谷島屋 パルシェ店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 谷島屋 パルシェ店

住所 :

Kuroganecho, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0851 Shizuoka,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Webサイト : https://tsutaya.tsite.jp/store/detail/4043/
街 : Shizuoka

Kuroganecho, Aoi Ward, 〒420-0851 Shizuoka,Japan
SHIN S. on Google

I feel that the amount of books has decreased compared to before
則巻ガジラ on Google

新刊も多めにありますし、発行部数が少い雑誌も、だいたいあります。 陳列も見易すく、整理整頓もしていて、チームで頑張っていると感じます。
There are a lot of new publications, and there are also magazines with a small circulation. The display is easy to see and tidy, and I feel that the team is working hard.
諏訪美月(ひなっち) on Google

その時々で変わりますが、地元の名産品(遠州織物や茶菓子、和紅茶など)も売っていて、本を探す以外にも 時々立ち寄ります。売り場面積が 駅ビルの一画のため 狭めなので、特殊(専門書)な本は 見つからないことが多いです。
Although it changes from time to time, we also sell local specialties (Enshu textiles, tea confectionery, Japanese black tea, etc.), and we sometimes stop by other than looking for books. Since the sales floor area is small because it is a part of the station building, it is often not possible to find special (specialized books) books.
花村竜彦 on Google

It's only here. Oh, is there a MARUZEN & Jun-kundo bookstore in Shin-Shizuoka Cenova instead of the center? By the time of the center? ?? ?? What bookstore is it? It is a suspicious old man who is a game arcade in Kuremonocho. I played a crane game properly.
イエローカード on Google

場所は、利便性のある所にあるのに、店舗の使い方、店員の質が悪い。 店長、責任者の管理、教育が、出来てないダメダメな店の典型。 実際、店員と接してみて何を言ってのか? 良くわからん人だった…。 ◯崎って店長…。 趣味の本と子供の本を買うか悩んだが、結局、店舗や店員と接して萎えてしまい、買うのを止めた。 Amazonで購入。結局、こういう店が衰退してる本屋を潰す切欠を作っているんだろうと思った。もう二度と行かない。
Although the location is convenient, the usage of the store and the quality of the staff are poor. This is a typical example of a bad store that cannot manage and educate store managers and managers. In fact, what do you say when you come in contact with the clerk? I didn't really understand ... ◯ Saki is the store manager ... I was worried about buying a hobby book and a children's book, but in the end, I got in touch with the store and the clerk and withered, so I stopped buying. Purchased on Amazon. After all, I wondered if these stores were making cutouts to crush the declining bookstores. I will never go again.
佐藤誠一 on Google

It is a valuable bookstore that has decreased.
古宇我尚胡 on Google

ターゲットは年齢層を幅広く豊富な品揃えでいかに引き寄せるか…です。 駅構内で立ち寄り易い,読書に必要な向かい側がメガネサロンというのも恵まれている。
The target is how to attract a wide range of age groups with a wide variety of products. It is also blessed that there is a glasses salon on the opposite side necessary for reading, which is easy to stop by inside the station.
みお on Google

大きな店舗ではありませんが コミック、雑誌からハードカバーまでバランスよく取り揃えられています。 レジ前には テーマに沿ってピックアップされた様々な本や ポップが並んでいて ふらっとたちよった時に 思わず手に取りたくなる 本に出会えます。 雑貨や文房具もワンコーナー 配置されて 面白いですよ✨
It ’s not a big store, We have a well-balanced selection of comics, magazines and hardcovers. In front of the cash register Various books picked up according to the theme Pops are lined up When I wander around I want to pick it up You can meet books. One corner for miscellaneous goods and stationery Be placed It's interesting ✨

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