栃木日野自動車(株) 本社総務部

3.5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 栃木日野自動車(株) 本社総務部

住所 :

Yokotashinmachi, Utsunomiya, 〒321-0105 Tochigi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday Closed
Monday 9AM–5PM
Tuesday 9AM–5PM
Wednesday 9AM–5PM
Thursday 9AM–5PM
Friday 9AM–5PM
街 : Tochigi

Yokotashinmachi, Utsunomiya, 〒321-0105 Tochigi,Japan
渡辺久 on Google

The response is quick.
一族お笑い on Google

Great response to customers ✨
masanori Yonezawa on Google

They will be kind to you.
etsuko ken on Google

My job is luck, and the truck I'm riding is Hino, so any troubles are repaired at the dealer ?
ピカリん on Google

予約しても、順番待ち(*_*) 何の予約だか…
Even if you make a reservation, wait in line (* _ *) What kind of reservation ...
06 JB23 on Google

いつも混んでます? 営業所、増やすべきです❗
It's always crowded ? Sales offices should be increased ❗
梅田浩由 on Google

The attitude of the receptionist is the worst. Name is Fukuda, no amiability,
たろちゃん on Google

営業の対応は素晴らしいが、整備士はスマホいじりながら整備しているし、友達感覚のタメ口で話してくる。 忙しいのは分かるが聞こえるくらいの声量で愚痴文句言うのは如何なものか。 所詮トラックディーラーのサービスなんてまともに接客も出来ないのかと呆れた。が、近くの三菱やいすゞにも仕事で行く機会があり整備に対応してもらったが日野とは天地の差があった。 。
The sales response is excellent, but the mechanic is doing maintenance while playing with his smartphone, and he talks with a friend-like feeling. I know I'm busy, but what is it like to complain with a loud voice that I can hear? After all, I was wondering if the truck dealer's service couldn't serve customers properly. However, I had the opportunity to go to work at nearby Mitsubishi and Isuzu, and asked them to handle the maintenance, but there was a difference between Hino and Hino. ..

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