくださり、悩みがどんどん改善されていきます!! 先生もお子さんがいらっしゃるので、色んな情報を教えてくださり助かってます。 子供が遊んだおもちゃなど、こまめに消毒してくださるので凄く安心です。 先生自身も、こまめに消毒されていて、感染予防に徹底しているなと思いました。 本当にいつもお世話になっています。これからもよろしくお願い致します。
I have been indebted since I gave birth to the first child. I had been suffering from back pain that I couldn't sleep since I was pregnant, but it has become surprisingly easy since the first treatment. You can now wear denim that you couldn't wear after giving birth, and your posture has improved! There is also a fulfilling kids space, and children are always playing around. The teacher will teach you various stretches according to your current worries, and your worries will be improved steadily! !! The teacher also has children, so it is helpful to give me various information. It is very safe because it diligently disinfects toys that children have played with. I thought that the teacher himself was diligently disinfected and was thorough in preventing infection. I am really indebted to you all the time. Thank you for your continued support.
葛和みな美 on Google

2人目と3人目のこどもの産後にお世話になりました。 骨盤のぐらつきにとても悩んでいたのですが初回で全く気にならなくなりました。 その方も足の歪みや背中の痛み等、その時の気になるところを全身ケアしてもらえるのですごく助かりました。 驚いたのは、2人目の産後より3人目の産後の方が体が楽だったことです。 2人目の産後に骨盤や全身をきちんと整えてもらったお陰だと思いました。 産後から1年以上たちますが今回アフターケアをしてもらいました。 気になる箇所を伝えると施術だけでなく、それに合ったマッサージやストレッチを教えてもらえるので嬉しいです。 そして広いキッズスペースがあるのでこども3人を連れて行かせてもらっても毎回安心です。 おもちゃがたくさんあり、こどもはのびのびと遊ばせてもらっています。 また今後もよろしくお願いします。ありがとうございました。
Thank you for taking care of the second and third children after giving birth. I was very worried about the wobbling of the pelvis, but it didn't bother me at all the first time. That person was also very helpful because he was able to take care of all the areas of concern such as leg distortion and back pain. What surprised me was that the third person was more comfortable after giving birth than the second person. I think it was thanks to the fact that my pelvis and whole body were properly prepared after the second child was born. It's been over a year since I gave birth, but this time I had aftercare. I'm glad that if you tell me what you are interested in, you will be taught not only the treatment but also the massage and stretching that suits you. And since there is a large kids space, it is safe to take three children with you every time. There are a lot of toys, and children are allowed to play freely. I look forward to working with you in the future. Thank you very much.
k akari on Google

妊娠後期に入り、 腰と足の付け根のピキッとした痛みを 少しでも和らげたくて探していたところ マタニティ整体を専門としている よしみち先生を見つけました! 初診の日は29w6d で1500gほどでした。 たまたま妊婦健診後の予約だったのですが、 その日の妊婦検診で 子宮頸管が1.5センチしかなく 切迫早産になる可能性が高いとのこと。 張り止めの薬を飲むことと、 仕事を休むか在宅に変えるかして 自宅安静にしてください。と医師に言われて すごく不安な気持ちのまま よしみち先生のところへお伺いしました。 切迫早産のこともお話しし、 すごく親身になって聞いてくださり、 切迫早産の骨盤の状態・予防・対策など教えて頂き、 その日の施術で まず足の付け根のピキっとした痛みは 嘘のようになくなりました! 腰痛は妊婦である限り、痛みをなくすことは できないけどすごく軽くなり、 スムーズに立ち上がりできるようになりました。 上の子(2歳児)の育児もあり、 なかなか安静にはできない日々でしたが、 その後、よしみち先生に教えてもらった 切迫早産に効く 家でもできるストレッチや、 姿勢の改善などを意識して実行し、 1週間後にドキドキしながら妊婦検診に行くと 【1.5センチ→3センチ】に伸びていました!! 医師にもこれなら大丈夫!今のまま安静で! ということでした。 私自身もえー!3センチ???と驚き、 入院覚悟で受診しましたが帰ることができ、 よしみち先生のおかげだ!と 心の底から思いました。 身も心もすごく救われた気持ちになり、 その後も週一ペースで よしみち先生のところへ通いました。 すると、子宮頸管の長さも 3センチ(30w6d)→2.6センチ(32w6d) →1.7センチ(34w6d)→1.5センチ(35w6d) →2.2センチ(36w6d)で、 ずっと子宮頸管の長さも 平均より短めではありますが 入院することなく自宅安静でここまできました! もう37週の生産期に入り、2500gも超え、 いつ産まれても大丈夫という状態です?✨ 29週のときに切迫早産なりかけと言われ、 いつ入院になってもおかしくない状態から 37週まで耐えれていることに 感謝しかありません?‍♀️✨ 産後のケアはもちろんですが、 私のように産前で 身体の痛みだけでなく、 切迫早産などの妊婦さんにも 是非おすすめしたいです??? よしみち先生のゴッドハンドの施術と 家でもできる適切なアドバイスと 優しいお気遣いあるお言葉など ほんとに身も心も助けられています✨ いろんな方に知って頂きたいと思い 長文失礼いたしました( ^ω^ )
Entering late pregnancy A tingling pain in the lower back and groin I was looking for something to soften even a little Specializes in maternity manipulative treatment I found Mr. Yoshimichi! The day of my first visit was 29w6d and weighed about 1500g. I happened to make an appointment after a pregnant woman's medical examination, At the pregnancy examination of the day The cervix is ​​only 1.5 cm There is a high possibility of imminent premature birth. Taking anti-stress medicine and Whether to take a break from work or change to home Please rest at home. Was told by the doctor I feel very uneasy I visited Mr. Yoshimichi. I also talked about imminent premature birth, Please be very kind and listen to me Please tell me about the condition, prevention and countermeasures of the pelvis of imminent premature birth. In the treatment of the day First of all, the sharp pain at the base of the foot It's gone like a lie! Back pain can be eliminated as long as it is a pregnant woman I can't, but it's really light You can now start up smoothly. There is also childcare for the older child (2-year-old), It was a difficult day to rest, but After that, Mr. Yoshimichi taught me Effective for imminent premature birth Stretching that you can do at home, Be conscious of improving your posture, etc. When I go to a pregnant woman's examination with excitement one week later It grew to [1.5 cm → 3 cm]! !! This is okay for doctors too! Stay calm as it is! It was that. I myself too! 3 cm? ?? ?? Surprised, I was prepared to be hospitalized, but I was able to go home, Thanks to Mr. Yoshimichi! When I thought from the bottom of my heart. I feel very saved both physically and mentally, After that, once a week I went to Mr. Yoshimichi. Then, the length of the cervix 3 cm (30w6d) → 2.6 cm (32w6d) → 1.7 cm (34w6d) → 1.5 cm (35w6d) → At 2.2 cm (36w6d), The length of the cervix all the time Although shorter than average I came here at home without being hospitalized! The production period of 37 weeks has already started, and it has exceeded 2500g. It's okay to be born anytime ?✨ At the time of 29 weeks, it was said that he was about to give birth prematurely. From a state where it is not strange to be hospitalized at any time Being able to endure up to 37 weeks Only thanks ?‍♀️✨ Not to mention postpartum care, Before giving birth like me Not only physical pain For pregnant women such as imminent premature birth I definitely want to recommend it ??? With Yoshimichi-sensei's God Hand Treatment With proper advice that can be done at home Gentle and caring words, etc. It really helps my body and soul ✨ I want various people to know Excuse me for the long sentence (^ ω ^)
辻崎真代 on Google

