富士喜商店 代々木店

4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 富士喜商店 代々木店

住所 :

Yoyogi, Shibuya City, 〒151-0053 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Webサイト : https://sakedatabank.com/
Opening hours :
Saturday 4PM–12AM
Sunday 4PM–12AM
Monday 5PM–12AM
Tuesday 5PM–12AM
Wednesday 5PM–12AM
Thursday 5PM–12AM
Friday 5PM–12AM
街 : Tokyo

Yoyogi, Shibuya City, 〒151-0053 Tokyo,Japan
グルメ大家さん食べログ・インスタ共通 on Google

日本酒離れが叫ばれて久しい中、若者と日本酒をつなぐ橋渡しをする役割を担っているお店。本物のお酒をリーズナブルに味わう入り口に是非! かなり久しぶりに代々木で飲むことになって、駅前にあるこちらのお店へ訪問してきました。非常にコストパフォーマンスに優れたお店です。JR代々木駅からすぐの場所に店舗があります。 席について120分日本酒飲み放題のコースを選択。なんと、1,890円でさまざまな日本酒が飲み放題、しかも純米酒ばかりで飲み比べができます。ありがたいのが、セルフサービスなので1合ではなくてグラスに自分の好きな量だけ注ぐことができます。 いろいろな種類の日本酒を飲もうとしても、通常1合単位なので2〜3種類、2〜3合も飲むとなかなか酔ってしまいます。 が、こちらのお店の場合は自分で量を調整することができるのでたくさんの種類の日本酒が楽しめます。 そもそも料理においてボクの考えでは和食が世界一の料理だと思っています。 ヨーロッパで流行している「UMAMI(旨味)」ですが、伝統的な和食では肉を使わないので旨味を出汁からとります。肉を焼けば勝手にそこに旨味が存在している洋食とは繊細さが異なります。 そしてお酒についてはワインに負けない繊細さがあります。それが日本酒です。 ワインと同じく温度管理をしないと品質が落ちてしまう繊細さがあります。 こちらでは冷蔵庫で温度管理された日本酒がたくさんあります。 まずは席について最初の1杯プレモル。ビールもちゃんと本物のビールがおいてあります。発泡酒やドライ、ホ◯ピーみたいな偽物のお酒とは違います。 2杯めから日本酒にいきます。 まず「早瀬浦(はやせうら)」福井のお酒です。原料米としては山田錦についで日本酒の原料米によく使われている五百万石です。辛口ですっきりした繊細な味わい。1合をじっくりと飲みたいお酒だけど、グラスに少なめにいただきます。 こんな風にどんどん次にいけるのは贅沢なことです。 次に「神亀(しんかめ)」です。埼玉県のお酒でこちらも辛口の純米酒ですが、旨味がしっかりありますがスッキリ飲めます。ワインの赤・白ほど分かりやすく見た目は変わって見えなくても、味わいが違うのは面白いですね。 日本酒3杯目は「いづみ橋」。酒米の栽培から醸造までを一貫して行っています。確かに、日本酒は米から作られるのでその米にこだわると米作りから、ということで「栽培醸造蔵」という発想につながっていくわけですね。生酛造りで仕込んでいるお酒。辛口で旨味があって、スッキリ飲めました。美味しいお酒です。 続いて「天狗舞(てんぐまい)」です。山廃仕込みの純米酒で山廃造りの代名詞と言われるお酒。ちなみに山廃とは「山卸(やまおろし)」という蒸した米を棒ですり潰す作業を廃した(省略した)もので、山卸を省略したのが山廃仕込み。山卸を行うのが生酛(きもと)仕込みと呼ばれます。 もう少し補足すると日本酒の醸造に必要な酒母は「生酛系酒母」と「速醸系酒母」のふたつに分けられます。自然の乳酸菌の育生による「生酛系酒母」、人工的に乳酸を添加したのが「速醸系酒母」で、先の山廃仕込みと生酛仕込みはどちらも自然の乳酸菌の育生を待つものです。 その手間の分、酒母のアミノ酸の値は倍以上の違いになるので深みとコクがあるお酒に仕上がりやすい、と言われています。 話を戻して、日本酒4杯目の天狗舞は山廃仕込みだけあって濃厚な旨味、コク、酸味を感じられるものでした。1杯目、2杯目をスッキリ、キレのあるものにしたので違いがより分かりやすかったです。 そして次は面白いパッケージとネーミングの「三芳菊 残骸」。パッケージがお化けというかハロウィン調というか女の子の絵が描かれています。そして、搾られるお酒の最後の部分「責め」を残骸に例えたネーミング、独特です。英語の表記が「YOU CAN NOT KILL ME」。独特です(笑) 残骸は山田錦と五百万石、そのルーツである雄町の3つの米の「責め」、搾りカスを集めて熟成させたお酒。フルーティーな甘い香りは日本酒のイメージを変えてくれるものです。とても面白いお酒で、ボクは好きです。 この日飲んだ日本酒は以上の5種類。どれも個性があり、それぞれ独特の味わいがありました。日本酒は本当に奥が深いものだと思います。通常、日本酒の種類があってもそんなにたくさんの種類の日本酒を飲むことはないので、こちらのように自分の好きな量でさまざまな種類を飲み放題でいただけるお店はとても貴重ですね。 日本酒はワインに負けない芸術的なお酒です。乱暴にいうとワインは糖分があるので潰して放っておけば勝手にアルコール発酵してお酒になりますが、日本酒はその糖をつくる作業が必要で非常に手間がかかります。その意味では肉を焼けば勝手に旨味が存在する洋食と違って、旨味を作るのに出汁をとらなくてはいけない和食と同じと言えます。 若者の日本酒離れ、と言われて久しいですが、こちらのお店はリーズナブルに様々な本物のお酒を好きなだけ飲むことができます。本物に触れることでその良さに気付き、本物を見る目を養うことができる、そんなお店です。 日本酒メインのお店ですが、料理で霜降り和牛の炙り肉は実に美味い一品でした。最初のビールに合わせた唐揚げも美味しかった。 日本酒を味わえる若者が少しでも増えて、日本酒を後世に伝えてくれる人材が途切れないと良いなーと思います。このお店はその役割を果たしてくれる重要なお店なのかもしれないですね。
