陶芸体験教室 亀工房

4.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 陶芸体験教室 亀工房

住所 :

Yumoto, Nasu, Nasu District, 〒325-0301 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88779
Webサイト : http://www.kamekoubou.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–5PM
Sunday 10AM–5PM
Monday 10AM–5PM
Tuesday 10AM–5PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–5PM
Friday 10AM–5PM
街 : Tochigi

Yumoto, Nasu, Nasu District, 〒325-0301 Tochigi,Japan
m2m n9c on Google

旅行の思い出に、愛犬の手型とフードボウルを作りました。 体験中、外で遊びたい!と落ち着かない我が家のワンコ…その飼い主は陶芸センスがまるでなく手際も悪い…。 そんな私たちに優しく接していただきありがとうございました。 出来上がりを楽しみにしてます! 伺った日は工房建て替えの地鎮祭だったようで、来年春には新しい工房が完成予定とのこと。 次回は新しい工房でまた陶芸を教えていただいたいです♪
As a memory of my trip, I made a hand mold and a food bowl for my dog. I want to play outside during the experience! The dog in my house is restless ... The owner has a bad sense of pottery and is not very good at it ... Thank you for your kindness to us. I'm looking forward to the completion! It seems that the day I visited was a groundbreaking festival for rebuilding the workshop, and a new workshop is scheduled to be completed next spring. Next time, I would like you to teach pottery again at the new workshop ♪
TOM TOM on Google

始めての陶芸体験でしたが、優しい楽しい説明で、とっても楽しかったです。 ペットに対しても優しくて満喫出来て、あっという間の時間でした。 ありがとうございました。 お世話になりました。 思い出になりました。
It was my first experience of ceramic art, but it was a lot of fun with a gentle and fun explanation. It was an instant time as I was able to enjoy it with kindness to pets. Thank you very much. thank you for helping me. It became a memory.
インディー on Google

電動ろくろ回し体験をしました?✌️最高のときを過ごせました( ≧∀≦)ノ? 行って本当に良かった‼️
I had an electric potter's wheel experience ?✌️ I had the best time (≧ ∀ ≦) ノ ? It was really good to go‼ ️
鈴木啓子 on Google

先日は2匹のワンコ連れでお世話になりました。 1人でとの要望に心良く対応して頂き、また制作にも我儘を聞いて頂きありがとうございました。 のどかな雰囲気でとても楽しい時間でした。 初めてでしたが、丁寧に指導して頂きまた伺いたいです。 作品が届くのがとても楽しみです。 ありがとうございました。
The other day, I was taken care of with two dogs. Thank you for responding to the request by yourself and for listening to me in the production. It was a very enjoyable time in a peaceful atmosphere. It was my first time, but I would like to ask you to give me careful guidance. I'm really looking forward to receiving the work. Thank you very much.
neal snow on Google

親切に作り方を教えてくれた。 3月後、郵送されて、キレイに仕上げたが、瑕疵が多少ある
He kindly taught me how to make it. Three months later, it was mailed and finished cleanly, but there are some defects.
にゃんちゅー- on Google

雨が降っていてドッグランで遊べそうにもなかったので、わんこおっけーの陶芸体験✨ わんこの手形がとれます? ご夫婦ともに愛犬家でとってもドッグフレンドリーです。教室内わんこおっけー?行くときには必ず予約をするとよいです。 3ヶ月待ちましたがついに届きましたー!! 最高です! 写真も入ってました✨ ありがとうございました!!
It was raining and it wasn't going to be possible to play in a dog run. You can take this bill Both couples are dog-friendly and are dog-friendly. It is always a good idea to make a reservation when going to the school. I waited 3 months, but it finally arrived! ! it's the best! There was also a photo Thank you very much! !
伏見由美 on Google

On November 20th, I took on the challenge of ceramic art with my daughter and my two dogs. I thought it would be difficult and impossible for me, but the owner enthusiastically taught me in an easy-to-understand manner, and after about two and a half hours, I was able to make a food bowl safely. The studio room was also very beautiful and nice. Recommended for those traveling to Nasu!
はちゅがちゃ on Google

家族3人で、手ろくろ体験をさせて頂きました✨ 簡単な物を作ろうとしたのですが、思っていた以上に手間のかかるものだったらしく、2時間コースにもかかわらず、オーバーしてしまいました。しかし、お店の方2人とも嫌な顔ひとつせず、楽しく丁寧に教えていただき、最後まで完成させることができました。 他の人にも是非おすすめしたいお店です。また何かあれば作りに行きたいと思います。
I had a potter's wheel experience with three family members ✨ I tried to make a simple one, but it seemed to be more time-consuming than I expected, and despite the 2-hour course, it was over. However, both of the shop staff did not have a disgusting face, and they taught me happily and politely, and I was able to complete it to the end. It is a shop that I would definitely recommend to other people. If there is something else, I would like to go make it.

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