Yumura Driving School - Kofu

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yumura Driving School

住所 :

2 Chome-2-15 Shiobe, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0026, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 400-0026
Webサイト : http://www.yumura.co.jp/

2 Chome-2-15 Shiobe, Kofu, Yamanashi 400-0026, Japan
アラビアータ on Google

教官の態度があまり気に食わなかった 中型免許を取ったけど女の人が教え方下手くそだったあと雨の日にも1回も雨宿りさせて貰えなく1時間ぶっとうしで乗ったせめて1回ぐらいは休憩ほしかった。もうちょっと対応とか教え方を改善した方がいいかと。湯村の教官はみんな第一印象が悪い
I didn't like the instructor's attitude I got a medium-sized driver's license, but after the woman was not good at teaching, I couldn't let her take shelter from the rain even once on a rainy day, so I wanted to take a break for at least one hour. Should I improve the correspondence and teaching method a little more? Yumura's instructors all have a bad first impression
うり on Google

(Translated by Google) Those who graduated safely at the end of December ✧︎ I don't know if it will arrive, but after that I passed the writing with one shot ? It says that he has a bad attitude, but from my point of view, everyone was the best ᐡ⸝⸝> · ̫ ·̫ ‪<⸝⸝ᐡ 若い方から年配の方、皆さんとても親切でした。 あわよくばもう1回受けたいです笑 ありがとうございました!!!
森友禅 on Google

It is severely disengaged by the instructor. In the street training, I was always in a bad mood, and I often said that I didn't like it. I'm paying a lot of money to take the lessons, so I want you to do it properly. I used to go there when I was a college student, but Yumura was famous for his bad attitude as an instructor.
ハイハイン on Google

現在普通自動二輪の教習中です。 前置き、教習所は何件も受けるものではないので他校との比較は難しいですが… 普通自動二輪を取りたくなって甲府市近辺の教習所に何件か問い合わせました。こちらは他校よりも早く入所出来た事と、問い合わせ時の対応が一番しっかりしていたので選びました。 コロナ対策しっかりしています。清潔感あります。 10時間程受けていますが、教官の方はいい加減な人間は1人もいません。 厳しい雰囲気の方はいますが、それは嫌がらせではなく、自分にとって必要なことをはっきり言われているだけなので気にしないようにしています。無闇矢鱈に怒ったり傷つけてくるような教官はいません。 何より、入所時の時点で卒検までのおおよその予定が立った(予約が取れた)のは助かりました。 一発合格目指して残りも頑張ります。 ※「こっちはお金払ってるんだから(客なんだから)」というのは子供の言うこと。 タクシーの運転手に偉そうにしちゃう輩と一緒。 お金払ったからと言っても、人権を買ったわけではないのよ。自分の態度が悪かったり、単純に相性が悪ければそりゃ怒られることだってあるさ。 「お金払ったから」はバカの一つ覚え
I am currently training in normal motorcycles. Introductory, it is difficult to compare with other schools because the driving school does not receive many cases ... I usually wanted to take a motorcycle, so I contacted a driving school near Kofu City several times. I chose this because I was able to enter the school earlier than other schools and the response to inquiries was the most solid. Corona measures are solid. There is a feeling of cleanliness. I have been taking it for about 10 hours, but no one is a sloppy instructor. Some people have a harsh atmosphere, but I don't care because it's not harassment, it's just a clear statement of what I need. There is no instructor who gets angry or hurt by the dark arrow. Above all, it was helpful to have an approximate schedule (reservation made) until the graduation examination at the time of admission. I will do my best for the rest, aiming to pass one shot. * Children say, "I'm paying for this (because I'm a customer)." With a guy who makes a taxi driver look great. Just because you paid for it doesn't mean you bought human rights. If you have a bad attitude or simply don't go well with it, you can get angry. "Because I paid" is one of the idiots
かいぽこ on Google