It's been a long time since people have been crying out for sake, but this shop plays a role of bridging the connection between young people and sake. Come to the entrance where you can enjoy real sake at a reasonable price! I decided to drink in Yoyogi for the first time in a long time, so I visited this shop in front of the station. It is a very cost-effective shop. There is a store just off JR Yoyogi Station. About seats Select the 120-minute all-you-can-drink Japanese course. For 1,890 yen, you can drink all-you-can-drink various types of sake, and you can compare and drink only pure rice sake. Thankfully, it's self-service, so you can pour as much as you like into a glass instead of one. Even if you try to drink various types of sake, it is usually a unit of 1 go, so if you drink 2 to 3 types or 2 to 3 go, you will get drunk. However, in this shop, you can adjust the amount yourself, so you can enjoy many kinds of sake. In the first place, I think Japanese food is the best food in the world. "UMAMI" is popular in Europe, but traditional Japanese food does not use meat, so the umami is taken from the soup stock. If you bake meat, the delicacy is different from Western food, which has umami on its own. And when it comes to alcohol, it is as delicate as wine. That is sake. As with wine, there is a delicacy that the quality will deteriorate unless the temperature is controlled. There are many sakes whose temperature is controlled in the refrigerator here. First of all, about the seat, the first cup of Premol. There is also real beer in the beer. It is different from fake liquor such as low-malt beer, dry, and hoppy. I will go to sake from the second cup. First of all, "Hayaseura" Fukui sake. As a raw material rice, it is Gohyakumangoku, which is often used as a raw material rice for sake after Yamada Nishiki. Dry and refreshing delicate taste. I want to drink 1 go slowly, but I'd like to have a glass less. It's a luxury to be able to go on and on like this. Next is "Shinkame". This is a dry Junmai sake from Saitama prefecture, but it has a good taste but you can drink it refreshingly. It's interesting that the taste is different even if it doesn't look as clear as the red and white wines. The third cup of sake is "Izumibashi". We consistently cultivate sake rice and brew it. Certainly, sake is made from rice, so if you stick to that rice, you start making rice, which leads to the idea of ​​"cultivation and brewing." Sake made with raw sake. It was dry and tasty, and I could drink it refreshingly. It's a delicious sake. Next is "Tengu Mai". Junmai sake prepared in the mountains and is said to be synonymous with mountain abandonment. By the way, mountain abandonment is the work of mashing steamed rice with a stick called "Yamagoshi" (omitted), and the mountain abandonment is omitted. The process of wholesale is called raw sardine preparation. To add a little more, the sake mothers required for sake brewing can be divided into