Yuno Orthopedic Clinic - Matsubara

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松原市天美の整骨院【ゆうの整骨院】公式サイト~コンセプトは『整骨院以上』~ -


Contact Yuno Orthopedic Clinic

住所 :

1 Chome-7-8 Amamihigashi, Matsubara, Osaka 580-0032, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Postal code : 580-0032
Webサイト :

1 Chome-7-8 Amamihigashi, Matsubara, Osaka 580-0032, Japan
岩本泰裕 on Google

とても患者さん思いで素敵な先生です❗️ 猫背矯正の専門家として知識、経験も豊富で、長年技術指導してくださっています。 院の雰囲気も暖かみがあり、またキッズルームも他にはない設備で、お子様連れも通いやすい院です。 松原市で治療院探しに迷ったらまず相談される事をオススメいたします?
It's a very patiently and wonderful teacher ❗️ He has a wealth of knowledge and experience as a specialist in straightening his back and has been providing technical guidance for many years. The atmosphere of the hospital is warm and there is no other kids room, so it is easy for children to visit. If you are uncertain about finding a clinic in Matsubara, we recommend that you first consult ?.
あずばに on Google

毎月お世話になっております。 先生やスタッフの方がとても優しく、楽しくお話させてもらってます。部活動で痛めた所を集中的に見てもらい、多くの部員がお世話になっております。頼れる整骨院です。これからもよろしくお願い致します?
I am indebted to you every month. The teachers and staff are very kind and I enjoy talking with them. Many members are indebted to us for focusing on the areas that were hurt by club activities. It is a reliable osteopathic clinic. Thank you for your continued support ?
かごさく on Google

I went to take care of my injuries because I am doing stoop correction and sports. I have received a lot of advice so that I can be careful from my usual posture because my body is easily injured, and I am doing my best because there are many things that are easy to continue.
ぺこ on Google

腰痛がひどくて悩んでいたところ、こちらの整骨院の口コミを読んで伺いました! 先生は親切で、とても丁寧に施術してもらえます◎ 院内もアットホームで温かみがあり通いやすいです! 通い始めてもうすぐ3ヶ月ほど経ちますが、引き続きお世話になります!!
When I was suffering from severe back pain, I read the reviews of this osteopathic clinic! The teacher is kind and the treatment is very polite ◎ The hospital is also cozy and warm and easy to go to! It's been almost 3 months since I started going, but I'm still indebted to you! !!
T F on Google

今ダイエットのため、ほっトレに週2回・ハイフに2週間に1回通っています。 お腹を重点的に施術していただき身体の厚みが減りました。自分自身ではあまり分かりませんが、このコロナ禍で会えていなかった方々に会うと驚かれます。食事制限も一切なく体重は5kg減り健康的に減量出来ております。 ハイフの日には写真を撮ってくださり、以前の写真と比べることができるのでモチベーションも保てます。 希望通りの体型に近づけるよう、これからもよろしくお願いします!
Because of my diet, I go to Hottre twice a week and Hythe once every two weeks. The thickness of the body has decreased due to the intensive treatment of the abdomen. I don't know much about it myself, but I'm surprised to meet people I haven't met in this corona disaster. There are no dietary restrictions, and I have lost 5 kg and have been able to lose weight in a healthy manner. On Hythe Day, you can take a picture and compare it with the previous one, so you can keep your motivation. Thank you for your continued support so that you can get as close as you want!
K Y (くみ) on Google

At the beginning of the year, when I was wondering what kind of osteopathic clinic should be used for pelvic correction after childbirth, there was a space for children to play. I was saved because I adjusted it so that I could perform surgery. Since my treatment was a female staff member and a senior mom, I was looking forward to having fun every time while talking about raising children. The procedure was painless, and there were also massage elements, so I was glad that the pelvic position returned to the original position and the thick peach became a little thinner. My husband had a doctor treat me and I was really worried about the back of the cat, but my back is stretched and I am pleased with the couple.
k o on Google

