Zenkou - Nagano

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Zenkou

住所 :

カーサ深沢 1F 1021-22 Kurita, Nagano, 380-0921, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 380-0921
Webサイト : http://zenkousoba.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 11AM–2PM
Tuesday 11AM–2PM
Wednesday 11AM–2PM
Thursday 11AM–2PM
Friday 11AM–2PM

カーサ深沢 1F 1021-22 Kurita, Nagano, 380-0921, Japan
慎一郎菅野 on Google

ランチタイムに伺いました。 駅から近いこともあって駐車場が心配でしたが、しっかりと5台(?)確保されていて停められました。 店に入ってまず目に入るのが、徹底された感染対策。手指消毒から始まって検温〜一人一人でキチンと区切られたアクリルボード・シートの数々。感染対策に厳しめの人でも納得の対応状況ではないでしょうか。 家内は天ざる、私はざるそば(大盛り)を注文しました。 お蕎麦は細目でエッジもたっていて、硬さも(私には)ちょうど良く感じられました。美味しかったです。長野市のお蕎麦屋さんは「蕎麦は美味しいけど、つゆが…」と言うお店が多い中、こちらのぜんこうさんはとても美味しく感じられました。 何より長野市のお蕎麦屋さんは観光地故か「値段が高い!」と敬遠気味でしたが、こちらはリーズナブルなお値段設定で、トータルの満足度もとても高いです。 お蕎麦以外のメニューも大変充実していたので、次は丼物を頂きに伺いたいと思います。
I visited at lunch time. I was worried about the parking lot because it was close to the station, but it was parked with 5 cars (?) Secured. The first thing you see when you enter the store is thorough infection control. Starting from hand disinfection, temperature measurement-Acrylic boards and sheets that are separated from each other by each person. Even people who are strict about infection control may be satisfied with the situation. My wife is Tenzaru, I ordered Zaru soba (large serving). The buckwheat was fine and edgy, and the hardness was just right (to me). It was delicious. There are many soba restaurants in Nagano that say, "Soba is delicious, but soba is ...", but this Zenkou-san felt very delicious. Above all, the soba restaurant in Nagano City was a little shy because it was a tourist spot, but the price was reasonable and the total satisfaction was very high. The menu other than soba was also very substantial, so I would like to ask for a bowl next time.
なつめろりん on Google

安くて美味しいお蕎麦屋さん✨ 一品料理でお酒飲んで、締めにザル蕎麦をいただきました(^^) 次回は天ぷらの盛合せ頼まなきゃ♪ また、行きます!
八百谷真 on Google

ざるを頂きました。 蕎麦はコンビニ弁当タイプの庶民的なツルシコ食感ですが細く切られていてコシもありエッジも効いているため、食感や喉越しは良いです。風味は11月にしては弱めです。 つゆは甘め。 つゆがもう少しキリっと強ければ蕎麦を補えたように感じます。 気軽に入れるお店の雰囲気が特に良いですね。 店員さんの感じの良さにびっくりしました。
I got a colander. Soba is a convenience store bento type with a common smooth texture, but it is finely chopped and has a chewy texture and an edge, so the texture and throat are good. The flavor is weak for November. The soup is sweet. If the soup is a little stronger, it feels like you have supplemented the soba noodles. The atmosphere of the shop where you can casually enter is especially good. I was surprised at how good the clerk felt.
K S on Google

Since I came to Nagano prefecture, I searched for Shinshu soba and Google MAP. While looking at the parking lot and word of mouth. It was a nice shop. Perhaps because I'm used to Niigata's funori soba, I felt it was a light soba.
Ken’s-21 on Google

I stopped by for a drink alone at night. It was quite busy at dinner time, but the counter was open so I could start drinking alone with confidence. On the way, I forgot the brand of sake I got, but it was reasonable and delicious. It was crowded and the timing of the release was not good, but overall it was good. I want to eat hand towel soba next time (^^)
ヤスケン吉光 on Google

長野駅近く、いわゆるあんまり栄えてない方の出口から歩いてすぐ。地元の定食屋さん感がある小さなお蕎麦屋さん。 観光地価格ではない安心のお値段で信州そば食べれます。 上を言えばきりがないが天ざる990円は営業努力の賜物でしょうよ。おいしかったです。
Near Nagano Station, just a short walk from the so-called less prosperous exit. A small soba restaurant with the feeling of a local set meal restaurant. You can eat Shinshu soba at a safe price that is not a tourist spot price. There is no end to the above, but the 990 yen that is heavenly is probably the result of sales efforts. It was delicious.
Ong Eng Hong on Google

Amazing Ten Don
Yishi Li on Google

Great food at a really good price!

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