YR CAFE by Ebisu paradise table - Inuyama

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact YR CAFE by Ebisu paradise table

住所 :

Higashikoken-197-3, Inuyama, Aichi 484-0083, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 484-0083
Webサイト : https://www.yr-cafe.co/

Higashikoken-197-3, Inuyama, Aichi 484-0083, Japan
Koo on Google

広いしオシャ〜 ソファが沢山あり、それに座りながらのゆったりさは良きでしかありませんでした?開放感がありました。家の近くにこういうカフェがあったらなぁ〜って感じです(軽い) ワンドリンク制なので、カフェラテと超美味しそうなアイス(ピスタチオ)を頼みました。店員さんのビックリサプライズで、何かしらの液をアイスの下の入れてきたらモクモクと煙が…。なんとドライアイス的なのがアイスの下にあったらしく。おもろーでした? このアイスガチうまでしたので、オススメです?駐車場あることしらず、有料に止めてしまったトホホ…?
It's wide and fashionable ~ There were a lot of sofas, and the comfort while sitting on them was only good ? There was a feeling of openness. I wish there was a cafe like this near my house (light) Since it is a one-drink system, I ordered a latte and ice cream (pistachio) that looks super delicious. At the clerk's surprise surprise, when I put some liquid under the ice cream, it made me smoky and smoke. It seems that there is something like dry ice under the ice cream. It was funny ? I've done this ice cream, so I recommend it ? Tohoho who stopped for a fee without having a parking lot ... ?
水口広美 on Google

オシャレなカフェでつけパンシチューがランチにオススメ? 今回食べたのは 期間限定メニュー「ハーブチキンのトマトクリームシチュー」? 具材がゴロッと入ってて!! 後は、トマトの酸味とハーブのいい香りがしててとても美味しかった〜? (量は少なめなので、デート向きではあるが、男性に少ないかも?)
Bread stew is recommended for lunch at a fashionable cafe ? This time I ate a limited-time menu "herb chicken tomato cream stew" ? The ingredients were stuffed in! After that, the sourness of the tomatoes and the nice aroma of herbs were very delicious ~ ? (Since the amount is small, it is suitable for dates, but it may be small for men?)
uara qoo on Google

甘くて美味しいイチゴを想像していましたが普通のイチゴでした。 食べ放題(30分)で慌ただしいのと、ワンドリンク別料金で注文しないといけないのが高く感じて残念でした。 お店の雰囲気、接客はとても感じ良かったです。プラス注文したチョコフォンデュはダークなチョコでとても美味しかったです。
I imagined a sweet and delicious strawberry, but it was a normal strawberry. It was disappointing that the all-you-can-eat (30 minutes) was busy and I had to order one drink at an extra charge. The atmosphere of the shop and the customer service were very nice. The chocolate fondue I ordered plus was dark chocolate and very delicious.
Onigiri 123 on Google

有名なだけあるのでいつも予約して行きます! どれも美味しいしインスタ映えします? いちご食べ放題シーズンは、 何度も行ってしまいます…wwww
It's famous, so I always make a reservation! Everything is delicious and looks great on Instagram ? The all-you-can-eat strawberry season I will go many times ... wwww
S Y on Google

映えるようなお店やメニューの前に、 ドリンクカップの茶渋ね… セットメニューのドリンクは飲み放題のため ドリンクコーナーにあるカップを自分で取り好きなドリンクを注ぐシステムですが 手に取るカップほとんどこの様で友人と失笑してしまいました、 今このご時世ですし、一度手に取った物なので 仕方なく使用しましたが気分は良くなかったです。 素敵なお店に接客なだけに残念でした。
In front of brilliant shops and menus The tea astringency of the drink cup ... All-you-can-drink set menu drinks It is a system to take the cup in the drink corner and pour your favorite drink. The cup I picked up I almost laughed with my friend like this, It's this time of the year, and it's something I picked up once I had no choice but to use it, but I didn't feel good. It was a pity because I was serving customers at a nice shop.
Ake on Google

Talk with your friends and relax. tastes normal.
Eric Basco on Google

I'm giving this place 4 stars for the food. Atmosphere is nice, but the chairs are too relaxing to eat in. Customer service needs some work, and that's saying something for Japan.
Hugo D. A. on Google

Very nice place, with big windows, a lot of sunlight and meals you don't see in other places. I only ate the strawberry ice cream, but it was delicious. They give some hot water which you can use with your ice and make a lot of steam of it. The taste is not more good because of this but at least it is kind of a magic show and I'm pretty sure if you don't go alone, the people with you will be amazed ! The only downside of this restaurant I can think of, you have to order drink and food. You can't order only drink, same for food. Except that it is nice place, and you should give a try if you go to Inuyama Castle. It is not your typical Japanese restaurant style , more an European like place so mind this if you would like to enjoy a "Japanese style restaurant".

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