Yoshimi Books Osada - Shizuoka

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yoshimi Books Osada

住所 :

2 Chome-16-22 Toshinden, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 421-0112, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 421-0112
Webサイト : https://www.yoshimi-books.com/

2 Chome-16-22 Toshinden, Suruga Ward, Shizuoka, 421-0112, Japan
望月浩二 on Google

There are many kinds of books, but the lighting is dark in the back of the manga.
KOU-1 S on Google

いつもご贔屓にしてる本屋さん! 雑誌のスペースをもう少し欲しい…。 と言っても、月刊誌は本屋にとっちゃコスパは悪いのはわかるが…
A bookstore that I always favor! I want a little more space for magazines ... Even so, I understand that the cost performance of monthly magazines is very bad for bookstores ...
Yoshikazu Ishii on Google

店内はキレイで本の乱れもなく気持ちよくゆっくりと見て回れます。 最近はネットに押されている書店ですが、たまに行ってみると店員さんのポップがあって思わぬめぐり合わせがあります。 本は読みたいけど、目的の本がないなどには、やはり本屋は良いものです。
The inside of the store is beautiful and you can look around comfortably and slowly without disturbing the books. Recently, the bookstore has been pushed online, but when I go there once in a while, there is a pop of the clerk and there is an unexpected encounter. If you want to read a book but don't have the book you want, a bookstore is a good one.
フリーダム on Google

First of all, you will have all the manga and books you need! The clerk also responds quickly and you can collect point cards, so it's a great deal!
カズ on Google

外観が古いので不安でしたが、 蔦屋に無い新刊がちゃんと置いて有りました。 これから、人気が出るであろうマンガだったので ちゃんと抑えてる辺りが さすが本屋と言った感じです! チェーン店のアルバイトだけの店と違い 本屋って感じで良いと思います〜 ただ、個人的には 外観はキレイで、店内は明るいのが、 本屋の理想です。 店内が暗いと本のタイトルも目に付き辛いです…
I was worried because the appearance is old, There was a new book that Tsutaya didn't have. Because it was a manga that would become popular from now on The area that is properly suppressed It feels like a bookstore! Unlike a chain store that only has a part-time job I think it's okay to feel like a bookstore ~ However, personally The appearance is beautiful and the inside is bright, Ideal for bookstores. The title of the book is hard to see when the store is dark ...
古宇我尚胡 on Google

近郊へ受診の帰りに寄りました。 店内にサーティワンアイスクリームコーナー(飲食スペース有) があります。 他,書籍だけではなく,文具,日用品(手提げバッグ,カレンダー等) の品揃えも豊富です。
I stopped by on my way home from the consultation. There is a Thirty One Ice Cream Corner (with eating and drinking space) in the store. In addition to books, we also have a wide selection of stationery and daily necessities (handbags, calendars, etc.).
Bird Kicking on Google

There are comics that other bookstores do not have, so I feel that I am doing my best in the product lineup. The number of bookstores like this has decreased considerably, so please do your best.
ユキナリ on Google

静岡で本屋と言えばツタヤと思っている人も多いと思うが、吉見書店も頑張っています。中には31アイスもあるし。 今流行の転生系のマンガが豊富に置いてあります。 クレジットカードやペイペイも使えます。
Many people think that bookstores in Shizuoka are Tsutaya, but Yoshimi Bookstore is also working hard. There are 31 ice creams inside. There are a lot of reincarnated manga that are popular now. You can also use credit cards and paypay.

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