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Contact ZELMO 渋谷店

住所 :

Shibuya, Shibuya City, 〒150-0002 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89777
Webサイト : https://zelmo.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–7PM
Sunday 10AM–7PM
Monday 10AM–9PM
Tuesday 10AM–9PM
Wednesday 10AM–9PM
Thursday 10AM–9PM
Friday 10AM–9PM
街 : Tokyo

Shibuya, Shibuya City, 〒150-0002 Tokyo,Japan
satoshi nakayama on Google

VIO脱毛とアロママッサージとフェイシャルのコースを施術してもらいましたが、料金はいずれもキャンペーン価格で受けられておりお得ですし、効果も感じます。 スタッフの方がとても親身で心地が良く、行く日がいつも楽しみです!
I had VIO hair removal, aroma massage and facial courses, but all of them are available at the campaign price, so it is a good deal and I feel the effect. The staff are very friendly and comfortable, and I'm always looking forward to the day I go!
Hiroyasu 954 on Google

I have hair loss on my face. This is the 11th time, but the results are definitely seen on the cheeks and submandibular gland. It seems that you need to go to the mouth a little more, but the staff's response is bright and very pleasant, so I recommend it!
Tsuyoshi Suzuki on Google

中村謙 on Google

今回は足の脱毛と髭の脱毛をして頂きました。全く痛くないので初めての方でも安心して通えます! スタッフの皆さんの対応も素晴らしいのでぜひ一度通ってみて下さい。
This time, I had my legs and beard removed. It doesn't hurt at all, so even beginners can go with confidence! The correspondence of the staff is also wonderful, so please come and visit us.
スー過去 on Google

VIO光脱毛平日金曜夕方に体験しました。 他のお客様もいなかったので静かな感じでした 格好はほぼ裸でタオルを置く中々なれない格好だったので 戸惑いましたが、担当してもらった元吉さんの 手際よい処置でよかったです。 まだ、1回目なので結果わかりませんが、 すべすべな体をめざしてみます
I experienced VIO light hair removal on weekday Friday evening. It was quiet because there were no other customers I was almost naked and I couldn't put a towel on it. I was confused, but Mr. Motoyoshi, who was in charge of it, I'm glad that the treatment was quick. I don't know the result because it is the first time, I will aim for a smooth body
みひ on Google

2回目の全身光脱毛で利用しました。 痛くないかなど丁寧に聴いて頂けて良かったです。 またどんな感じか様子を見たいと思います。
I used it for the second whole body photoepilation. I'm glad that you listened carefully to see if it hurt. I would like to see how it feels again.
yuji Ogiso on Google

VIO光脱毛キャンペ施術を施術を受けました。とても静かで落ち着いた雰囲気のお店です。他のお客様とニアミスすることなくとても安心して 施術を受けられます。話も親身に聴いて下さりありがとうございました。とても丁寧でやさしく緊張を和らげて下さり無事に施術が終ったときは本契約決めてました!こちらに来るまで1年以上かかりましたが(恥ずかしい、反応したらどうしよう、とかなかなか踏み出せず)もしそういう人がいましたら大丈夫なので早くいったほうがいいです!
I received a VIO photo-epilation campaign. It is a very quiet and calm atmosphere. Very safe without making near misses with other customers You can receive treatment. Thank you for listening to the story. It was very polite and gentle to relieve tension, and when the treatment was completed successfully, I decided on this contract! It took me more than a year to come here (it's embarrassing, I can't really step forward if I react), but if there is such a person, it's okay, so it's better to go early!
骨折亭脱臼 on Google

I had the treatment for the first time after counseling. The fee for each treatment and service is clear, and I was forced to recommend more services than I needed, and when I noticed, the total payment amount did not increase, and I was able to make a comfortable contract. rice field. There was no pain of beard hair loss, and the explanation of the introduction was easy to understand. Due to the aftereffects of past injuries, the swelling of the right thigh was severe, but after 60 minutes of aroma massage with beard hair removal, the leg became lighter. It was good that he talked to me in various ways so that I could relax during the procedure. Thank you for your continued support.

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