つい最近卒業しましたがものすごく良い自動車学校でした!皆さんそれぞれ個性があり、楽しく教習出来ました。失敗したりミスをしたらどのようなところがダメなのか鋭く指摘し、自分でも気づけなかったところを気づけ次回の教習に繋げることが出来ました。 優しさだけでなく時に厳しく指導をして下さったお陰で路上に出ても焦らず何事にも冷静に対応することができたと思います。 湯村の教習所はどの方も生徒想いの方ばかりで、たまに熱が入り過ぎちゃうことがありますが確実に身のためになる教習が出来ました。これから免許を取る方がこの口コミを見ていたらぜひ湯村自動車学校を選んでみてください!(宣伝みたいになっちった笑)
I just graduated recently, but it was a very good driving school! Everyone had their own personality and I enjoyed the lessons. I sharply pointed out what was wrong if I made a mistake or made a mistake, and I realized what I didn't notice and was able to connect to the next lesson. Thanks to not only the kindness but also the strict guidance from time to time, I think I was able to calmly respond to anything without being impatient even if I went out on the road. All of Yumura's driving schools are students-minded, and although I sometimes get overheated, I was able to do lessons that would definitely benefit me. If you are going to get a driver's license and see this review, please choose Yumura Driving School!
高木健二 on Google

This review was written in large two-wheeled. Kind reception and the corresponding, collective reservation tailored to the convenience here, the two-wheel-only course, corona measures such as thorough, it was really good. In particular, members of the teaching staff is friendly, and tell you the technology while explaining the reason, I was able to finish firmly in a defined time Thanks. I think very good school!
政己河野 on Google

フォークリフトの資格取得の為に訪問しましたが、申し込み対応した方に「体調が悪くて1時間でも来れないと教習は失効します、返金もしません」的な事を言われて酷いと感じました。 【追記】令和4年3月13日にフォークリフト技能講習修了ましたが、最後にアンケート記入や修了証交付の確認等をしている時に麦茶を1口飲んだら「コロナの関係があるので飲み物は控えて下さい」と言われて気分が悪くなりました。 僕は一言も声を発してないし、同じ場所で45分全員食事をしているのに何故その時だけ僕にだけ指摘が入るのか返答願いたい。 そして、同じ職員が利用者アンケートなのにその場で問題解決しようと帰り際に物申して来て何か履き違えてる印象だったので適材適所を考えた方が良いと思われますよ。 管理職にアンケートやクチコミが届く事を切に願います。
I visited to get a forklift qualification, but I felt terrible when the person who responded to the application said something like "If you are sick and can not come even for an hour, the lesson will expire, no refund will be given". rice field. [Addition] I completed the forklift skill training on March 13, 4th year of Reiwa, but at the end I drank a sip of barley tea while filling out the questionnaire and confirming the issuance of the certificate of completion. Please refrain from doing so. " I haven't spoken a word, and I'd like to hear why everyone is eating at the same place for 45 minutes, but only then I can point out. And even though the same staff member surveyed the users, I had the impression that they made a mistake on their way home to solve the problem on the spot, so I think it's better to think about the right person in the right place. I sincerely hope that questionnaires and word-of-mouth will be sent to managers.
Grantorino KOFU on Google

自動二輪の免許を取るべく通いました。狭いながらも二輪専用コースが有るのは良いですね。狭いと言うのは逆に利点にも?卒検のコースが覚えやすい気がしました。いい歳のおっさんでも、ちゃんと乗れる様になるし、免許は取れました。中にはライティングテクニックを語りたそうな熱い先生も居られます、うまく出来ない時に、楽しんで!と言う言葉に救われましたね。 コロナ禍の今、ヘルメットやグローブは自分で用意する必要があります。
I went to get a motorcycle license. It's nice to have a motorcycle-only course, albeit small. Is it an advantage to say that it is narrow? I felt that the graduation examination course was easy to remember. Even a good old man can ride properly and got a driver's license. There is also a hot teacher who seems to have talked about writing techniques, so enjoy it when you can't do it well! I was saved by the word. Now that Corona is terrible, you need to bring your own helmet and gloves.

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