Sakuramoto Orthopedic Clinic - Kurashiki

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Sakuramoto Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

コーポ片山 103 342-3 Nishinaka Shinden, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0833, Japan

電話 : 📞 +887
Postal code : 710-0833
Webサイト :

コーポ片山 103 342-3 Nishinaka Shinden, Kurashiki, Okayama 710-0833, Japan
ゆっきー on Google

妊娠8ヶ月の時に、仕事をしてるせいか腰が痛くて歩く座る立つが辛くて悩んでいた時に妊婦でも見て貰えるとの事で相談させて頂きました。無理のない姿勢で丁寧に施術して頂けますし、色々とアドバイスも貰えて仕事を続ける事が出来ています。通う事でらくになってはいるので産休に入るまでお世話になろうと思っています。 妊娠していると痛みや症状があっても何処に行けばいいのかなとか、断られないかなとかで迷ったりすると思うのでそんな時にオススメの整骨院ですよ。
When I was 8 months pregnant, I consulted with a pregnant woman that she could see me when I was worried because I had a pain in my lower back and walked, but I was having a hard time standing. You can treat it carefully with a reasonable posture, and I am able to continue my work with various advice. I'm getting tired of going to school, so I'll take care of it until I'm on maternity leave. If you are pregnant, even if you have pain or symptoms, you may be wondering where to go or if you can't refuse, so I recommend this osteopathic clinic.
上原春美 on Google

よもぎ蒸しでお世話になってます。 2回目位から体の凝りがやわくなってきてるのに気が付きました。 スタッフさんの気配りや一緒におしゃべりしたりが私にとってすごく癒やしの時間です。ありがとうございます。
I am indebted to you by steaming YOMOGI. From the second time, I noticed that my body became less stiff. Attentiveness of the staff and chatting with them is a very healing time for me. thank you.
のがり on Google

産後、背中・腰・膝が痛かったのですが自分のことは後回しになり気付けば半年くらいは我慢していました。痛みで日常生活にも支障が出てきて 子供も動くようになりこのままじゃ一緒に遊ぶこともできないんじゃないかと不安になりました。 たった一回でも変化が実感できる。というのを見て、こんなに痛いんだから良くならないんじゃないかと思いつつもすがる思いでうかがいました。 お話も丁寧に聞いてくださり、施術を受け痛みが嘘のように軽くなりました。 施術だけでなくセルフケアや筋肉の付け方も教えてくださいました。 施術前は寝転ぶことも起き上がることも何をするにも体が痛く辛かったのですが、あんなに痛かったのにほとんど感じられないくらいになりました。 感謝の気持ちでいっぱいです。 本当にありがとうございました!
After giving birth, I had a pain in my back, lower back, and knees, but I was put off and I had to put up with it for about half a year. The pain has hindered my daily life I was worried that my child would be able to move and I wouldn't be able to play with him as it is. You can feel the change even once. When I saw that, I was wondering if it wouldn't improve because it hurts so much, but I asked him. He listened to the story carefully, and after receiving the treatment, the pain became lighter like a lie. He taught me not only the treatment but also self-care and how to build muscle. Before the procedure, I had a pain in my body to lie down, get up, and do anything, but even though it was so painful, I could hardly feel it. I am filled with gratitude. I'm really thankful to you!
なす on Google

産後、腰痛が気になりお伺いしました。 カウンセリングも施術もとても丁寧で、会話の量などもちょうどよく、全体的に心地いいと感じました。終了後は、身体がとても軽く感じました。 自宅でのストレッチ方法も教えていただきました! また痛みを感じたら早めにお願いしようと思います。
After giving birth, I was worried about back pain. The counseling and treatment were very polite, the amount of conversation was just right, and I felt comfortable overall. After the end, my body felt very light. He also taught me how to stretch at home! If you feel any pain, I'd like to ask you as soon as possible.
クッキー2 on Google

