
3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 北海道食市

住所 :

Yurakucho, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0006 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : https://yokocholover.com/store/32
街 : Tokyo

Yurakucho, Chiyoda City, 〒100-0006 Tokyo,Japan
宮藤圭 on Google

色んな噂がある 最近できた宮下パーク行ってきました! 結論、まだ グーグルや食べログで書かれている通りです。。。 久しぶりに 真面目に書きますが 皆さんが だいたい最後に期待を込めて書いてある 「頑張ってください!」応援レビューの 一か月後くらいに行ったのですが何も変わらずです。 やはり 料理提供が遅いので 料理写真もドリンク写真も撮れません笑 また、 写真と実物のギャップ ボリュームと値段設定のギャップ これもまた皆さんが書いてある通り そして、人が足りていないのかな? と思ってたら外で談笑しているスタッフを見ます。 うーむ、難しい。 テーマパークに来ている感覚で 価格やボリューム、味を考えないとしたら (飲食店としてどうかとは思いますが、、、) せめて提供スピードと接客は頑張ってもらいたいと思う今日この頃でした。 課題がある事は良いこと! ごちそうさまでしたーーー!!!
There are various rumors I went to Miyashita Park which was recently opened! Conclusion, still As written in Google and Tabelog. .. .. after a long time I will write it seriously You guys It's written with expectations at the end "Please do your best!" Support review I went there about a month later, but nothing has changed. also Because the food is served late I can't take food or drink photos lol Also, The gap between the photo and the real thing Volume and pricing gap This is also as you wrote And is there not enough people? When I think about it, I see the staff chatting outside. Hmmm, difficult. Feel like you're at a theme park If you don't think about price, volume, and taste (I think it's a restaurant, but ...) It was around this time that I would like you to do your best in providing speed and customer service at least. It's good to have challenges! Thank you for your feast! !! !!
N Saka on Google

ビックリする位、大失敗でした! 緊急事態宣言中ではありますが…… 久しぶりの日本だし、銀座!! ウキウキして、生ビールを飲めるお店を探してふらふら。 お祭りの様な、一見明るい雰囲気に誘われて入店したのが失敗でした。 まず、生をひと口。ん?妙な酸味が、、 まあ、この状況で文句は言えない。とゴクリ 先付けに梅水晶など、料理は最初に全てオーダー。 しかし、出てこない。出てこない。 お通しは早かったが、刺身のつま?の様なワカメ…(請求399円!!) 他のお客さんは3人組みのサラリーマンのみ。 ラーメンのオーダーだけ。 10分位して、やっと梅水晶到着。続けてお刺身。お寿司と続く。味はまあまあ。 そこからが最悪! 2本目に頼んだ瓶ビールが激ぬるい。 持ってきたのは女の子。 お酒飲む人の気持ち分かってないんだろな… そして、酷いのが串焼き! オーダーして40分は経っているのに出てこない。 途中、焼き物は?と聞いたら、もうすぐです!と言われたのに。 混んでいたらまだしも、ガランとしているのにスタッフ5人。 でも、出てこない!わざと?!笑 細かい事が積み重なり、1秒でも早く店を出たくなり焼き物のお金は払って食べずに退散。 店員はすみませんでした。のひと言もなく、変な客だったな!位の感覚でしょう! みんな他人事な雰囲気のバイト店員ばかりですから。 雰囲気は良いから、友人達が日本に来たら連れて行きたい!と思ってたのは大間違いでした。 場所だけは良いし、お酒も飲めるし、何となくつられて入店する人が多いんでしょうね。 こんな愚痴、わざわざ書きたくなかったですが、同じ思いはしてほしくないので書き込みます!! それでも!と興味がある方はぜひ!笑笑
It was a big mistake to be surprised! Although it is in the state of emergency ... It's been a long time in Japan, Ginza! !! I'm excited and wandering around looking for a shop where I can drink draft beer. It was a failure to enter the store because of the seemingly bright atmosphere like a festival. First, take a bite of raw. Hmm? The strange acidity ... Well, I can't complain in this situation. And Gollum All dishes are ordered first, such as plum crystal in advance. However, it does not come out. It does not come out. It was quick to get through, but is it sashimi? Wakame seaweed like ... (Billing 399 yen !!) Other customers are only three-person office workers. Only order ramen. After about 10 minutes, I finally arrived at Ume Crystal. Continue to sashimi. Followed by sushi. The taste is ok. The worst from there! The second bottle of beer I ordered is extremely lukewarm. I brought a girl. I don't understand the feelings of drinkers ... And the terrible thing is skewers! It's been 40 minutes since I ordered it, but it doesn't come out. What about pottery on the way? I heard that it's coming soon! I was told. If it's crowded, there are 5 staff members even though it's still empty. But it doesn't come out! On purpose? !! Lol The details piled up, and I wanted to leave the store as soon as possible, so I paid for the pottery and left without eating. I'm sorry for the clerk. It was a strange customer without a word! It's a sense of rank! All of them are part-time clerk with a different atmosphere. The atmosphere is good, so I want to take my friends when they come to Japan! It was a big mistake to think. Only the place is good, you can drink alcohol, and there are many people who enter the store somehow. I didn't want to bother to write such a complaint, but I don't want you to feel the same, so I will write it! !! Still! If you are interested, please do! LOL
Saito Hiroyuki on Google

