満麺の笑み - Nishinomiya

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 満麺の笑み

住所 :

Yokomichicho, Nishinomiya, 〒662-0917 Hyogo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8798
Postal code : 662-0917
Webサイト : https://m.facebook.com/%25E8%2587%25AA%25E7%2584%25B6%25E6%25B4%25BE%25E3%2582%2589%25E3%2583%25BC%25E3%2582%2581%25E3%2582%2593-%25E6%25BA%2580%25E9%25BA%25BA%25E3%2581%25AE%25E7%25AC%2591%25E3%2581%25BF-956749651095763/%3Flocale2%3Dja_JP
街 : Hyogo
Description : Understated restaurant spotlighting traditional soups, plus fried chicken & noodle dishes.

Yokomichicho, Nishinomiya, 〒662-0917 Hyogo,Japan
トゥネリエル on Google

開店直後だったのですが、道に4組ならんでいました。20分程まち中に入れました。 醤油ラーメンを頼みました。 すぐに出てきました。 店内は感染対策のパネルがあり、換気はバッチリしてありました。 店員のおにいさんが冷房やあちこちをこまめに拭いていました。 醤油ラーメンは濃いス―プで魚介の風味は、少し弱かったです。分厚いチャ―シュ―は食べ応えありでしたが、崩れる程柔らかくは無かったです。若い人には良いかも知れません。 旦那の食べた潮ラーメンのほうが私には合いました。あえて、言えば潮ラーメンの鶏チャーシューは絶品でした。ほんの少し柚子やカボスなどの皮を削って上に乗せたらもっとさっぱり美味しくなるのにとおもいました。 醤油ラーメンのネギは出来たら小口ネギではなく、玉ねぎの乱切りや、白髪ネギの斜め切りのほうが歯ごたえを楽しめるかなと邪推な意見ですが、おもいました。
It was just after the store opened, but there were 4 groups on the road. I put it in the town for about 20 minutes. I ordered soy sauce ramen. It came out immediately. There was an infection control panel inside the store, and ventilation was perfect. The clerk's old man wiped the air conditioner and everywhere frequently. The soy sauce ramen was a strong soup and the flavor of the seafood was a little weak. The thick tea plant was satisfying to eat, but it was not soft enough to crumble. It may be good for young people. The tide ramen that my husband ate suits me better. Speaking of which, the chicken char siu of the tide ramen was excellent. I thought it would be even more delicious if I scraped the skin of yuzu and kabosu a little and put it on top. It is a mysterious opinion that if you can make soy sauce ramen leeks, you can enjoy the chewy texture by chopping onions or diagonally slicing white-haired leeks instead of small-sized leeks.
24 West on Google

食券を買って注文します。 塩味玉をいただきました。 スープから…おぉ❗お出汁の味が‼️美味しい。 麺を一口…❗もちもちで美味しい❗やや硬めで好き。
I will buy a meal ticket and place an order. I got a salty ball. From the soup ... Oh ❗ The taste of the soup stock is‼ ️ Delicious. A bite of noodles ... ❗ Chewy and delicious ❗ I like it because it's a little hard.
俺ログ on Google

満麺の笑みさんに行って来ました! 海塩ラーメン780円を頂きました?魚介の出汁が効いて最高に美味しかったです♪塩ラーメン好きにはおすすめですね??? 豚マヨ丼は具が冷たくあまり美味しくはなかったのが残念??? #俺ログ 3.60 食べログ 3.57
I went to Mitsumen's smile! I got 780 yen for sea salt ramen ? The soup stock of seafood worked and it was the best ♪ It is recommended for salt ramen lovers ??? It's a pity that the pork mayonnaise bowl was cold and not very delicious ??? #I log 3.60 Tabelog 3.57
Eri Mizuno on Google

海塩ラーメン+煮卵をいただきました。 先に食券を購入するシステム。店内は清潔感もあります。 バランス良く、旨みもしっかりでとっても美味しくいただきました!特に鶏チャーシューはしっとり&味も染み込んでいて絶品でした!青さ海苔も良い仕事してます。煮卵は半熟じゃなかったのが残念でしたが、半熟とはどこにも書いてなかったので仕方なし。。 また来たいお店です!
I had sea salt ramen + boiled eggs. A system to purchase meal tickets first. There is also a feeling of cleanliness inside the store. It was well-balanced, had a good taste, and was very delicious! Especially the chicken char siu was soaked in moist and taste and was excellent! Blue seaweed also does a good job. It was a pity that the boiled eggs were not half-ripe, but I couldn't help because I didn't say half-ripe anywhere. .. This is the shop I want to visit again!
むーみん。 on Google

