Y’s 8 - Yokohama

4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Y’s 8

住所 :

B1 1-16 Hiradai, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 224-0064, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 224-0064
Webサイト : http://www.tot-ys8.net/

B1 1-16 Hiradai, Tsuzuki Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 224-0064, Japan
jun aki on Google

お世話になるの二度目ですが、店長さんの笑顔、愛想の良さ、とても良いと思います。 従業員さん達も礼儀正しく、対応が良いです。
It is the second time to take care of me, but I think that the manager's smile, amiability, and goodness are very good. The employees are polite and responsive.
さお on Google

ワイズエイトさんで30セルシオ購入させて頂きました‹‹\(´ω` )/›› お店の方も良い人でとても良かったです! 大事に乗らせていただきます! ありがとうございました(*´꒳`*)
Wise Eight purchased 30 Celsior ‹‹ \ (´ω`) / ›› The shop was also a good person and very good! I will take care of you! Thank you (* ´꒳` *)
あきあき on Google

丁寧な対応で信頼ができるお店です。 車を買う際も細かな対応で素晴らしいです。 次に中古車を買う時もここで買いたいと思います。 売っている車もとても魅力があるものばかりです!
It is a store that you can trust with a polite response. It's great because you can buy a car in detail. Next time I buy a used car, I want to buy it here. The cars we sell are all very attractive!
ご飯大好き(President Dreams) on Google

小規模なお店ですが30台程あり、在庫車は綺麗なものが多かったです。 購入前に相談も乗ってくれて、スタッフも親切丁寧な対応だったので好印象でした。 飛込みでしたが買取の査定も15分程度で済んだ上に納得のいく金額だったのでかなり良心的なお店です。
Although it is a small shop, there were about 30 cars, and there were many beautiful stock cars. We had a consultation before the purchase, and the staff was friendly and polite, so it was a good impression. Although it was a dive, it was a fairly conscientious shop because the purchase assessment was completed in about 15 minutes and the amount was convincing.
針生淳 on Google

レクサスLS460 Sバージョン Iパッケージを購入させて頂きました。店長を始めとするスタッフ皆さん親切で大変気持ち良く購入する事ができました。車受取日には車内車外タイヤホイールまでピッカピカに磨いてくれていて 気持ち良く運転して帰りました。車買って終わりでは無く、これからのお付き合い、どうぞ宜しくお願い致します。
I have purchased the Lexus LS460 S version I package. The staff, including the store manager, were very kind and I was able to purchase very comfortably. On the day of picking up the car, the wheels inside and outside the car were shining I drove comfortably and returned. It's not the end of buying a car, but we look forward to working with you in the future.
野畑剛史 on Google

今の車の支払いが大変だったので、買取をしてもらおうと思い、お伺い致しました。 査定の時間は15分ほどであっという間に終わり、金額も期待していたよりもとても高く出して貰えました。 お店にあった在庫車はかなり程度が良く、なおかつ値段も安かったので、浮いたお金を頭金にして新しい車を買っちゃいました。 ローン審査は20分ほどでスムーズだったので、一日で様々な手続きを終わらせられてよかったです。
The payment of the current car was difficult, so I asked you to buy it. The appraisal time was about 15 minutes, and the amount was much higher than expected. The stock cars in the store were fairly good and the price was low, so I bought a new car with the money I had as a down payment. Loan screening was smooth in about 20 minutes, so it was nice to be able to complete various procedures in one day.
uriya haruka on Google

よく前を通るのですが、気になっていたお店です。 ちょっとだけ覗かせていただきましたが、女性の私でも邪険にせず対応していただきました。 その時見ていた車は綺麗な車が多かったです。 中古車ローンの審査もすぐにしてもらえるようです。 次の車を買う時は、こちらでお願いしようかな?とも思いました。 ちっちゃなお店なので、気さくな人がいるなという印象でした!
I often go in front, but it was a store I was interested in. I looked at it for a while, but even a woman, I was able to respond without being disturbed. Many of the cars I was watching at that time were beautiful. It seems that you can immediately review used car loans. Should I ask you to buy the next car here? I thought both. Because it is a small shop, it was the impression that there were no friendly people!
yumika nakasaku on Google

It is a very annoying shop that has not been improved even though it has been pointed out that parking is on the street.

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