Chino Motor Driving School - Chino

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Chino Motor Driving School

住所 :

坂室-5299 Miyagawa, Chino, Nagano 391-0013, Japan

電話 : 📞 +87
Postal code : 391-0013
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–8:30PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–8:30PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–8:30PM
Thursday 8:30AM–8:30PM
Friday 8:30AM–8:30PM

坂室-5299 Miyagawa, Chino, Nagano 391-0013, Japan
mina T on Google

指導員の人がみんな優しくてよかったです。 お陰さまでスムーズに免許取得まで進むことができました。
It was nice that all the instructors were kind. Thanks to you, I was able to proceed smoothly to obtaining a license.
ぐーぐるあかうんと on Google

ここで免許を取ったが以下の理由でオススメしない。 全体的に指導員に問題がある。 悪い点 ・指導員の教え方にムラがある。 ・極端に合わない(ほとんどの人に合わないだろう)指導員がいるのでそういう人に当たったら、すぐにはずしてもらった方が良い ・一部の指導員が教えているのではなく、教本を読んでいるだけ。 ・接客だという意識が低すぎる指導員がいる。(気さくだともいえるが)仲良くもないのに何故かタメ口を使う。 ・プライベートなことを聞く指導員がいる。 良い点 ・合宿費用が安い ・ご飯がおいしい
I got a license here, but I do not recommend it for the following reasons. Overall there is a problem with the instructor. Bad points ・ There is unevenness in the teaching method of the instructor. ・ There is an instructor who does not fit extremely (it will not suit most people), so if you hit such a person, it is better to remove it immediately ・ Some instructors do not teach, they just read textbooks. ・ Some instructors have too low a sense of service. For some reason I use a tongue even though I don't get along. ・ There is instructor listening to private things. good point ・ Cost of training camp is low ・ The rice is delicious
桜ヶ丘豊郷 on Google

①指導員の方々やフロントの方々が全員気さくで優しかった。かつ、常に学科や実技でも丁寧で熱意のある指導をして下さるので覚えやすく自身の成長をすぐに実感出来ました。お陰様でMTの「20日コース」を伸びること無く19日で卒業出来ました! ②卒業検定のコースは、道の細い場所や交通量の多い道路、坂道、交差点の多い道路等どこに出掛けて行っても対応できるような箇所を含む場所を走行したり停車するので、卒業し免許を取得して車を利用する際に色々な場面ですぐに対応出来るようになります。 難しいように見えますが路上研修の際、毎日のように何度もコースを走行するので指導員の指示通りに練習すれば卒業検定本番では楽勝に合格できますよ! やたらに落ちる事は無いと思うので、安心して通えたと思います!
① The instructors and the front desk were all friendly and kind. In addition, since I always gave me polite and enthusiastic instruction in my department and practical skills, I was able to easily realize my own growth. Thanks to you, I was able to graduate in 19 days without extending the MT “20-day course”! ② Graduation certification courses run and stop at places where you can go wherever you go, such as narrow roads, roads with heavy traffic, slopes, roads with many intersections, etc. You will be able to respond immediately in various situations when using the car. It seems difficult, but during the road training, you run the course many times every day, so if you practice as instructed by the instructor, you can pass the easy in the graduation test production! I do n’t think I ’ll ever fall, so I think I was able to pass in peace!
Soichiro Oishi on Google

普通自動車免許(MT)の教習を受けさせていただきました。私は合宿でしたが、丁寧に教えて頂いたお陰で無事スケジュール通り卒業できました。学科も対策問題をPC /スマホで受けることができ、免許センターでの試験も楽でした。合宿所と教室が近く、合間の時間は部屋で過ごすことができますし、食事もボリュームがありますので規則正しい生活とともに教習を受けることができます。 少し改善してほしい点としては以下くらいで、他は特に不満はありませんでした。(寮の部屋のWifiが途切れ途切れ /寮のドアのたてつけが悪い ・夕方、寮と教習所の間の階段が真っ暗で危ない/合宿生同士の交流が全くないため、一人で来ている合宿生は卒業まで人と話すことがない…?)
I took a regular car license (MT) training. I was in a training camp, but thanks to the polite teaching, I was able to graduate safely on schedule. The department was also able to take countermeasure problems on a PC / smartphone, and the exam at the license center was easy. The training camp is close to the classroom, so you can spend the time in the room, and the meals are large, so you can take lessons with a regular life. I would like to see the following points for improvement, and I was not particularly dissatisfied with the others. (Wifi in the dormitory room is interrupted / The dormitory door is not properly installed ・ In the evening, the stairs between the dormitory and the driving school are pitch black and dangerous / Because there is no interaction between the training camp students, the training camp students who come alone do not talk to people until graduation ...? )
Ángel maria on Google