two types: "raw sake mothers" and "quick brewing sake mothers". "Raw lactic acid liquor mother" by growing natural lactic acid bacteria, "quick brewing liquor mother" by artificially adding lactic acid, both of the previous mountain abandonment preparation and raw lactic acid preparation wait for the growth of natural lactic acid bacteria is. It is said that the amino acid value of the sake mother is more than doubled due to the time and effort, so it is easy to finish the sake with depth and richness. Returning to the story, the fourth cup of sake, Tengu Mai, had a rich umami, richness, and sourness because it was prepared in the mountains. I made the first and second cups refreshing and sharp, so the difference was easier to understand. Next is the interesting package and naming "Miyoshikiku Wreckage". The package is a ghost or Halloween style, or a girl's picture is drawn. And the naming, which compares the last part of the squeezed sake "blame" to the wreckage, is unique. The English notation is "YOU CAN NOT KILL ME". Unique (laughs) The wreckage is Yamada Nishiki and Gohyakumangoku, the "blame" of the three rice in Omachi, which has its roots, and sake that is aged by collecting squeezed dregs. The fruity sweet aroma changes the image of sake. It's a very interesting liquor and I like it. I drank the above 5 types of sake on this day. Each had its own personality, and each had its own unique taste. I think sake is really deep. Normally, even if there are different types of sake, you don't drink so many types of sake, so it's very valuable to have a shop like this where you can drink as many types as you like. Sake is an artistic liquor that is as good as wine. Roughly speaking, wine has sugar, so if you crush it and leave it alone, it will be alcohol-fermented without permission, but sake requires the work of making that sugar, which is very time-consuming. In that sense, it can be said that it is the same as Japanese food, in which you have to take soup stock to make umami, unlike Western food, which has umami on its own when grilled meat. It has been a long time since it has been said that young people are away from sake, but at this shop you can drink as many genuine sakes as you like at a reasonable price. It is such a shop where you can notice the goodness by touching the real thing and develop your eyes to see the real thing. Although it is a shop that mainly serves sake, the grilled meat of marbled Wagyu beef was a really delicious dish. The fried chicken that matched the first beer was also delicious. I hope that the number of young people who can enjoy sake will increase as much as possible, and that the human resources who will pass on sake to future generations will not be interrupted. This store may be an important store that fulfills that role.
mossan luck on Google