土曜の13:00に訪問。ほぼ待ち無しで入店。 カウンターのみの店で、職人気質なスキンヘッド店主とアルバイトの2名で切り盛りしていました。 写真は塩ラーメン『海塩、肉増し』です。 感想:旨い!最高!! 『和海』と同レベルの旨さですね。こだわりを感じます。 もちもちした中太の多加水麺とスープの相性がとても良く、チャーシューも分厚く食べごたえ十分。 オススメの名店です!!
Visited on Saturday at 13:00. Enter the store with almost no waiting. It was a counter-only store, and two people, a popular skinhead shop owner and a part-time job, worked together. The photo is salt ramen "sea salt, meat increase". Impressions: Delicious! The best! !! It's as good as "Wakai". I feel particular about it. The chewy medium-thick polyhydric noodles go very well with the soup, and the char siu is thick and delicious. It is a recommended famous store! !!
上崎順平 on Google

・「チャーシュー丼」の概念を破壊するサルサ・ヴェルデの威力は凄いが接客面で…… 三が日のお昼、営業開始10分前に訪問。駐車場はあるのだけど駐車スペースは多く無いので近くのコインパーキングを利用した次第。店前には既に8人程が並んでおり、残念ながら二巡目へ。列待機中に順番で食券を買った上で待つシステム。 メインは看板メニューらしき「海塩(塩ラーメン)」を、サイドはちょっと迷ったのだけど「サルサ・ヴェルデのチャーシュー丼」をオーダー。カウンターに着いてから10分足らずで提供。 最初はスープを一口。無化調を謳っている店なので「無化調ラーメンにありがちな味がボヤけているのはイヤだなあ」と思っていたが、なかなかコクがあり不満を感じる事は無い。少なくとも無化調という事を考えれば「ようやっとる」と言えるレベル。しっとりしたチャーシューも美味。 驚いたのはサイドで頼んだ「サルサ・ヴェルデのチャーシュー丼」。上にかつお節が載っているのでかき混ぜて食べたのだけど、よく見るとゴロゴロとしたチャーシューの下に何やらソースらしきものが。「なんやこれ?」と思って食べたらまあ凄い。「え??これ洋食??」とチャーシュー丼というジャンルとは明確に異なった味の方向性の違いにかなり意表を突かれた。 イタリアンパセリとアンチョビ、オリーブオイルから作られる薫り高いソースと柔らかいチャーシューが驚く程高いレベルでハーモニーを奏でている。チャーシュー丼という概念を叩き壊した上で店主のセンスが全く予想しない形で組み上げたオリジナルメニューと言って良い。これは驚嘆した。 ……ただ、これだけなら星5もしくは星4なのだけど星3にしたのは理由がある。直前のお客さんが食券購入後にメニュー変更を申し出たらしいのだけど、返金処理を若いバイトさんが上手くこなせなかった模様。人間だからそれは仕方の無い部分なのだけど、注意する店主の声が高くなったのは頂けない。 「孤独のグルメ」じゃないのだけど「人の食べている前でそんなに怒鳴らなくてもいいでしょう」と苦言を呈したくなった……そりゃ、世の中にはもっと派手にカウンター内でのパワハラショーを展開してくれる店もあるのだけど、不愉快なものは不愉快なんである。 味は良かったのに、カウンター内でのやり取りで心にトゲが刺さった様な気分になった一食であった。
・ The power of Salsa Verde, which destroys the concept of "char siu bowl", is amazing, but in terms of customer service ... Visited at noon on the day, 10 minutes before the opening of business. There is a parking lot, but there are not many parking spaces, so I decided to use a nearby coin parking lot. About 8 people are already lined up in front of the store, and unfortunately we are heading to the second round. A system that waits after buying meal tickets in order while waiting in line. I ordered "sea salt (salt ramen)", which seems to be a signboard menu, and "Salsa Verde's char siu bowl", although I was a little lost on the side. Served in less than 10 minutes after arriving at the counter. First, take a bite of soup. I thought, "I don't like the taste that is typical of non-genuine ramen," because it's a restaurant that claims to be non-genuine, but it's quite rich and I don't feel dissatisfied. At least considering that it is a neutralized tone, it is a level that can be said to be "finally done". The moist char siu is also delicious. What surprised me was the "Salsa Verde char siu bowl" I ordered from the side. Since the dried bonito flakes are on the top, I ate it with stirring, but if you look closely, you can see something like sauce under the roasted char siu. It's amazing to eat it thinking "What's this?" I was quite surprised by the difference in the direction of the taste, which was clearly different from the genre of char siu bowl, "What ?? This is Western food ??". The fragrant sauce made from Italian parsley, anchovies and olive oil and the soft char siu play a surprisingly high level of harmony. It can be said that it is an original menu that was assembled in a way that the owner's sense did not expect at all after breaking down the concept of char siu bowl. This was amazing. ...... However, this is only 5 stars or 4 stars, but there is a reason why I chose 3 stars. It seems that the customer just before offered to change the menu after purchasing the meal ticket, but it seems that the young part-time worker could not handle the refund process well. It's a unavoidable part because I'm a human being, but I can't say that the store owner's voice to be careful has risen. It's not a "gourmet of loneliness", but I wanted to complain that "you don't have to yell so much in front of people eating" ... That's why the world has a more flashy power harassment show at the counter. There are stores that open it, but unpleasant things are unpleasant. Although the taste was good, it was a meal that made me feel like a thorn stuck in my heart due to the exchange at the counter.
tanaka tanpo on Google