日本語が苦手で緊張しやすく不安になりすい私ですが、話して行くうちに教員の皆様と仲良くできて嬉しかった!!①優しく応援してくれたこと、いつも美味しいご飯を食べれたこと、作ってくれる方や清掃してくれる方まで 皆さんが優しい方で本当に茅野自動車を選んでよかったなと心から私は思いました!✨ 長いようで短かった15日間 たくさんお友達も出来て毎晩話してハロウィンも楽しく過ごせて 時々見える花火も綺麗でした!! これからは、自信を持って教わったことを安全に運転できるように頑張ります(^^) ありがとうございました!❤️
I'm not good at Japanese, and I tend to get nervous and anxious, but as I talked, I was happy to get along with the teachers! !! (1) I was really glad that everyone was kind and chose Chino Motors, including those who kindly supported me, who always ate delicious rice, and those who made and cleaned it! ✨ It seemed to be long and short for 15 days. I made a lot of friends, talked every night and had a good time on Halloween. The fireworks that I sometimes saw were beautiful! !! From now on, I will do my best to drive safely what I learned with confidence (^^) thank you very much! ❤️
マダム・デニーdeniobi on Google

2輪の免許取得で行きました。 MTだけでATだけでの教習はありません。 MT教習の中にAT教習があります。 入校の時に自分が通える都合の良い日を提出した後 最初の教習から卒検までの日にちを入校の日に決められます。 自分が教習所に行く日程表の用紙を渡されるんですが そこにAとかSとか記号が書いてあります。 それが何のことかわからないのですが その記号が何を意味するか自分で聞かなければ 教習所側からは説明してくれませんし 説明を書いたようなものもありませんでした。 聞いたら教えてくれますが受付の人に 「別に気にしなくて良い」と言われました。 知りたいので聞いたのですが 対応はそのような感じでした。 スムーズにいけばその予定表の日にちで 卒検まで進んでいきます。 入校の翌日からいきなり教習になる場合があるので 前もってヘルメットやグローブ、ブーツや服は用意しておかなければいけません。 借りられますが、借りるものは砂埃が舞う倉庫のようなところに置かれていてとても清潔な状態ではなさそうなので 私は用意しました。 マスクは不織布のマスクをつけるように言われました。 受付したらこめかみあたりで検温します。 雨の日は学校の合羽を着ての教習となります。 教習の先生はその日によって違うので 行って受付してからその日の先生が誰かがわかります。 学校との連絡のやりとりは専用アプリでします。 いちいち電話とかしなくて済むので便利でした。 私は5月初めに入校しましたが 7月ごろからは混み合うとの事でした。 2回目の教習の時に課題がクリアできなかったので 4回分の教習が追加になりました。 なぜいきなり4回分も追加になったのか分かりませんが 学校側の誰からもその説明は無いです。 4回分が追加になって追加料金が¥18,920でした。 追加料金についても全く説明はないし 4回追加になっていると言う説明も事務の方からは無かったです。 追加料金は修了検定前日までに支払いをしないと 修了検定は受験できません。 とにかく説明がないです。 教習所側は毎日やっていることなので当たり前かもしれませんが 教習を受ける側は初めてのことが多いと思いますので 細かく説明して欲しかったです。 特にお金のことについては。 手続きとかシステムは 便利になって行っているようなんですけど 完全なところが抜け落ちています。 他の近隣の教習所に行ったことがないので比べようが無いですが ここに行こうと思っている人は疑問があれば自分から聞かないと教えてくれないと思っていた方がいいです。 総合的に見て先生たちは一生懸命、優しく教えてくれましたが 責任者の教習生たちに対しての考え方がどうなのかと思いました。 あと、プロテクターのゴムは劣化してゆるゆるで 教習中にずり落ちてくるし プロジェクターの掃除している感じもなしで ゼッケンなども洗濯している感じがないし その辺の衛生面が気になりました。 これから免許取得を目指す方は頑張ってください。
I went with a two-wheeled license. There is no training only with MT but with AT alone. There is AT lesson in MT lesson. After submitting a convenient day for you to attend when you enter school The date from the first lesson to the graduation examination can be decided on the day of admission. I'm given a form for the itinerary to go to the driving school Symbols such as A and S are written there. I don't know what that is I have to ask myself what the sign means The driving school will not explain it. There was no such thing as writing an explanation. If you ask, I will tell you, but to the receptionist I was told, "You don't have to worry about it." I asked because I want to know The response was like that. If it goes smoothly, on the date of the schedule I will proceed to the graduation examination. Since it may suddenly become a lesson from the day after enrollment Helmets, gloves, boots and clothes must be prepared in advance. You can rent it, but it seems that the rented item is not in a very clean state because it is placed in a place like a warehouse where dust is flying. I prepared. The mask was told to wear a non-woven mask. Upon reception, the temperature will be measured around the temples. On rainy days, it will be a lesson wearing a cape at school. Because the teacher of the lesson is different depending on the day After you go and accept, you will know who the teacher is for that day. Communication with the school is done with a dedicated app. It was convenient because I didn't have to call each time. I entered the school in early May It was said that it would be crowded from around July. I couldn't clear the assignment during the second lesson 4 lessons have been added. I don't know why it was suddenly added 4 times There is no explanation from anyone on the school side. Four additional doses were added and the additional charge was ¥ 18,920. There is no explanation about the additional charge There was no explanation from the office staff that it was added four times. The additional fee must be paid by the day before the completion test You cannot take the completion test. There is no explanation anyway. It may be natural because the driving school side is doing it every day. I think that it is often the first time for those who receive training I wanted you to explain in detail. Especially when it comes to money. Procedures and systems It seems that it is becoming more convenient The perfect part is missing. I've never been to another driving school in the neighborhood, so I can't compare it. People who are thinking of going here should think that if they have any doubts, they will not tell you unless they ask. Overall, the teachers taught me very hard and kindly. I wondered what the person in charge was thinking about the trainees. Also, the rubber of the protector has deteriorated and is loose. It slips down during the lesson Without the feeling of cleaning the projector I don't feel like I'm washing the number I was concerned about hygiene in that area. If you are aiming to get a license from now on, please do your best.
mio 1030 on Google