47都道府県の日本酒勢揃い 富士喜商店 代々木店 代々木駅徒から徒歩3分。飲み放題のお店はどこにでも。日本酒飲み放題のお店も珍しくない。でも全国の日本酒が飲めるのは珍しい。そんなお店。 お通し 根菜もつ煮込み - 味がしっかり染み染みでした。なんとおかわり自由です。 漬物盛り合わせ - 一つ一つのカットは小さめ、ちょっとした箸休めにぴったり。 たこわさ - 辛さも食感もちょうど良し。提供スピードも早いので「とりあえず」の一品に最適。 梅水晶~サメ軟骨梅肉和え~ - 梅肉しっかり日本酒とのマリアージュ。店で個性がでる軟骨カットは細めで好みです。 炙り明太子 - 定番で間違いのない一品。大根おろし添えがありがたい。 まぐろほほ肉のねぎま串 - マグロは火を通すと硬くなるイメージだけれどここのはホロホロとした食感。まのネギ食感はしっかりめで食べ応えあり。これオススメです。 鶏の唐揚げ - 海鮮がメインのお店ですが鶏からも衣サクサクで美味でした 獺祭の酒粕ピザ - 席で目の前で炙ってくれます。嬉しい演出。チーズと一緒に酒粕を感じられる一品。お焦げのチーズが香ばしく美味だけどちょっとピザ耳が硬かった。 炙りしめさば - こちらも席炙り♪茨城の日本酒SABAshuとの相性には脱帽。個人的に一番の当たりです。めちゃ旨。 なめろう茶漬け - 2人分くらいあって分けて食べられます。すっきり出汁でサラサラ食べられます。 ラムネシャーベット - オススメされたので〆のおかわり(笑)さっぱりラムネ。好きな人は多いはず。 しじみ汁 - セルフで注げるお味噌汁。専用の器は小さめですが、欲しいタイミングで飲めるのがよかった。 「日本酒」 ちえびじん 大分 (中野酒造) - まろやかな口当たりでほんのり甘め。女性や辛口な日本酒が苦手な方にオススメ。 夜の帝王 広島 (藤井酒造株式会社) - すっきり辛めで飲みやすい。そのわりに名前がすごい(笑) SABA de SHU 茨城 (吉久保酒造株式会社) - サバ専用の日本酒。しめ鯖と合わせると絶品。 屋守 東京 (豊島屋酒造) - フルーティでこれまた美味。また見かけたらリピートします♪ 初孫 山形 (東北銘醸株式会社)  - お酒の奥にお米の味。お酒本来を楽しむ飲み方がオススメ。 残骸 徳島 (三芳菊酒造) - 名前の通り複雑で面白い味。パッケージのインパクト大。 花の香 熊本 (花の香酒造) - 甘すぎず辛すぎずどんな料理にも合いそう。口当たりもサラッと飲みやすい。 久々に日本酒をたっぷり楽しめました。美味しい料理と日本酒。会話も弾みます。ユニークな飲み放題のシステムとあわせて、隠れ家的なお店で良いお店だと思います♪
Fujiki Shoten Yoyogi Store, a collection of sake from 47 prefectures 3 minutes walk from Yoyogi station. All-you-can-drink shops everywhere. All-you-can-drink shops are not uncommon. However, it is rare to be able to drink sake from all over the country. Such a store. Stewed root vegetables with mochi-the taste was solid. It's free! Assorted Pickles-Each cut is small, perfect for a short break with chopsticks. Toughness-The spiciness and texture are just right. Since it is provided quickly, it is ideal for a "temporary" item. Ume Crystal-Shark Cartilage Meat Meat-Mariage with plum meat. The cartilage cut, which gives individuality at the store, is thin and I like it. Broiled Mentaiko-A classic and unmistakable dish. Thank you for the grated radish. Tuna cheek meat green onion skewer-Tuna has the image of becoming hard when cooked, but this has a soft texture. The texture of the green onion is firm and satisfying. This is recommended. Deep-fried chicken-Mainly seafood, but the chicken was crispy and delicious. Sake lees pizza at Oshimatsuri-It roasts in front of you at your seat. Nice production. A dish where you can feel sake lees with cheese. The burnt cheese was fragrant and delicious, but the pizza ears were a little hard. Broiled mackerel-This is also broiled ♪ I hated the compatibility with Ibaraki's sake SABAshu. This is the best hit personally. Very good. Namero Chazuke-There are about 2 people and you can eat separately. You can eat it smoothly with soup stock. Ramune Sorbet-I was recommended, so it's a substitute for (〆) Lamune. Many people should like it. Shijimi soup-Miso soup that you can pour yourself. The dedicated container is a little small, but it was nice to be able to drink when you want. "Sake" Chiebijin Oita (Nakano Sake Brewing)-A mild sweetness with a mellow texture. Recommended for women and those who are not good at dry sake. Night Emperor Hiroshima (Fujii Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.)-It's refreshingly hot and easy to drink. Instead, the name is amazing (laugh) SABA de SHU Ibaraki (Yoshikubo Sake Brewery Co., Ltd.)-Saba-only sake. Great with Shime-saba. Yamori Tokyo (Toshimaya Sake Brewery)-Fruity and delicious. If you see it again, I will repeat it ♪ Hatsuson Yamagata (Tohoku Meisho Co., Ltd.)-The taste of rice behind sake. We recommend that you enjoy the original sake. Remnants Tokushima (Miyoshi Kiku Brewery)-As the name implies, it has a complex and interesting taste. The impact of the package is large. Hana no Kaori Kumamoto (Hana no Kazake)-It's not too sweet and not too spicy, so it fits any dish. The texture is also easy to drink. I enjoyed a lot of sake after a long time. Good food and sake. I also have a conversation. Together with the unique all-you-can-drink system, I think it is a good hideaway shop ♪
Naoto Yamashita on Google