腰痛でお世話になりました。丁寧な説明とともに全身の凝りをほぐしてもらい、終わった後はとても楽に感じました。でも次第に痛みが出てきて、先生から『長年の負担の蓄積でかなり凝りがひどいので、一度では難しい』というような話を聞いてはいたものの、正直『こんなもんなのかな~…』と感じていました。ところが、驚いたのは翌朝です。朝、痛みがひどくなかなか起き上がれなかったのに、さほど痛みも感じず起き上がれ、すぐ体が動くんです!これには驚きよりも、感動でした! せっかくの効果を無駄にしないように、また早めにお世話になろうと思っています。
Thank you for your back pain. I had them relax the stiffness of the whole body with a polite explanation, and after finishing it, I felt very comfortable. However, the pain gradually began to appear, and although I had heard from the teacher that "it is difficult to do it once because it is quite stiff due to the accumulation of burden over many years", I honestly feel "I wonder if this is the case ...". I did. However, I was surprised the next morning. In the morning, I couldn't get up because of the pain, but I didn't feel much pain and got up, and my body moved immediately! This was more impressive than surprised! I will take care of it as soon as possible so as not to waste the effect.
守安香菜絵 on Google

長女の産後からかれこれ4年くらいお世話になっています(^^) その間に次女も生まれました。 よもぎ蒸しを初めてから代謝が良くなり生理周期も把握できぐっすり眠れるようになりました。スタッフの方々も話しやすく子供に対しても優しく接して下さるので子連れの方も通いやすいところが魅力的です。もともと実家から近く通っていましたが引っ越ししても居心地が良いのでずっと通わせてもらっています。
I have been indebted for about 4 years since my eldest daughter gave birth (^^) Meanwhile, my second daughter was born. From the first time I started steaming YOMOGI, my metabolism improved and I was able to grasp the menstrual cycle and sleep soundly. The staff are easy to talk to and treat children kindly, so it is attractive for people with children to go there. Originally I used to go near my parents' house, but I've been able to go there all the time because it's comfortable even if I move.
大村真也 on Google

症状 34歳の時に手術後、約2週間動かない期間あり そのあとから、顔を洗って前屈みになったり、小さな段差に気づかず足をついた時にギックリ腰になり、激痛で動けず 起き上がりができない時もあった 整体•整骨院(2ヶ所共にあんまりにも痛がる為、病院を勧められる)病院でMRIとるも、はっきりとした原因不明のまま、通院(ロキソニンテープ•腰を伸ばす機械に乗る)仕事が忙しくなり、通院しなくなり、友人よりハムストリングの硬直では?と、ヨガを始め、ストレッチ行うといつの間にか改善 良くなってきてから、やめてしまい、 今の仕事に就き、約3年の間は、特別に運動はせず、仕事中だけで、1日一万歩以上歩行 時々起き上がりはつらかった ここ1ヶ月ほど、車から降りる•小さな段差より片足をつく•朝の起き上がり時に前にあった抜けるような感覚 3日前くらいから、1日ひどい時で10回以上抜ける感覚あり 恐怖で、変な歩き方になっている•気づけばお尻に力を入れた状態で歩いていること 藁にもすがる思いで、兄より紹介してもらい、先生に診ていただきました こと細かに話を聞いてもらえて、痛い部分をピンポイントで見つけられていました 素手で触ってもらっているのに、何か硬いもので押されているような、筋を触ってもらっているだけなのに、すりこぎの棒が足の太もも部分に入っているかのような感覚 痛みはあったが、先生の施術に委ねました 約1時間ほどしてもらい、何もなかったかのように痛みが改善されました 次の日の朝は、起き上がりはいつもよりは軽い痛み 筋をしてもらった場所が少し痛みあり 歩き方は、前日に比べて確実に変わりました 椅子に座ると必ず足を組んでいましたが、組むと違和感を感じるようになり、まだ1日目ですが、足を組まなくなりました 昼前から完全に痛みなくなり、家に帰るまで腰の痛みがあったことを忘れていました 腰を意識せずにいられたことだけでも、本当に救われた気持ちです
Symptoms There is a period of about 2 weeks after surgery at the age of 34 After that, when I washed my face and leaned forward, or when I touched my foot without noticing a small step, I got a tight back and could not move due to severe pain. Sometimes I couldn't get up Manipulative treatment • Osteopathic clinic (I recommend a hospital because it hurts so much in both places) I took an MRI at the hospital, but I was busy going to the hospital (loxonin tape • riding a machine to stretch my waist) without a clear cause. No more going to the hospital, hamstring rigidity than a friend? When I started yoga and stretched, it improved before I knew it. After getting better, I stopped, For about 3 years since I got my current job, I didn't exercise specially, and I walked more than 10,000 steps a day just during work. Sometimes it was hard to get up. Get out of the car for the past month or so • Get one foot from a small step • Feel like you're pulling out when you get up in the morning From about 3 days ago, I have a feeling that I will come out more than 10 times in a bad time a day I'm scared and have a strange way of walking. • If you notice, you're walking with your hips focused. I was introduced by my brother and consulted with my teacher because I felt like I was hungry for straw. I was able to pinpoint the painful part by listening to the story in detail. It feels like you're being touched with your bare hands, but you're being pushed by something hard, and you're just touching the muscles, but it's as if a pestle is in your thighs. There was pain, but I left it to the doctor's treatment I had them do it for about an hour and the pain improved as if nothing had happened. The next morning, getting up is a lighter pain than usual. There is a little pain in the place where I got my muscles. The way I walked has definitely changed compared to the day before. I always crossed my legs when I sat in a chair, but when I crossed my legs, I felt a sense of discomfort, and although it was only the first day, I stopped crossing my legs. I forgot that I had a pain in my lower back until I got home. I feel really saved just because I wasn't aware of my waist.
トーマス on Google