合宿にて入校させて頂きました。 1人での入校だったので不安ばかりでしたが、一緒の日に入校した子と仲良くなり、とても楽しく2週間を過ごすことが出来ました。 先生も面白くて優しい方ばかりでドライブ気分で楽しかったです(*ˊᵕˋ*)੭ ੈ❤︎ 学科の授業も勉強嫌いな私が楽しく授業に参加できるくらい楽しかったです!!! ご飯も美味しいです!!! 日曜日が学校お休みなので松本城へ行ったりチーズケーキ工房などへお出かけも出来るので旅行気分も味わえます。 長いようで短い2週間ここで過ごした思い出は一生忘れません。 本当に楽しかったです!ありがとうございました?✨
I entered the school at the training camp. I was worried because I was enrolled alone, but I became friends with the child who enrolled on the same day and had a great time spending two weeks. The teachers were all funny and kind, and I enjoyed driving (* ˊᵕˋ *) ੭ ੈ❤︎ I didn't like studying in the department class, so it was so much fun that I could participate in the class happily! !! !! The rice is also delicious! !! !! Since Sunday is a school holiday, you can go to Matsumoto Castle or go to a cheesecake workshop, so you can feel like traveling. I will never forget the memories I spent here for two weeks, which seemed to be long and short. It was really fun! Thank you ?✨
Gyosei san on Google

My child wants to get a driver's license at a training camp during long holidays, but the training fee is not cheap because it is different from this driving school, and it is not very popular when checking Google reviews. So, I got a pamphlet for a training camp license at Lawson and let my child choose it, and compared it with Google's word of mouth. From that, I made a comprehensive judgment on accommodation facilities, meal contents, distance from home, training fee, Google's evaluation, etc., and enrolled in this driving school. On days when there was no lesson, he rented a bicycle and went cycling to Suwa Taisha Shrine by train, and enjoyed it with his friends. Unfortunately, my friend was re-examined, but my child, who didn't seem to have good motor skills, was able to get a driver's license safely. I also recommend that younger children who go to higher school from this spring should invite their friends to go to Chino to get a driver's license together.

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