Both the food and sake are delicious, but the price is complicated. You can enjoy sake as there are many types and patterns for all-you-can-drink.
Y. Chigusa on Google

The second house on that day went to Fujiki Shoten in front of Yoyogi Station. All-you-can-drink including local sake and beer for 1390 yen / 90 minutes, and all-you-can-drink and order 4 dishes, it was a treat for about 2500 yen per person.
DE RORI on Google

日本酒飲み放題の店. 90分から選べるが、30分前がラストオーダーなので、120分以上が無難なところ. 個人的には好きな酒がたくさんあったので十分楽しめた. 燗付コーナーもあるので冷と燗の違いも楽しめる.
All you can drink Japanese sake. You can choose from 90 minutes, but 30 minutes before is the last order, so 120 minutes or more is safe. I personally enjoyed it because I had a lot of liquor. You can enjoy the difference between cold and straw because there is a moat corner.
宮川恵子 on Google

47都道府県の日本酒が勢ぞろい! 代々木駅から徒歩1分、磯丸水産が一階にあるビルの地下に 9月25日に開店したお店です。 飲み放題を選ぶと、なんと日本酒も飲み放題になります。 いろいろ飲み比べが出来て、とても楽しいです。 料理も日本酒に合うものが揃っていて、これからの季節に ぴったりのお店です。
An array of sake from 47 prefectures! A 1-minute walk from Yoyogi Station, in the basement of the building where Isomaru Fisheries is on the first floor This shop opened on September 25th. If you choose all-you-can-drink, you can also drink sake. It's a lot of fun to drink and compare. There are many dishes that go well with sake, and in the coming season It's the perfect shop.
Atsuko Kono on Google

なんと16時から開いていました。入ってみると、とても広くて、ベンチシート席はレンガ風の壁で、女子もOKな感じ。 冷蔵庫に47都道府県の日本酒が、ずらり60種類以上。 これはすごい!ピンクのラベルのとかあって、ワインみたい♡ 熱燗コーナーもあり。グラスは同じものを使って、セルフで飲み放題。 なのでお値段はとってもリーズナブルになっています。 1.5時間 ¥1390 2.0時間 ¥1890 2.5時間 ¥2390 無制限 ¥3390 金・土・祝前日・年末は2.0時間までだそうです。 テーブルパフォーマンス重視のお料理をいろいろ食べたので、飲んだ日本酒は3杯でした。 次は2時間にして何杯飲めるか飲み比べもやってみたいところ。
It was open from 16:00. When I entered, it was very wide, the bench seats were brick-like walls, and girls were OK. More than 60 kinds of sake from 47 prefectures in the refrigerator. it's amazing! It has a pink label and looks like wine ♡ There is also a hot water corner. All-you-can-drink with the same glass. So the price is very reasonable. 1.5 hours ¥ 1390 2.0 hours ¥ 1890 2.5 hours ¥ 2390 Unlimited ¥ 3390 It seems that it is up to 2.0 hours on Friday, Saturday, the day before holidays, and the end of the year. I ate a variety of dishes that emphasize table performance, so I drank three sakes. Next time I would like to compare how many drinks I can drink in 2 hours.
ともみん on Google

代々木の駅近にある富士喜商店♡ . 9/25で富士喜商店代々木店が1周年を迎えるというので行ってきました! . 代々木って模試とかででしか来たことなかったけど、飲食店沢山あってビックリ! . そんな中代々木駅徒歩1分の、47都道府県の日本酒勢揃い、食べログ★3.51「夢酒新宿本店」の姉妹店。富士喜商店は、 . 日本酒がお好きな方には新たな発見や驚きに出会えるお店!
. the男飯!みたいな渋い感じの和食に見えますが女子ウケもバッチリ!日本酒とのペアリングも素敵でした。 . . 詳細はHPで☆
Fujiki store near Yoyogi station ♡ . We went because the Fujiki store Yoyogi store will celebrate the 1st anniversary on 9/25! . Yoyogi has only come as a trial, but there are so many restaurants and surprised! . One-minute walk from Nakayoyogi Station, this is a sister store of the 47 prefectures of Japanese sake, a food log ★ 3.51 “Yumeshu Shinjuku Main Store”. Fujiki store . A shop where you can discover new discoveries and surprises if you like sake! . More than 60 kinds of sake! In addition, the owners carefully selected and prepared 47 prefectures of Japanese sake that were particular about their content and price, so you were surprised at the sake you've never seen before! There were lots of cute packages and it was fun to watch! Usually, when I get out of the refrigerator, I return it to the refrigerator by myself, but today I borrowed it for photography. the man! It looks like a bit of Japanese food, but it ’s also perfect for girls! Pairing with sake was also wonderful. . . Details are on HP ☆

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