まず、効果と共に驚きと喜びでいっぱいです。勇気を出して探して出会えて良かったです。 数年前のギックリ腰が原因で長年腰痛に悩まされていました。痛みは常に動けない程痛いわけではなく、腰が重たい、腰から疲れが溜まるというのが調子が良い時で、酷くなると自分で靴下を履くのが辛い程、腰が痛くなります。これまで別の整骨院で診て貰っていたのですが、診た時から数日は良くなるものの、ある程度期間が過ぎると同じ腰の箇所が同じ症状で徐々にじんわり痛くなり、痛みが増してきます。この繰返しでした。趣味でマラソン(フル、ハーフ)をしており、それなりに生活はできているのですが、この痛みの無限ループが悩みでした。さくらもと先生の所で、筋膜リリースと施術をして頂きまして、痛みの根本が取り除かれた開放感を感じています。久しぶりに腰の痛みを気にしないでハーフのスピードトレーニングが走れました。痛かった箇所(痛みはなくなった)の可動域が広がった気がします。1回の施術で驚きの効果です。これ迄の不摂生もあるのでまたお世話になるかと思います。有難うございました。
First of all, it is full of surprises and joy as well as effects. I'm glad I had the courage to look for it and meet. I had been suffering from back pain for many years because of my back pain a few years ago. The pain is not always so painful that you can't move, and when you're feeling heavy and tired from your lower back, it's so painful that it's hard to put on your own socks. I had been seen at another osteopathic clinic so far, but after a certain period of time, the same waist area gradually became painful with the same symptoms, and the pain increased, although it improved for several days from the time of the examination. increase. This was repeated. I run a marathon (full, half) as a hobby, and I am able to live as it is, but I was worried about this endless loop of pain. At the place of Dr. Sakuramoto, the fascia was released and the treatment was performed, and I feel a sense of openness with the root of the pain removed. For the first time in a long time, I was able to run half-speed training without worrying about lower back pain. I feel that the range of motion of the painful part (the pain has disappeared) has expanded. It is a surprising effect with one treatment. I think that I will be indebted to you again because there are some unhealthy conditions so far. Thank you.

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