Although it was just opened, it was the worst restaurant I visited recently. I will never go there again and I would definitely not recommend it to anyone else. It should be noted that the clerk did not come back easily at the time of table checkout, and "the credit card was mistakenly given to another customer." I don't really understand what it means, and I'm horrified to think that the customer would just leave the store. I made a mistake in serving the food many times, the food was served too late, and after all, the accounting was wrong. You should always check at the time of checkout that there is no difference between the checkout and the order details. Also, I was worried that the clerk with tattoos on both arms was serving customers. The volume of the food is less than that of the menu photo, and the overall impression is that it is expensive.
ひろみや on Google

ランチだと言うのに、ヒトがほとんどいません。穴場です。 刺身定食1,000円。副菜が嬉しいですね。お刺身は普通。
There are few people to say lunch. It is a secret place. Sashimi set meal 1,000 yen. The side dish is nice. Sashimi is normal.
Tomokatsu Okuya on Google

ランチ豚丼をいただきました 不味くはないんだけど、ご飯ベチャベチャだったし、ただの豚丼(十勝豚丼ではない)で1,299円はぼったくりだとおもいますよ しかもご飯大盛り300円もぼったくりだよね
I had lunch pork bowl It's not bad, but the rice was messy, and I think that 1,299 yen is a rip-off for just a pork bowl (not a Tokachi pork bowl). Moreover, a large serving of rice for 300 yen is a rip-off.
NANA PIKA on Google

What happens in this emergency! Until now, it was open 24 hours a day!
鈴木彰 on Google

何も書いてないハイボールと言うメニューがあるのに、ハイボールと頼むと高い余市のハイボールが来ます。 確認してもうちはフツーが余市ですと言われました。 最低な店です。
There is a menu called highball with nothing written on it, but if you ask for highball, you will get a highball from Yoichi. Even after checking, I was told that Futu was in Yoichi. The worst store.
moe on Google

北海道料理がひととおり食べられるお店。 お刺身が新鮮で美味しいけど、雲丹はイマイチ。 ただ炒飯とシャリのご飯がかなり柔らかく、たまたまかもしれませんが少し残念でした。 雰囲気を楽しむお店という感じです。
A restaurant where you can eat all the Hokkaido cuisine. The sashimi is fresh and delicious, but the sea urchin is not good. However, the fried rice and sushi rice were quite soft, which may happen, but it was a little disappointing. It feels like a shop where you can enjoy the atmosphere.

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