
3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 桶谷式たき母乳育児相談室

住所 :

Sakaemachi, Hino, 〒191-0001 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Webサイト : http://oketani-taki.net/
街 : Tokyo

Sakaemachi, Hino, 〒191-0001 Tokyo,Japan
google k on Google

This is a breastfeeding outpatient clinic where people who tend to have anxiety and troubles but who want to breastfeed for a long time regularly attend.
大ママ on Google

I think it will be the heart of the troubled mother.
町田久美子 on Google

I was very happy that my mother, who I knew, kindly and kindly taught me when I went to consult with me about childcare! It is a counseling room that encourages mothers who are involved in various events and are close to the community (^-^)
あい on Google

I've been there three times, but never clogged in 5 minutes each time. In other Okeya ceremonies, it takes about 40 minutes to remove the clogging of the boobs. I recommend going to another Okeya ceremony.
ビーズ on Google

昨年、次男の嫁が乳腺炎になり、熱が出てふらふらになりながら、いろんなところにかかかっていました。 心配かけないようにこちらにはなにもいっては来ませんでした。 最後に困り果てて連絡が来たときには乳腺外科で切ったあとでした。 休みの日でも相談に応じてくれて、自宅に出張してくれる桶谷を紹介してくれてほんとに助かりました。その後も嫁の自宅近くの桶谷に通ってよくなりました。 親身になって相談に乗ってくれる有り難い助産師さんです。
Last year, my second son's daughter-in-law had mastitis, and while she was feverish and fluttering, she was suffering from various places. I didn't come here so as not to worry. The last time I was in trouble and contacted me was after a breast surgery cut. It was really helpful for me to consult with me even on my days off and to introduce me to Oketani who will be on a business trip to my home. After that, I got better at going to Oketani near my wife's house. I am a thankful midwife who is kind enough to give me advice.
yu mu on Google

I've been taking care of me since I was my first son. Suddenly my milk got clogged up and it became hard and painful like a stone. In addition to the active midwife, he seems to be active in the mother's class in the city. It's a very cozy atmosphere because he talks funny about his parenting experience.
瀧澤清美 on Google

院長のたきです。問い合わせメールは基本的には日中ですと2~3時間で返信しています。ですが、最近新しい携帯会社のアドレスのお母さんで、こちらからの返信がエラーで届かない事例が増えてきました。 【問い合わせメール】に電話番号も入れて貰えるよう改善しました。 エラーの際はお電話させて頂く事になりますが、ご了承のほど宜しくお願いします?‍♀️
I'm the director. Inquiry emails are basically replied in 2 to 3 hours during the day. However, recently, there have been an increasing number of cases where mothers with new mobile phone addresses do not receive a reply from us due to an error. Improved so that you can include your phone number in the [Inquiry Email]. In case of an error, we will call you, but thank you for your understanding ?‍♀️
on Google

とにかく親身になってくれる優しい先生の相談室。 年始早々緊急でお願いしたのですがしっかり診ていただけ痛みは取れました! 私の場合は息子を産んだ産院の助産師さんの処置が悪くかなり拗らせた状態で行きました。 どうしようもない状態で行ったので乳腺外科に行く事を勧められ、行く事にしました。 先生も一緒に行ってくれかなり心強かったです。 乳腺外科での処置後も気に掛けてくださり連絡をくださったり、私自身も困った事があれば先生にすぐ連絡してます! どんな事でも相談できる先生です。 相談室もかなりアットホームなお部屋です。 毎回息子も一緒に行っていますがご機嫌にして待っていられる空間です! 初めて行く時は少し道が難しいですが、産後のケアやおっぱい問題では絶対的にお勧めしたい桶谷式の相談室です! 2人目以降も先生にお世話になりたいと思っています!
Anyway, a friendly teacher's counseling room that will be kind to you. I urgently asked for it early in the new year, but I was able to see it well and the pain was gone! In my case, the midwife at the maternity hospital who gave birth to my son had a bad treatment and went in a state of being quite sick. I went there without any help, so I was advised to go to breast surgery and decided to go. It was very encouraging for the teacher to go with me. Even after the procedure in breast surgery, he cares and contacts me, and if I have any problems, I will contact the teacher immediately! A teacher who can talk about anything. The counseling room is also quite cozy. My son goes with me every time, but it's a space where I can wait in a good mood! The road is a little difficult when you go for the first time, but it is a counseling room of the Oketani style that I definitely recommend for postpartum care and breast problems! I would like to take care of the teacher after the second person!

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