Zensanji Temple - Ueda

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Zensanji Temple

住所 :

300 Maeyama, Ueda, Nagano 386-1436, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8888
Postal code : 386-1436
Webサイト : https://www.zensanji.info/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–4PM
Sunday 9AM–4PM
Monday 9AM–4PM
Tuesday 9AM–4PM
Wednesday 9AM–4PM
Thursday 9AM–4PM
Friday 9AM–4PM

300 Maeyama, Ueda, Nagano 386-1436, Japan
七面鳥放浪記 on Google

「未完成の完成の塔」として知られる国重文の三重塔を擁する信州塩野平の名刹です。一番の見ものが三重塔であることは論を待たないものの、それだけの寺院ではありません。 三重塔は冠木門からまっすぐに伸びる参道の先にあります。未完成とは言っても、観心寺の建掛塔とは違って三層目まで造られてはいます。ただ、二層目三層目から伸びた胴貫の上に取り付けられらはずだった廻縁と高欄がなく、シンプルプルプルな印象です。ただ、未完成でありながらも均整が取れているのでいびつな感じはしません。 堂宇は三重塔を中心に配置されていて、本堂と庫裏は山門(薬医門)の反対側、三重塔の方に向いています。 さりとて添えものなどではなく威容十分で見ごたえがあります。庫裏では冬期をのぞき名物のくるみおはぎを提供していて、塩野平を見渡す庭園を愛でながら小腹を満たせます。お値段は七五〇円(二〇二一年五月現在)と高めですが、価格分の満足感は十分にあります。 参拝して楽しく見応えもある寺院ゆえ評価は★四つです。
It is a famous temple of Shinshu Shionodaira, which has a triple tower of Kunishigebun known as an "unfinished completed tower". It's no wonder that the best thing to see is the three-storied pagoda, but it's not the only temple. The three-storied pagoda is at the end of the approach that extends straight from the crown tree gate. Even though it is unfinished, unlike the Kanshinji temple, it is built up to the third floor. However, there is no rim and balustrade that should have been attached on the trunk that extends from the second and third layers, giving a simple pull-pull impression. However, although it is unfinished, it does not feel distorted because it is well-proportioned. Dou is located around the three-storied pagoda, and the main hall and the back of the warehouse face the opposite side of the mountain gate (Yakui-mon), toward the three-storied pagoda. It's not a casual accessory, but it's dignified and impressive. In the back of the kuri, we offer walnut ohagi, which is a specialty except in winter, and you can fill your stomach while admiring the garden overlooking Shionodaira. The price is as high as 750 yen (as of May 2012), but there is enough satisfaction for the price. The temple is fun and spectacular to visit, so it is rated four times.
Hide Miya on Google

令和四年 1月3日 長野御朱印巡り 1人だけ参拝者が居ました♪ 貸し切り状態でしたよ(^^) お正月でしたので、御朱印は書置きでした!!
January 3rd, 4th year of Reiwa, Nagano Goshuin Tour There was only one worshiper ♪ It was in a chartered state (^^) Since it was New Year's Day, the red stamp was written down! !!
Amaryllis on Google

It is a temple of the Shingon sect Chiyama school in the southern part of Ueda city, and the main hall and the three-storied pagoda with thatched roof are very wonderful. The atmosphere of the approach is also nice. The surrounding area was very beautiful as the autumn leaves started a little earlier than Kanto.
ken n on Google

荘厳なお寺や見所の三重塔が古くからの歴史を物語ります。 今はまだお花見日和ではないようでしてが、季節問わず景観を楽しめそうです。 近くに最近オープンしたカフェもあるそうです。
The majestic temples and the three-storied pagoda of the highlight tell the story of ancient history. It doesn't seem like it's a sunny day for cherry blossom viewing yet, but it seems that you can enjoy the scenery regardless of the season. There is also a recently opened cafe nearby.
Tonobo Natu on Google

思っていた以上に素晴らしい?場所です?。 <参 道>からの紅葉?が綺麗で、高樹齢な銀杏の大木?がイエローCOLOR?に色付いていて、素敵な雰囲気でした❗。 <参 道>の並木は、樹齢350年の松並木が六本あり、大きな欅も含め市内最古にて、上田市の指定記念物?に成っている様子です?。 遠足かな?先生方が引率している生徒達?が来ていて、景色?を楽しんでいる様子ですね。 <境 内>の奥に、国の重要文化財?≪三重の塔≫があり、室町時代から完成を待っている、昭和10年に解体修理した[未完の建造物]との由。 ソコにアル銀杏?も、観るものの心を溶かす様な、美しいまっ黄色の葉?を着飾っています。 紅葉?の季節は、間違いなく、特別な《御 寺》に変身ですね??✌️。 今回は立ち寄る予定には無かったのですが、運善く、車で《別所温泉?♨️?》に向かう途中に、道路にサインボードが出ていました。 興味は有りましたが何処なのか探す時間が無くて諦めていました。 其の意味でも、来寺出来て良かったと、嬉しい??気持ちが沸き上がりました?‼️。 ありがとうございました‼️。
Greater than I expected ? It's a place ?. The autumn leaves ? from the were beautiful, and the old ginkgo tree ? was colored in yellow COLOR ?, which was a wonderful atmosphere ❗. The row of trees on the is the oldest in the city, including six 350-year-old pine trees, and it seems that it is a designated memorial of Ueda City ? ?. Is it an excursion? It seems that the students ? led by the teachers are coming and enjoying the scenery ?. There is a national important cultural property ? > in the back of the , and it is said that it was a [unfinished building] that was dismantled and repaired in 1945, which has been waiting for completion since the Muromachi period. Al Ginkgo ? is also dressed in beautiful yellow leaves ? that melts the heart of what you see. The season of autumn leaves ? is definitely transformed into a special "temple" ??✌️. I didn't plan to stop by this time, but fortunately, there was a signboard on the road on the way to "Bessho Onsen ?♨️?". I was interested, but I gave up because I didn't have time to find out where. In that sense as well, I was happy to be able to visit the temple ?? I was excited ?‼ ️. thank you very much! ️.
Bitz Alex on Google

Such a beautiful place and a very clean surroundings
Shao Ting Hoong on Google

Nicknamed the "Temple of Flowers", the combination of the pagoda, wisteria and azaleas in late spring is gorgeous. The pagoda is a designated National Important Cultural Property, and the walking path near the temple is also known for hydrangeas in summer.
aaron meldahl on Google

A wonderful, quiet, and historic temple in a somewhat remote area. It has a number of interesting features, such as an outer wall like a castle with openings to shoot through, a three-tiered pagoda, and an inner garden you can view while eating 'ohagi' sweets in walnut sauce. The latter are only available mid-March to November, but not on Fridays (except for a few times -- we went on a Friday before a holiday and were lucky!). Deserves to be better-known, but was so amazing to basically have the place to ourselves on a Friday afternoon.

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