Yuhoraku - Hachioji

4.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yuhoraku

住所 :

3 Chome-8-12 Myojincho, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0046, Japan

Postal code : 192-0046
Webサイト : https://yuhoraku.com/

3 Chome-8-12 Myojincho, Hachioji, Tokyo 192-0046, Japan
神夜さん on Google

岡野浩士 on Google

I was able to take a little bit of work.
道子大野 on Google

いつもガチガチ頭首肩のほぐしと楽しい会話ありがとうございます。ほぐしの後は顔がスッキリします? また近いうちに伺いますので宜しくお願いします?
Thank you for always having a fun conversation with the looseness of the head and neck. After loosening your face will be refreshing ? We will visit you in the near future so thank you in advance ?
雨倉恵里 on Google

初めて行ったときから 施術はもちろん極上ですが ゆほ楽さんの人柄や手の温かみ、空間 すべてが癒されて 疲れがぶっ飛びます‼ 是非一度行ってみてください?
Since I went there for the first time Of course the treatment is the best Yuho Raku's personality and warmth of hands, space Everything is healed I'm getting tired of it !! Please go once by all means ?
ryoko Nishino on Google

I am allowed to go on a monthly basis. I always disturb you with a hard head, but you can ease not only your head but also your shoulders and neck every time as it will be carefully loosened. It is a wonderful salon that you want to keep going
mami n on Google

I used it for the first time. Of course I felt good, not only the head massage but also the whole body loosening and I was totally satisfied with it. He also informed me about the condition of my scalp and gave me some advice. It is also healed by the atmosphere of the owner. I'm sure repeat.
erika A on Google

何度かお世話になっています。 毎回頭ほぐしで癒され、日々の疲れを取ってもらっています。でもそれと同じくらいオーナー様の雰囲気や丁寧な対応に癒され、帰る頃には心もスッキリしています。 家から少し遠いので頻繁には来られませんが、自分へのご褒美、メンテナンスで、絶対通いたいです。 これからもよろしくお願いします♡
I am indebted several times. He is healed with his head and he gets tired every day. But it is healed by the owner's atmosphere and polite correspondence as well, and the mind is refreshing by the time I return. I can not come often because I am a little far from my house, but I would definitely like to go there with my reward and maintenance. Thank you in the future こ れ
にゃんた屋より on Google

あたまほぐしは何度かお願いしていましたが、今日は初めてお顔ほぐしをお願いしました。 顔だけの施術ではなく、あおむけで横になった状態で肩甲骨や二の腕をほぐしてくれます。 それが終わってから顔に。 触られることで、自分では気付いていなかったむくみやコリに気付き、手の暖かさに癒されます。 終わった後は顔がすっきりするだけでなく、肩まわりがほぐれていて気持ちが良かったです。 今回はお顔ほぐしだけの予約にしましたが、時間があったらそのままあたまほぐしもして欲しい!と思いました^_^
I asked for a couple of times, but for the first time today I asked for a face loosening. It is not a treatment only for the face, but it loosens the scapula and upper arms while lying on the back. It is on the face after it is over. By being touched, you will notice the swelling and stiffness that you did not notice yourself and heal your warmth. After finishing, not only the face became clear, but the shoulder circumference was loosened and I felt good. This time I made a reservation only for face loosening, but I would like to warm as it is if there is time! I thought ^ _ ^

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