腰痛がひどく歩くのもつらくなったので、近所にあったこちらに駆け込みました。バキバキされる整骨院が苦手で不安でしたが、バキバキどころか優しく施術して下さり、しっかり診て頂けて、おかげさまで腰の痛みもなくなり、今は普段の生活に戻れています。教えて頂いた自宅でできるストレッチなどはこれからも続けていきたいと思います! ハイフも受けさせて頂いて、1回でも気になっていたタルミがなくなり、ハリもすごく出たので気に入っています。しばらく続けて形状記憶させたいです! もうすぐ脱毛も始まるとの事で、脱毛した院長の足を見せて頂きましたが、1回でかなりきれいになっていてびっくりしました! ハイフに続き、脱毛も楽しみです!
My back pain was so bad that I had a hard time walking, so I rushed to this place in my neighborhood. I was worried because I wasn't good at the osteopathic clinic, but I wasn't so happy with it. I would like to continue doing the stretching that I learned at home! I also received hyphen, and I like it because the tarmi that I was worried about even once disappeared and the tension came out very much. I want to keep memorizing the shape for a while! I heard that hair removal will start soon, so I showed him the legs of the director who had hair removed, but I was surprised that it was pretty clean once! Following the hyphen, I'm looking forward to hair removal!
コダオ0505 on Google

友人から勧められて行きました。 友人から言われていた通り施術の腕も確かでしたが先生の人柄も最高です。 利益よりも一番に患者の事を考えてくれるのがわかります。 これから毎週ずっと通ってもらうより3ヶ月で根本から良くして健康的な生活を送ってほしいと先生から言われ猫背矯正をはじめました。 猫背矯正の治療もだらだらするのではなく短時間で非常に内容の濃い治療をしてくれますし、自宅でのセルフケアも毎日続けれる10分程度のものをしっかり指導してくれました。 私の仕事上、月3分の1が出張ですがホテルでもセルフケアが出来ます。 そして、猫背矯正をして2ヶ月が経ちましたが自分でもわかるくらい良くなりました。 先生から良くなりましたと感覚的に言われるのではなく毎月写真を撮って詳細なデータとして残してくれます。 私自身も姿勢が良くなる事で疲れにくく体調も優れており、猫背矯正の成果を実感しております。 来月の写真撮影も楽しみです。 気持ち良さだけを求めてゆっくりマッサージを受けたい方はあまり合わないと思いますが、本当に身体を良くしたい方にはこんなに良い整骨院はないと思います。 元々マッサージが好きで整骨院や色んな種類のマッサージを受けましたが、ゆうの整骨院で治療を受けてから他に行こうと思いません。 松原市にこんな良い整骨院があったのは驚きです。 友人から松原で一番上手いと言われ大袈裟だと思っておりましたが大阪で一番お勧めできる整骨院です!笑
I was recommended by a friend. As my friend told me, I was sure of my skill, but the teacher's personality is also the best. You can see that it thinks about the patient first, rather than the profit. From now on, my teacher told me that I would like to have a healthy life from the ground up in 3 months rather than having them go all the time every week, and I started to correct my stoop. The treatment for stoop correction is not sloppy, but it gives a very rich treatment in a short time, and he taught me about 10 minutes of self-care at home that can be continued every day. For my work, one-third of the month is a business trip, but I can do self-care at the hotel. It's been two months since I corrected my stoop, but it's improved enough for me to understand. Instead of being sensuously told by the teacher that it has improved, he takes pictures every month and leaves them as detailed data. By improving my posture, I am less tired and in good physical condition, and I am feeling the results of my stoop correction. I'm looking forward to taking pictures next month. I don't think it suits people who want to get a massage slowly just for comfort, but I don't think there is such a good osteopathic clinic for those who really want to improve their body. Originally I liked massage and received osteopathic clinics and various types of massages, but after receiving treatment at Yuno Orthopedic clinic, I will not go anywhere else. It is surprising that there was such a good osteopathic clinic in Matsubara City. My friend told me that I was the best in Matsubara and I thought it was exaggerated, but it is the most recommended osteopathic clinic in Osaka! smile

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