Yuka Skin Clinic

4.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yuka Skin Clinic

住所 :

Nihonbashi, Chuo City, 〒103-0027 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : http://yukaskin.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–4PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 10AM–2PM
Tuesday 10AM–2PM
Wednesday Closed
Thursday 10AM–2PM
Friday 10AM–2PM
街 : Tokyo

Nihonbashi, Chuo City, 〒103-0027 Tokyo,Japan
草刈淳 on Google

The thorns stuck in the nails and had them removed. Teachers, nurses and receptionists are all very polite and recommended dermatologists.
Rie Sa on Google

ジュネシスとライムライトをしました。 1度でシミが綺麗になったのにびっくり!! お肌のゴワつきもなくりました。 お肌の相談だけでなく 糖質制限のこと、腸内環境のこと、漢方のこと 色々相談できました。 親身になって診察していただきました。
I did limelight with Genesis. I am surprised that the stains are clean at one time! ! I have lost my skin. Not only your skin consultation Sugar limitation, intestinal environment, Chinese medicine I was able to consult in various ways. I was kindly consulted.
せきのえりこ on Google

もともとベースにアトピーがあり、肌荒れ、シミで悩んでいました。 漢方を取り入れた保険治療をしてもらいアトピーはかなり改善し、いまは肌の状態をみながら美肌治療を提案してもらっています。 美容だけでなく、保険診療もしている皮膚科なので治療に安心感があります。 クリニックの場所は駅近なのですが、似た名前のビルが近くにあり、間違えやすいです。看板等もあまりなく、知らないと入れないかも。
Originally, there was atopy on the base, and I was suffering from rough skin and stains. I have been treated with insurance that incorporates Kampo, and my atopy has improved considerably. Now, I am being asked to propose a skin-beautifying treatment while observing the condition of my skin. Since it is a dermatologist who provides not only beauty but also insurance, there is a sense of security in the treatment. The location of the clinic is near the train station, but there is a building with a similar name nearby, so it's easy to make a mistake. There aren't many signboards, so if you don't know it, you may not be able to enter it.
TAG on Google

ニキビ治療で来院しました。 漢方を取り入れた保険診療と自費診療を組み合わせた治療で長年の悩みだったニキビがかなり改善された。 優しい女医さんで予算や体質などを親身になって相談に乗ってくれた。今後も通いたい。
I came to the hospital for acne treatment. The combination of insurance medical treatment that incorporates Kampo and self-financed medical treatment has significantly improved acne, which has been a problem for many years. A gentle female doctor who kindly gave me advice on my budget and constitution. I want to go there in the future.
Hongmei Lisa Li on Google

駆けつけの皮膚科です。とりあえず肌の悩みは全部由佳先生に相談してます。漢方で中から、施術で外からいろいろ提案してもらってます^_^ お陰様で、ニキビ肌がだんだん良くなってきました〜
It is a rush dermatologist. For the time being, I consult with Yuka-sensei about all skin problems. I have various suggestions from the inside in Kampo and from the outside in the treatment ^ _ ^ Thanks to you, my acne skin is getting better and better ~
Tomo S on Google

I have been politely consulting with my skin problems for a long time, and now I am indebted to my family. The teacher is cheerful, cheerful and fun to talk to, and the advice and treatments are accurate and reassuring. It is a rush temple and I rely on him as a family doctor.
Y Tkch on Google

I like the teacher's goods because they are good. You can trust that he has a high degree of education as a graduate of Kobe University School of Medicine. I'm grateful that I don't recommend unnecessary things. Moreover, when all the nurses talk, they are all kind and good people. The improvement point is that only the lady at the reception does not smile and always feels uncomfortable.
西尾なおこ on Google

都内の女医さんでは、一番だと思います。ホムペの写真よりかなりお若い印象で可愛い方でした。お人柄はもちろん、切ったり縫ったりアクティブな事をしなくても効果がある治療をしてくれます。 信用出来る貴重な先生です。 看護師さんも落ち着いた品のある優しい方です。受け付けの女性もギラギラしていなくて、大人しい控えめな方たちでした。
I think it's the best female doctor in Tokyo. He was a cute person with a much younger impression than the photo of Hompe. Not only personality, but also effective treatment without cutting, sewing or active things. A valuable teacher you can trust. The nurse is also a calm and kind person. The women at the reception were also quiet and modest, not glaring.

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