Zazamaru - Fujisawa

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Zazamaru

住所 :

1 Chome-6-7 Enoshima, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0036, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 251-0036

1 Chome-6-7 Enoshima, Fujisawa, Kanagawa 251-0036, Japan
S K on Google

駐車場から江ノ島を散策していて、たまたま入ったのですが、この店は大当たり!料理が美味いのなんの。 今後も江ノ島へ行った際は必ず寄りたい店となりました。接客も良く大満足でした。 とても良い店を発見しました。
I happened to enter Enoshima while walking around Enoshima from the parking lot, but this store is a big hit! The food is delicious. Whenever I go to Enoshima, I definitely want to stop by. The customer service was also good and I was very satisfied. I found a very good store.
ふるふるりゅちゃみ on Google

お兄さんに呼び込みされて店内へ? 犬も連れて行けるということで外の席でランチしました! 朝仕入れたいい魚だよと言われサーモン丼を頼みましたがこれまた美味しくてびっくり!!
I was invited by my brother and went into the store ? I had lunch at the outside seat because I could take my dog ​​with me! I was told that it was a good fish to buy in the morning and asked for a salmon bowl, but it was also delicious and I was surprised! !!
昭和のマリリン on Google

『まぐろ膳チーズ入りカツ』を頂きました。一品一品が丁寧でボリュームが有り大変美味しかったです。しらすご飯やサラダにもしらすがたっぷり♪是非、また湘南に来たら寄らせていただきます。 後日、平日限定『鮪の生姜焼き定食』を頂きました。生しらす♪美味しかったです♪
I received "Tuna set cheese-filled cutlet". Each item was polite and voluminous, and it was very delicious. Shirasu There is plenty of shirasu for rice and salad ♪ By all means, I will stop by when I come to Shonan again. Later, I had a weekday limited "Tuna ginger-grilled set meal". Shirasu ♪ It was delicious ♪
西山由紀子 on Google

たまにlunchに伺うお店に成ります。初めて行った時は「見本やメニューは大盛りに写ってるけど、実際はねぇ??」って思って注文したら…‼️… まぁビックリ?⤴️⤴️ メニューの写真通り❣️ もしかしたら其れ以上かもです?? 此れならお値段も決して高くは無いと思います✨ そして店員さんの明るくて気持ちの良さは、海と江ノ島にぴったりと有って「また来よう?」って思わせてくれるお店です? 江ノ島なので駐車場はパーキングに成りますが、江ノ島探索も出来ますし、のんびりと1日を過ごすのにお薦めです?
It will be a shop that occasionally visits lunch. When I went there for the first time, I thought, "The samples and menus are in a large size, but in reality, ??" and ordered ...‼ ️… Well surprised ?⤴️⤴️ As shown in the menu picture ❣️ Maybe more than that ?? I don't think the price is high in this case. And the cheerful and pleasant feeling of the clerk is a shop that is perfect for the sea and Enoshima and makes me think "Let's come again ?" ? Since it is Enoshima, the parking lot will be parking, but you can also explore Enoshima and it is recommended to spend a relaxing day ?
Quoc Nguyen on Google

Everything was good for us.
emerson tan on Google

Great food.
Ryan Demond on Google

I had the Tuna steak with miso sauce. It was good but you could loose the mayonnaise. Terrace was great for my dogs and they have heaters during the winter.
小花Tammy on Google

Great taste, fresh fish, nice outdoor seats with the sea view

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