Yushoken Omagari - Daisen

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yushoken Omagari

住所 :

8-3 Miharacho, Daisen, Akita 014-0003, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 014-0003
Webサイト : https://yushouken-oomagari.business.site/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–8:30PM
Sunday 11AM–8:30PM
Monday 11AM–3PM
Tuesday 11AM–3PM
Wednesday 11AM–3PM
Thursday 11AM–3PM
Friday 11AM–3PM

8-3 Miharacho, Daisen, Akita 014-0003, Japan
沼澤康之 on Google

Fuji Ramen ? It looks super large, but it was eaten with plenty of vegetables. It was delicious.
M I on Google

つけ麺なのか、二郎系なのか、売りはイマイチわからなかった。味はまぁ無難。 つけ麺にしても二郎系にしても、この麺ではちょっとパンチが弱いとは思った。 あと席を立ってスープ割りをわざわざ取ってまで飲みたいスープではなかった。
I didn't know whether it was tsukemen or Jiro. The taste is okay. I thought that this noodle was a bit weak in both tsukemen and Jiro. It wasn't the soup that I wanted to drink until I got out of the seat and picked up the broth.
chieko 1963 on Google

Cold Shimazu soba, spicy miso flavor. Mix well. Thick noodles are average and full. The taste was strong, but it was delicious.
YU A on Google

ひさびさでしたが、美味しかったです。 ちょうど、寒い時でもあり、寒い時は やはり、麺かなぁ?
It was lonely, but it was delicious. It ’s just cold, and when it ’s cold, After all, I wonder if it's noodles ?
JK 。 on Google

秋田宮城山形の優勝軒を食べ歩きました。 いつも富士ラーメンしか食べませんが大曲店が一番美味しかったです。 秋田県のお食事券を使えば実質3割引きで食べられます。
I ate around the winning eaves of Akita Miyagi Yamagata. I always eat only Fuji ramen, but the Omagari store was the most delicious. If you use a meal voucher from Akita prefecture, you can actually get a 30% discount.
アッチK on Google

I went there in the evening, but there were many young customers. I was a little surprised even though the ramen soup was low.
高山博之 on Google

普段あまりチェーン店には行かないのですが、時間がなくて探すのも面倒なので、通りすがりに目についたので入店。3度目の訪問です。 ご存知でしょうが「特製もりそば」を看板メニューに、全国展開しているお店。最近では、野菜が山の様に盛られた「富士ラーメン」も有名ですね。 メニューに悩んでたら、期間限定メニューで「カラシビラーメン」とあったので、オーダー!山椒好きなので、やはり見逃せません(笑) もりそば同様、かなりコシの強いモチモチ縮れ麺は、相変わらず食べ応えがあります。 スープは、唐辛子をたっぷり効かせた味噌味。花椒・山椒入りと書かれてましたが、山椒の味はそれ程強くないですね。できれば、もう少し強い方が嬉しいのですが( ̄▽ ̄;) まあ、オーダーの際、山椒強めで!と頼めば良かっただけですけどね。花椒は…どんな味か分からないので、何とも(笑) チェーン店だけあって、安定の味で外れないので、安心して入れるお店です。売りの特製もりそば始め、普通のスタイルのラーメンも豊富で、ご家族で行くにもお勧めですね(^ ^)
I don't usually go to chain stores so much, but I don't have time to find them, so I found myself passing by, so I entered the store. This is my third visit. As you may know, this shop has "Special Morisoba" as its signboard menu and is open nationwide. Recently, "Fuji Ramen", which is filled with vegetables like a mountain, is also famous. When I was worried about the menu, the limited-time menu said "Karashibi Ramen", so I ordered it! I like Japanese pepper, so I can't miss it (laughs) Like Morisoba, the chewy curly noodles are still very chewy and satisfying to eat. The soup is miso flavored with plenty of pepper. It was written that it contained Chinese pepper and Japanese pepper, but the taste of Japanese pepper is not so strong. If possible, I'd be happy if it's a little stronger ( ̄ ▽  ̄;) Well, when ordering, use stronger sansho! I should have just asked. I don't know what the taste of Chinese pepper is, so I don't know (laughs) There are only chain stores, and the taste is stable, so you can enter with confidence. Starting with the special Morisoba for sale, there are plenty of ordinary style ramen, so it is recommended for families (^ ^)
りぃだ on Google

It is a series of Daishoken, which is familiar with special Morisoba, but I got Fuji Soba. The bean sprouts are messed up and you can't eat them unless you divide them into separate plates. The soup with plenty of lard and the thick noodles are full, but not so much. Garlic has a brown miso flavor and is easy to eat.

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