自然なダシの味が味わうことのできるラーメン屋さん。人工的な味を追求するラーメン界のなかでもダシのとり方にこだわりを感じる自然派ラーメン。 スッキリとしながらもコクのある塩ラーメン。自然なダシの味で有名な塩ラーメンを食べて来ました。(写真は塩ラーメンに追加の締めご飯の写真) 元々、ここにあるのは行列ができていたことでも知っていたのですが、去年の秋に初めて整体サロンROROの凄腕店長に連れられて食べにいきました。 西宮で最も美味しいラーメン屋さんである、と、紹介頂いて食べに行きました。確かに、西宮の中で最も上品な味のラーメン屋さんと思います。化学調味量を沢山入れたり、とにかく豚骨など濃い味を目指すラーメン界の中で、フランス料理のスープを口に含んだ時のような濃厚ながら上品さのあるダシの味のするラーメンでした! かれこれ、2〜3回は既にリピートしています。整体を受けにいく時にバイクで店の前を通るときには大抵、お客さんの行列があって、ファンの多い人気店と思います。
A ramen shop where you can enjoy the natural taste of dashi. Natural ramen that is particular about how to make dashi stock in the ramen world that pursues artificial taste. A refreshing yet rich salt ramen. I ate salt ramen, which is famous for its natural dashi flavor. (The photo is a photo of additional rice for salt ramen) Originally, I knew that there was a line here, but last fall I went to eat with the brilliant manager of the manipulative salon RORO for the first time. I was introduced to Nishinomiya as the most delicious ramen shop and went to eat. Certainly, I think it is the most elegant ramen shop in Nishinomiya. In the ramen world where you add a lot of chemical seasoning and aim for a strong taste such as pork bones, it was a ramen with a rich yet elegant dashi taste like when you put French soup in your mouth! I've already repeated it a couple of times. When I go to get a manipulative treatment and ride a motorcycle in front of the store, there is usually a line of customers and I think it is a popular store with many fans.
ぐるパス on Google

お店のオープンと同時に入店 入店後すぐに満席になりました。 さすが人気店^_^ 場所はJR西宮駅から少し離れたところにあり 周辺からこんな所にお店が?って思います。 塩中華そば+味玉に 聞いたことの無い サルサヴェルデのチャーシュー丼 スープは自然派ラーメンで無化調ということで 雑味は無かったんですが わたしには少し塩っぱいく後が残りました。 魚介に豚肉ではあるものの、あっさりと仕上がり 麺も全粒粉の中太麺ストレート麺で スープに絡んでとっても美味しかったです。 私個人的にはこのチャーシューが抜群にうまい 豚バラの炙りチャーシューで、脂っこさは無く 旨味がすごく集中しています。 甘味も若干あり大好きな味! メンマも一緒に炙られていて 初めて食べました。 味玉もとってもおいしかったです! それに、今回感動したのが この、チャーシュー丼! サルサなんとか、、、 かつお節がふんだんに乗っており 中を覗くと何やら緑のソースが 知らずに食べると ニンニク?ん?違うな?と最後まで謎 でも、香ばしい風味にオイル的なものが混ざり さらに、タレがかかって 全てが混ざると、とんでも無くうまい! ぜひ、混ぜて食べるといいと思います。 食べててニヤけてきます。 かつお節がかなり多くて食べにくい感じもしましたけど(^_^;) 初めて食べて感動した、チャーシュー丼でした。 ご馳走様でした♪
Enter the store at the same time as the store opens It became full immediately after entering the store. As expected it is a popular shop ^ _ ^ The place is a little away from JR Nishinomiya station Is there a store in such a place from the surrounding area? I think. For salted Chinese noodles + taste balls Never heard Salsa verde char siu bowl The soup is a natural ramen and has a neutral tone There was no miscellaneous taste I had a little salty left. Although it is pork in fish and shellfish, it is finished lightly Noodles are also whole grain medium-thick straight noodles It was very delicious with the soup. Personally, this char siu is outstandingly good Roasted pork roast pork with no greasiness The umami is very concentrated. There is some sweetness and I love it! Menma was also roasted together It's the first time I ate it. The taste balls were also delicious! Besides, I was impressed this time This is a char siu bowl! Salsa somehow ... There are plenty of dried bonito When I look inside, I see a green sauce If you eat without knowing garlic? Yeah? Isn't it? And the mystery until the end However, the fragrant flavor is mixed with oily things. In addition, the sauce is applied When everything is mixed, it's ridiculously good! By all means, I think you should mix and eat. I'm eating and grinning. I also felt that it was difficult to eat because there were quite a lot of dried bonito (^ _ ^;) It was a char siu bowl that I was impressed with for the first time. It was a treat ♪

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