Yokoi - Iida

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yokoi

住所 :

株)横井 (横井塗装 3862-6 Daimoncho, Iida, Nagano 395-0011, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 395-0011
Webサイト : https://1451.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 9AM–5PM
Sunday 9AM–5PM
Monday 9AM–7PM
Tuesday 9AM–7PM
Wednesday 9AM–7PM
Thursday 9AM–7PM
Friday 9AM–7PM

株)横井 (横井塗装 3862-6 Daimoncho, Iida, Nagano 395-0011, Japan
山下芳美 on Google

とても丁寧な施工で、満足な仕上がりでした。 社長さんも小まめに足を運んで戴きありがとうございました。
The construction was very polite and the work was satisfactory. Thank you very much for visiting the president.
wacaco cano on Google

I was very kind to respond. The president was kind and dependable, and the story was fun and impressive. Also thank you.
はらだたかし on Google

関東甲信越地区熱交換塗料・防錆塗料工法研究会[事務局]の原田です。いつも丁寧な施工をありがとうございます。今後も今まで以上に期待しております! 一緒に頑張りましょう!
This is Harada of the Kanto Koshinetsu district heat exchange paint / rust preventive paint construction method study group [secretariat]. Thank you always for careful construction. We are looking forward to more than ever! Let's work hard together!
大喜 on Google

知り合いの方に紹介して頂き、抗菌施工をしていただきました。 説明も丁寧で、作業もテキパキされておりました。 地元で、信頼できる塗装屋さんです。
I was introduced by an acquaintance and had antibacterial construction done. The explanation was polite and the work was very refreshing. It is a local and reliable paint shop.
宝森 on Google

柿干場の防カビ対策として光触媒抗菌施工をしていただきました。 説明も分かりやすかったです。 困った事がありましたら、お気軽に連絡下さいと言っていただきました。 とても満足です。 ありがとうございました。
We had you perform photocatalyst antibacterial construction as mold prevention measure of persimmon dried field. The explanation was easy to understand. If you have any problems, please feel free to contact us. I am very satisfied. Thank you very much.
ikura uni on Google

先日、外壁塗装が無事終わり、イメージ以上の出来栄えでとても満足致しました。 知り合いからの紹介で話を聞いてみたらとても感じの良い社長さんで、社員の方も礼儀正しく、 家のリフォームには、とことんこだわりたかったので、一つ一つ条件を解決してくださり仕上がりも丁寧で綺麗 大満足でした。 知人の紹介通り、センスも良く信頼出来る会社だと思います。
The other day, the outer wall painting was completed successfully, and I was very satisfied with the workmanship beyond the image. When I heard the story from an acquaintance, he was a very pleasant president, and his employees were polite, I really wanted to remodel the house, so I solved each condition one by one, and the finish was polite and beautiful. As the acquaintance introduced, I think it is a company that has a good sense and can be trusted.
k k on Google

外壁塗り替えをお願いしたところ見積もり内容説明の時点で塗料の成分や色のコーディネートなどとても細かく数種類の見積もり内容の説明から始まりいざ工事が始まると社長さんも現場へ出て職人さんと仕事をされていました。家は庭に沢山の薔薇があるので外壁へ薔薇の枝があたっても大丈夫なよう今後のアドバイスまでお話してくださいました。他 ベランダ防水もお願いしましたがとても綺麗で両親もとても満足しております。また困り事がありましたらよろしくお願いします。
When asking for repainting the outer walls, we started coordinating ingredients and colors of the paint at the time of the explanation explanation and started with explanation of several kinds of estimate contents very much. When the construction began, the president went out to the work place and was working with the craftsman It was. The house has plenty of roses in the garden so we talked about future advice so that even if the rose branches hit the outer wall. I also requested other veranda waterproofing, but it is very beautiful and my parents are very satisfied. I would appreciate it if there is any further trouble.
よりニャン on Google

It was a very reliable supplier. Not only the president, but also the craftsmen who were in charge were qualified, and they kindly and politely painted me.

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