Ginza Taimei Clinic - Chuo City

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Ginza Taimei Clinic

住所 :

5 Chome-1-15 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan

電話 : 📞 +879
Postal code : 104-0061
Webサイト :

5 Chome-1-15 Ginza, Chuo City, Tokyo 104-0061, Japan
Hiro on Google

Is it Mr. Chino who responds politely to the word-of-mouth communication? staff? I think it's great while you're busy.
あお on Google

過去に様々なクリニックに通いましたが、ここで初めて「自分史」を書くことを勧められました。かなり躊躇しましたが、抱え込んでいた過去を茅野先生に共有していただいたことで、自分の元から離れていってくれたように感じます。 今後も宜しくお願いいたします。
I went to various clinics in the past, but I was recommended to write "my history" for the first time here. I hesitated a lot, but I feel that I was separated from myself by having Professor Chino share the past I was holding. We look forward to working with you in the future.
修渡辺 on Google

客とスタッフはよいが混みすぎ。予約制はあるが機能していない。 小さい医者も悪い印象のみ。 診察かではなく機械的に処方されると場所すれば立地はまあまあ良い‼️
Customers and staff are good but too crowded. There is a reservation system, but it is not working. Even a small doctor has a bad impression. If it is prescribed mechanically instead of a medical examination, the location is reasonably good! ️
hzw yk on Google

エレベーターを降りるといきなり犬が出てきてびっくりしました。犬は幼少期からトラウマだったので、あまりの管理のなさに愕然としました。診察ですが、ボソボソと喋っていて何言ってるのか分かりません。終いにはYouTubeのチャンネル登録しろ、と言ってきました、呆れます。数回通いましたが病状が悪化する一方です。それも診察時お伝えしましたが「あなたの生活習慣が悪い」と。本当に酷い。医師としての解決能力がなさすぎです。 そして明らかに料理している音やにおいがして臭かったです。服に臭いが着きました。エプロンしている人に聞きましたがその人も患者で、食事療法でみんなで作るんだそうです。同じビル内にある別のクリニックにも通っているので、そこの職員に聞きましたが、ここのビルはペット禁止や料理してはいけないのに、と言っていました。またナイトケアに参加されてる人から、やっていない治療を不正請求されたり、自費治療を保険でやっていたのが明らかになったりで医療監査が入ったそうです。やはり違法しているからなのでしょうか?色々と不安になるクリニックでした。
When I got off the elevator, a dog suddenly appeared and I was surprised. Dogs have been traumatized since childhood, so I was shocked by the lack of control. It's a medical examination, but I don't know what I'm talking about when I'm talking. At the end, I told you to subscribe to the YouTube channel, I'm amazed. I went there several times, but my condition is getting worse. I told you that at the time of the examination, "Your lifestyle is bad." Really terrible. I have too little ability to solve as a doctor. And obviously it smelled and smelled like cooking. I smelled my clothes. I asked a person who is wearing an apron, but he is also a patient, and he says that everyone makes it with a diet. I also go to another clinic in the same building, so I asked the staff there, but he said that pets are not allowed or cooking is not allowed in this building. In addition, it seems that a medical audit was entered because people who participated in night care illegally claimed treatment that they did not do, and it became clear that they were doing self-financed treatment with insurance. Is it because it is still illegal? It was a clinic that made me feel uneasy.
A A on Google

過眠、過食、全身倦怠感等に悩まされ受診しました。診察ではそういった精神症状は努力で治せると力説され、薬は処方されず、自分がどんな状態なのかも教えてもらえず、終いには会計時には受付で「過眠過食をしない、早起きをする、引きこもらない」といった精神論が書かれた紙を渡されました。 正直「それが出来ないから受診しにきているのだろう」と思いました。診断してくださった先生方も薬物療法には否定的で、精神論が多かったです。 そういった精神論で身体症状を改善できる方にはおすすめなのではないでしょうか。僕は二度と行かないと思います。
I was suffering from oversleeping, overeating, and general malaise. At the medical examination, it was emphasized that such mental symptoms could be cured with effort, no medicine was prescribed, and he was not told what kind of condition he was in. I was given a piece of paper with a psychiatric theory such as "I don't muffle." To be honest, I thought, "I think I'm coming to see you because I can't do that." The teachers who made the diagnosis were also negative about drug therapy, and there were many psychological theories. Isn't it recommended for those who can improve their physical symptoms with such psychological theory? I don't think I'll ever go again.
ka on Google

