Yurindo LaLaport Tachikawa Tachini Store

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yurindo LaLaport Tachikawa Tachini Store

住所 :

Izumicho, Tachikawa, 〒190-0015 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8998
Webサイト : https://www.yurindo.co.jp/store/tokyo-tachihi/
街 : Tokyo

Izumicho, Tachikawa, 〒190-0015 Tokyo,Japan
Ria Tonoi on Google

子供向けの本が手に取りやすいようにおいてありとても良いです。 横にカフェがあり本が読めるのもいいのですがお買い物忙しくてついぞ利用したことありません
It is very good that children's books are easy to pick up. There is a cafe next to it and it's nice to be able to read books, but I've never used it because I'm busy shopping.
ひろ佐藤 on Google

There are takeaways such as coffee. Books from infants to the elderly are lined up as needed.
芝池宏樹 on Google

陳列は新刊がわかりやすく、工夫してあります。品ぞろえは、普通程度だと思います。モリタウンのくまざわ書店には遠く及びません。 コロナ禍においては、店内の読書スペースもキッズスペースも閉鎖され、あまりメリットはありません。逆にそのスペースが邪魔で、2メートルの間隔も相まって、レジ待ちが長蛇になります。 文具類もところ狭しと並び、通路も狭く、不適切です。特に通路の真ん中に陳列されているのは、邪魔で仕方ありません。 飲み物の販売がありますが、写真のように片付けが追いつかず、放置されていましたが、最近は片付けられています。 レジ上の換気口のあたりがホコリまみれで、不潔に感じていましたが、掃除がされるようになりました。 相変わらず気になったのは、レジのレイアウトです。まず、レジの間口が狭く、何か聞こうにも、顔を近づけなければいけないので、不適切です。次に、店員が商品を扱うときに、振り返って後ろの棚に移動したり、他の店員の後ろを横切ったり、そのため他の店員と交錯したりと、おそらく店員の動線がまったく考えられていない、非効率な構造をしているものと思われます。そのおかげで、レジ待ちの長蛇が助長されます。さらに、写真にある客側の棚が低すぎ、そして狭すぎのため、エコバッグなどの柔らかいものを置くと、スルスル滑って不安定で、使い物になりません。そのため、上の棚にエコバッグを乗せようとしますが、狭すぎなのと、今度は高すぎのため、こちらも役に立ちません。 以前、喫茶店のようなスペースだったのをそのまま活用したと聞いていますが、本屋としてはいまいちと感じていましたが、清潔に保たれるようになって、まあ普通の本屋さんになりました。
The display is designed so that the new issue is easy to understand. I think the product lineup is normal. It is not far from the Kumazawa bookstore in Mori Town. In Corona, the reading space and kids space in the store are closed, so there is not much merit. On the contrary, the space is an obstacle, and the interval of 2 meters makes waiting for the cash register long. Stationery is also narrowly lined up, and the passage is narrow, which is inappropriate. Especially, the one displayed in the middle of the aisle is an obstacle. Drinks are on sale, but as you can see in the photo, they couldn't keep up and were left unattended, but recently they have been cleaned up. The area around the ventilation opening on the cash register was covered with dust, which made me feel unclean, but now it is being cleaned. I was still interested in the layout of the cash register. First of all, the frontage of the cash register is narrow, and you have to bring your face close to ask something, so it is inappropriate. Next, when the clerk handles the product, he looks back and moves to the back shelf, crosses behind the other clerk, and therefore crosses with the other clerk, probably the flow line of the clerk is completely considered. It seems that it has an inefficient structure. Thanks to that, the long wait for the cash register is encouraged. In addition, the shelves on the customer side in the photo are too low and too narrow, so if you put a soft object such as an eco bag on it, it will slip and become unstable and unusable. Therefore, I try to put an eco bag on the upper shelf, but this is also useless because it is too narrow and this time it is too expensive. I heard that I used the space like a coffee shop as it was before, but I felt that it was not good as a bookstore, but now it is kept clean and it has become a normal bookstore. ..
ミキティ on Google

I stopped by to buy a children's picture book. The male clerk was kind to everyone. The female clerk has a mistake in how to deal with it.
アリタリア璃子 on Google

Since I went there for the first time, I didn't know where it was, but the stationery products were in their own way. The set products for the New Year were sold at a bargain price.
on Google

車椅子には広くて見やすいかも。 高い場所や捜し物してる時に、開店当初にはなかった、カフェみたいなのもあるから、スタッフが居ない。 本を探しているのか、スタッフを探しているのかわからなくなるのが痛い。
It may be wide and easy to see in a wheelchair. There is no staff because there is a cafe that was not there at the beginning of the store when I was looking for something in a high place. It hurts not knowing if I'm looking for a book or a staff member.
wings wind on Google

えんぴつに、刻印サービスされてます。期限がありますが。 進級する子どもにも嬉しいサービスです。
The pencil is engraved. There is a deadline. It is a nice service for children who are going to advance.
m y on Google

品揃えはららぽーとにあるくらいだから普通で、絵本や子供向けコーナーが充実してるくらいです。バイトのお兄さんお姉さんも普通。ですが、店員のお一方(社員の方?)の対応がとても丁寧だったのが印象的でした。 私の前に並んでいた、車椅子に乗られている方への対応がとても素敵で、決してレジカウンター越しの高いところから会話することなく、一々車椅子の前に回って膝を曲げて、レジ袋の種類などの確認をしていました。日曜の忙しい時間帯にそんな丁寧な対応ができるなんて、見習いたいものだと感じます。
The assortment is as normal as it is in LaLaport, and there are plenty of picture books and children's corners. The older brother and sister of the part-time job are also normal. However, it was impressive that one of the clerk (employee?) Was very polite. The correspondence to the person in a wheelchair who was lined up in front of me was very nice, I never talked from a high place over the shopping counter, I went around in front of the wheelchair one by one, bent my knees, and the shopping bag I was checking the type of wheelchair. I feel that I want to be an apprentice to be able to respond politely during busy hours on Sundays.

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