パシオス 長野吉田店

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact パシオス 長野吉田店

住所 :

Yoshida, 〒381-0043 Nagano,Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Webサイト : http://www.paseos.co.jp/shop/
Opening hours :
Saturday 10AM–8PM
Sunday 10AM–8PM
Monday 10AM–8PM
Tuesday 10AM–8PM
Wednesday 10AM–8PM
Thursday 10AM–8PM
Friday 10AM–8PM
街 : Nagano

Yoshida, 〒381-0043 Nagano,Japan
たな on Google

Service depends on the person. Some clerks are not good enough to ask wrong information without confirming it.
川井洋子 on Google

I go 1.2 times a week ❗ I am satisfied with the bargains when I go ?
丸山邦子 on Google

The clerk feels good. I brought the bag
Mitchang Kazooyou on Google

まぁまぁの品揃え。シマムラとかAvailとおんなじような店。全体的にはシマムラより安価なものが多い印象。 たまに行くと掘り出し物あったりする。
Well assortment. A store similar to Shimamura or Avail. The overall impression is that many of them are cheaper than Shimamura. Occasionally there are bargains.
Jun Jun on Google

There are many favorite products and it's cheap, so it's very easy to shop ? The cashier's clerk was also impressed ?
Masami Arai on Google

比較できないほどの安さは魅力的。 男性物を買いによく訪れます。 値札をよく見ると、超がつくようなお買い得品を見つけることができるかもしれません。
Incomparable cheap is attractive. I often visit to buy men's stuff. If you look closely at the price tag, you may be able to find some bargains that are super compelling.
釼持陽子 on Google

主人の靴下を求めました。サイズが24から26なので、しまむらさんにはあまり無く、 パシオスさんにはありました。助かりました。ありがとう❗
I asked for my husband's socks. Since the size is 24 to 26, Shimamura-san didn't have much, and Pasios-san had it. It was helpful. Thank you ❗
マーケッターgoogle on Google

好きなキャラクターとのコラボ商品を限定品で出る時があるので、とても嬉しい。 あと、タイミングがいいと処分品の中に、欲しかった商品があることが多いので、時々覗いてます。
I'm very happy because there are times when collaboration products with my favorite characters are released as limited items. Also, if the timing is right, there are many items that I wanted among the disposal items, so I sometimes take a peek.

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