I expected it because it was highly evaluated, but it seems that the date and time of the reservation was blank at the clinic while confirming the date and time at the time of reservation, and there was a confirmation call and the reception was not very good. Even if I make a phone call, I can hardly hear whether he is calling himself the clinic name. What did you do when you called for the second time without giving your name? It was said. Although it is not written on the HP at all, a dog appeared at the reception and I was allergic to it, so I went home without seeing a doctor. It was a waste of time. Please be careful if you have animal allergies. It comes suddenly. I will never go again. ★ I don't want to add 1 either.
t k on Google

デイケア・復職訓練へ半年間、通いました。 はじめ知っている人もいなくて心配でしたが、1-2週間で友だちもでき、会社よりも快適でした。 机や椅子も社長さんが座るような立派なもの、本棚にはたくさんメンタルの参考書が置いてありました。 デイケアの内容は、家族や自分の歴史、自分の取扱説明書、将来の予定表を作ります。 でき上ったら、希望する人は発表して、皆からコメントをもらえます。 職員の講義もいろいろありましたが、一番役に立ったのは、一緒に参加している人たちからの、励ましです。 同じような立場にいるから、私の気持もよく分かってくれ、アドバイスしてくれました。 いろいろありましたが、こちらへ通ったお陰で、復職できました!
I attended day care and reinstatement training for half a year. I was worried that no one knew at first, but I made friends in 1-2 weeks and it was more comfortable than the office. The desks and chairs were magnificent like the president sitting on, and there were many mental reference books on the bookshelf. The contents of day care make up your family, your history, your instruction manual, and your future calendar. When it's done, we'll announce it to anyone who wants it and get comments from everyone. There were various lectures by the staff, but the most useful one was the encouragement from the people who participated together. Since I am in a similar position, he understands my feelings well and gives me advice. There were various things, but thanks to going here, I was able to return to work!
Θ Ν on Google

現在多摩地域に住んでいますが、良いクリニックで、良い先生に診察して欲しいという強い思いから、電車を乗り継いで、今も銀座泰明クリニック・茅野先生に診察していただいております(余裕で10年以上になります。)。 私の話を最後まで聞いてくださいますし、また、それに対して的確に穏やかにお話してくださいますので、とても信頼のおける素晴らしい先生だと私は感じております(でなければ、片道2時間近くかけて10年以上も通院せず、転院して、自宅近くの次善のクリニックを探しているかもしれません。)。 他のレビュー等を見るといろいろご意見等あるようですが、もしかしたらいわゆる「相性」があるのかもしれませんが(素人なのでそのあたりは分かりません)、それを差し引いても、茅野先生はBestな先生だと個人的には思っています。あと、院内のインテリアが綺麗であったり、院内にBGMが流れていて癒しを感じる空間であったりと、細かい部分に配慮がなされていると感じています。
I currently live in the Tama area, but I have a strong desire to see a good doctor at a good clinic, so I changed trains and still have a medical examination at Ginza Yasuaki Clinic, Chino-sensei (with a margin). It's been over 10 years.) I feel that he is a very reliable and wonderful teacher because he listens to me to the end and speaks accurately and calmly (otherwise, nearly two hours one way). You may have been transferred to another clinic for more than 10 years and are looking for the next best clinic near your home.) Looking at other reviews, it seems that there are various opinions, but maybe there is a so-called "compatibility" (I do not know about that because I am an amateur), but even if I subtract it, Professor Chino I personally think that he is the best teacher. Also, I feel that the details are taken into consideration, such as the beautiful interior of the hospital and the space where BGM is flowing in the hospital and you can feel healing.

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