マタニティの時、腰痛が酷く夜起き上がるのも一苦労でどうにかならないかと縋る思いで伺いました。こちらの話を丁寧に聞いてくださった上での施術でかなり楽になりました。 産後の骨盤矯正で伺った時も何気なく話した体の不調から、その時の私に合った施術をしてくださいました。 おかげで、産後赤ちゃんをずっと抱いた生活でありながらも、腰痛・肩凝りに悩むことなく育児に専念できているなと思います。 とても優しく、いつでもママと子どもに寄り添ってくださる先生です?
When I was in maternity, I had a hard time getting up at night because of my back pain. After listening carefully to this story, the treatment made it much easier. When I visited for pelvic correction after childbirth, I casually talked about my physical condition, so he gave me a treatment that suits me at that time. Thanks to this, I think that I can concentrate on childcare without suffering from back pain and stiff shoulders, even though I have been holding my baby for a long time after giving birth. He is a very kind teacher who always stays close to moms and children ?
本城あかり on Google

2人目と3人目でお世話になりました。 肩と腰の痛みもありましたが、股関節の痛みが一番辛くて産後骨盤矯正をお願いしました。原因が骨盤の歪みで1回目の施術で痛みが治まり助かりました。 すごく酷かった骨盤の歪みも整って腰痛も無くなりましたし、猫背だった姿勢も良くなりました。 その時の症状に合わせて施術をして貰えるのでびっくりするぐらい体が楽になります。 ダイエット方法や自宅で簡単にできるトレーニングやストレッチなども教えてもらえるので助かりますし、子どもが楽しめる場所やおすすめのスポットなどの情報も教えてもらえて色んな話をしてくださるので先生との会話もすごく楽しいです。 体重が落ちた時など先生が一緒になって喜んでくれたのがむちゃくちゃ嬉しかったです。 親身になって話を聞いてもらえるし痛くない施術でその人に合ったケアをして頂けるので本当にオススメです。 今回もありがとうございました。 今後もよろしくお願いします!!!
Thank you for the second and third person. I had shoulder and lower back pain, but the pain in my hip joint was the most painful, so I asked for postpartum pelvic correction. The cause was the distortion of the pelvis, and the pain was relieved by the first treatment. The pelvic strain, which was very severe, has been adjusted, the back pain has disappeared, and the posture of the stoop has improved. You will be surprised at how easy your body will be because you will be treated according to the symptoms at that time. It is helpful because you can teach me how to diet, training and stretching that you can easily do at home, and you can also talk about various places such as places where children can enjoy and recommended spots, so conversation with the teacher is also great. It's fun. I was so happy that the teachers were happy to be with me when I lost weight. It is really recommended because you will be able to listen to the story in a friendly manner and you will be able to take care of the person with a painless treatment. Thank you again for this time. I hope to work with you in the future! !! !!

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