
3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 吉美根ふじ園

住所 :

Yoshimine, Sukagawa, 〒962-0059 Fukushima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88787
街 : Fukushima

Yoshimine, Sukagawa, 〒962-0059 Fukushima,Japan
神威まりあ on Google

この辺の何処のフラワーパーク的な所の藤棚より、一番素晴らしかったです。 村越建設工業株式会社さんの敷地内の藤園を無料で開放してくださっているのですが、本当に一年通して丹精込めて手入れなさったのが一目で分かる藤園でした。
It was the most wonderful than the wisteria trellis in a flower park-like place around here. Murakoshi Construction Industry Co., Ltd. has opened the wisteria garden on the premises for free, but it was a wisteria garden that you can see at a glance that it was really carefully maintained throughout the year.
新田 和子にった かずこ on Google

The wisteria trellis was wonderful. The peony was also beautiful, wasn't it?
允藤田 on Google

I think it is difficult to manage and care for wisteria flowers individually. I am really grateful that anyone can see the blooming wisteria flowers for free. The flowers were wonderful and bloomed beautifully.
t a on Google

It was a little quick to go, but there were some parts that were in full bloom. Thank you for the free opening.
taka kazu on Google

藤の花の余り香が園内に漂い同時に咲き誇る シャクナゲやツツジも大変綺麗な所でした。 村越建設内の庭園と言う事で入場、駐車料等も取らずに ありがたいことです。 庭園を清掃手入れしている方が沢山いて綺麗に整備されていました。
Surplus incense of wisteria flowers drifts in the garden and blooms at the same time Rhododendron and azalea were also very beautiful. It's a garden in Murakoshi Construction, so you don't have to pay for admission and parking. Thank you. There were many people who kept the garden clean and it was kept in good condition.
ゆんあとこ on Google

村越建設工業さんの敷地内にある 1.5haの藤の花を無料で一般公開してあり 隣にある吉美根区民プラザの駐車場が利用可能 吉美根ふじ園住所でカーナビ登録し向かうと入り口裏道に案内されたので 吉美根区民プラザの住所で向かうと良さそうです 個人所有の藤棚と侮るなかれ❗ 綺麗に整備された敷地には 大〜きな藤棚が連なり 紫、ピンク、白、彩り豊かな 満開の藤が迎えてくれます✨ 週末でも混雑してなくて来客も皆様 マスク着用ソーシャルディスタンスも◎ 個人敷地て事もあり、大声で話す人もおらず静かに鑑賞出来ました♫
Located on the premises of Murakoshi Construction Industry 1.5ha of wisteria flowers are open to the public for free Parking lot at Yoshimine Citizen's Plaza next door is available When I registered the car navigation system at the Yoshimine Fujien address and headed for it, I was guided to the back road of the entrance. It seems good to go at the address of Yoshimine Citizen's Plaza Don't despise it as a privately owned wisteria trellis ❗ On a well-maintained site A series of large wisteria trellis Purple, pink, white, colorful Wisteria in full bloom welcomes you ✨ It's not crowded even on weekends and all the visitors Mask wearing social distance is also ◎ Because it was a private site, there were no people talking loudly and I was able to appreciate it quietly ♫
ひろひろ on Google

It is blooming beautifully this year as well. As of May 8th, it's about half bloom, and even with a mask, it has a nice scent of wisteria. We are grateful that there is no entrance fee and there is a parking lot and a simple toilet.
はなぶさ on Google

近くてこんなに綺麗な藤が観れる所があるのを知りませんでした。 広い敷地に所狭しと咲き誇った藤の花はとても見応えがあった。 無料で解放 見る事ができる村越建設工業株式会社さんの敷地内です、私有地に駐車場もあります。 立ち寄られる方は節度を保って楽しんでください。
I didn't know that there was a place where I could see such a beautiful wisteria nearby. The wisteria flowers that bloomed in a small area on a large site were very spectacular. It is on the premises of Murakoshi Construction Industry Co., Ltd., which you can see for free, and there is also a parking lot on private land. If you stop by, please keep your moderation and enjoy yourself.

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