Zenta Orthopedic Clinic - Kurashiki

4.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Zenta Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

山本興産ビル 1-4 957-13 Higashitomii, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0847, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 710-0847
Webサイト : http://zenta-seikotsuin.com/

山本興産ビル 1-4 957-13 Higashitomii, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0847, Japan
a y on Google

旦那が交通事故でお世話になり良くなったようなので私も通っています。 肩こりがひどいのですが姿勢を良くしたら肩こりも良くなってきています。 私の肩こりは姿勢からみたいです。良くなるまで通いたいと思います。
My husband seems to have taken care of me in a traffic accident and I am also attending. I have a lot of stiff shoulders, but if I improve my posture, my stiff shoulders are getting better. My stiff shoulder seems to be from the posture. I want to go until I get better.
ぶんしのこ on Google

土曜日午後も診察されており助かります! 内装も綺麗で清潔感が有り、気持ち良く治療出来ました。 先生の人柄も良く、話しやすいので通いたくなります。
I am grateful that I have been examined on Saturday afternoon as well! The interior was clean and clean, and I was able to treat it comfortably. The teacher's personality is good and it's easy to talk, so I want to go there.
内藤瑞 on Google

I go to improve my posture. Mainly for training, I have a massage of the shoulder blades and neck. I've been there for about half a year, but the more I can see it, the better my posture is, and the pain in my back and neck is gone! !! Thank you!
優しい塩加減 on Google

やんちゃな子どもたち同伴で伺いましたがとても良くしていただきました。 反り腰や肩こりが気になり行ってみたのですが、要因や大切な事などわかりやすく伝えてくださり嬉しかったです。 健康な体を目指して早速通いたいと思います。
I visited with naughty children and they were very good. I was worried about the warped waist and stiff shoulders, but I was glad that he told me the factors and important things in an easy-to-understand manner. I would like to go there immediately aiming for a healthy body.
佐々木淳 on Google

腰痛がひどくて行きました。 どこが悪くてどうしたら良くなるかを丁寧に説明してくれたので安心できました。腰痛気になるほどではなくなってきたのでここに来て良かったと思います。おすすめです。院長先生も気さくな方で喋りやすくて助かりました。ありがとうございました。
I had a bad backache. I was relieved because he carefully explained what was wrong and how to improve it. I'm glad I came here because I'm not feeling back pain. it's recommended. The director was also friendly and easy to talk to, which was helpful. Thank you very much.
濵上航希 on Google

内装が清潔感がありとても居心地がいいと思いました。院長の人柄も良く知り合いにも紹介しました、その方もよかったと好評でした。 公式LINEも活用しており予約しやすいと感じました。
I thought the interior was clean and very comfortable. I also introduced the director's personality to acquaintances, and it was well received that he was also good. I also used the official LINE and felt that it was easy to make a reservation.
ruka on Google

腰の痛みがあったので、こちらに行ってきました。股関節の硬さや姿勢の悪さなどが原因とのことで施術していただき、痛みが和らぎました! 家でも簡単にできる運動を教えていただけたので、継続してやっていこうと思います! 医院長がとても話しやすく楽しい方なので、整骨院にも通っていきます!これからも治療をよろしくお願いします! LINEで予約が簡単にできるところが魅力的で通いやすいです✨
I had a backache, so I went here. The pain was relieved by the treatment because of the stiffness of the hip joint and poor posture. I was taught an exercise that can be easily done at home, so I will continue to do it! The director of the clinic is very easy to talk to and fun, so I will go to the osteopathic clinic! Thank you for your continued treatment! The place where you can easily make a reservation on LINE is attractive and easy to go to ✨
シオン8 on Google

産後骨盤矯正で行かせていただきました! 気さくな先生でなんでも相談しやすく説明も丁寧で安心して施術を受けることができました。 LINEで予約や相談ができるのもとても便利でした。
I went for postpartum pelvic correction! The friendly teacher made it easy to talk about anything, and the explanations were polite, so I was able to receive the treatment with peace of mind. It was also very convenient to be able to make reservations and consult on LINE.

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