メンズ眉毛サロン LINK(リンク)

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact メンズ眉毛サロン LINK(リンク)

住所 :

Shibuya, Shibuya City, 〒150-0002 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://link-menseyebrow.com/
街 : Tokyo

Shibuya, Shibuya City, 〒150-0002 Tokyo,Japan
もけけもけ on Google

とても眉毛を格好良くしてもらいました! その日友達に今日格好良くない?と言われて眉毛のお陰だなと思いました! また、お願いしたいです!
I had my eyebrows look very good! Isn't it cool to your friends that day? I thought it was because of my eyebrows! Also, I would like to ask!
ksm szk on Google

It was difficult to arrange by myself, so I went to the eyebrow salon for the first time! It felt very good when I had a professional perform the procedure! I will go again!
佐藤直哉 on Google

今まで自分なりに整えていましたが、やっぱりプロの方と相談しながら整えるとかっこよくなります。 自分の場合眉毛を抜きすぎていたので、眉毛を復活させつつ、LINKさんで形を整えて行きたいと思います。
Until now, I had prepared it myself, but after all it will be cooler if I arrange it in consultation with a professional. In my case, I had pulled out my eyebrows too much, so I would like to revive my eyebrows and shape them with LINK.
Yuki H on Google

はじめて眉毛サロンに来ました! 落ち着いた空間で感染症対策もしっかりしていて、スタッフさんもすごく親切でした! すごく綺麗に眉毛を整えてくださり、大満足です。 リピーターになります!
I came to the eyebrow salon for the first time! In a calm space, the measures against infectious diseases were solid, and the staff were very kind! I am very satisfied with the beautiful eyebrows. Become a repeater!
まーちん on Google

初めての眉毛サロンで緊張しましたが、感染症対策もしっかりしてて安心したのと、店員さんが親身になってカウンセリングしてくれて、何もわからない自分にも優しくて(笑)とってもかっこいい眉毛にしてくれました!! 価格もお財布に優しく、通いやすいのも最高です。 月一で通います!
I was nervous at the eyebrow salon for the first time, but I was relieved that I was well prepared for infectious diseases, and the clerk gave me counseling, and I was kind to myself who didn't understand anything (laughs). Very cool eyebrows. He did it! !! The price is also easy on your wallet, and it's great that you can easily go there. I go there once a month!
佐藤健太 on Google

初めての来店。 スタッフの技術力はかなり高い。スタッフさんは、元々何年も男性専門の眉毛サロンで働いていたとのこと。店舗は駅から近く、店内もとても綺麗だった。 細すぎる眉毛は嫌だったが、要望通りにいい感じに仕上げて頂いた。接客態度も良く、是非リピートしたい。
First visit. The technical skills of the staff are quite high. The staff originally worked at an eyebrow salon specializing in men for many years. The store was close to the station and the inside was very beautiful. I didn't like the eyebrows that were too thin, but they made it look good as requested. The customer service attitude is also good, and I definitely want to repeat it.
hiroki takeuti on Google

I used to go to the eyebrow salon, but of course my eyebrows have become cooler, but I was impressed by the fact that my eyebrows last longer than usual! I wondered if the staff's skills were good because they did it carefully. I finally found a store that suits me.
宮内 on Google

今まで自分で自己処理してたのですが今回初めて眉毛サロンに行き印象がかなり変わったし周りからも好印象で嬉しかったです。初め緊張しましたが担当してくれた方が丁寧な方でよかったです! 今後も自分でできなそうなのでこれからお世話になりたいです。
I used to do my own treatment myself, but this time I went to the eyebrow salon for the first time and my impression changed considerably, and I was happy with the good impression from the people around me. I was nervous at first, but I'm glad that the person in charge was polite! It seems that I will not be able to do it myself in the future, so I would like to take care of it from now on.

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