Yokohama Market - Yokohama

4.1/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yokohama Market

住所 :

水産物部 Yamanouchicho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-0054, Japan

Postal code : 221-0054
Webサイト :

水産物部 Yamanouchicho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-0054, Japan
末永光雄 on Google

刺身丼を食べました。新鮮なネタ10種13切れに具沢山の豚汁が付いて税込950円は格安で美味しかったです。 横浜駅から20分程歩きますが、気持ちの良い散歩コースで食後にちょうど良い距離です。
I ate sashimi bowl. 13 slices of 10 kinds of fresh ingredients with a lot of pork soup and 950 yen including tax was cheap and delicious. It's about 20 minutes walk from Yokohama station, but it's a pleasant walk course and it's just the right distance after a meal.
まろんみはえる on Google

とにかく美味しかったです!海鮮丼を頂きました。少し時間が遅くなったので、買い物はできなかったのですが、美味しかった❗ また、行きたいです。
It was delicious anyway! I got a seafood bowl. I couldn't shop because it was a little late, but it was delicious ❗ I want to go again.
佐藤智宏 on Google

お正月用の食材確保に初中央市場に行って来ました‼️(写真撮り忘れ、失礼?) 出川さんのご実家の海苔佃煮屋さんを初め、多彩な乾物屋さんが並び、同じブースにはたくさんの食事処が並んでます。 隣のブースがメインですが、鮮魚が凄い‼️ なかなか見られない鮪の解体や余り見かけない魚や甲殻類も種類豊富に並んでます。 警備員さんも色々丁寧に教えてくれるのでわからない事は聞くに限りますよ??️ 一般開放の時には是非見学がてら覗いて見てくださいませ。
I went to the first central market to secure ingredients for the New Year! ️ (Forgot to take a photo, excuse me ?) Degawa's parents' home, Tsukudani seaweed, and a variety of dried fish shops are lined up, and many restaurants are lined up in the same booth. The next booth is the main one, but the fresh fish is amazing! ️ There is a wide variety of tuna dismantling and rare fish and crustaceans that are rarely seen. The guards will also teach you various things carefully, so you can only ask what you don't understand ??️ Please take a look at it when it is open to the public.
Kise I on Google

ロードバイクで訪問。 入り口で検温がありました。 正門の前に駐輪場があり、 地球留めで停めることができました。 平日11:30頃から人出が出始めあっという間に満席になりましたがお店により大丈夫なお店もあります。ゆったりする場所ではないので、待ったとしてもそんなに時間はかからないと思います。
Visit by road bike. There was a temperature measurement at the entrance. There is a bicycle parking lot in front of the main gate, I was able to stop at the earth stop. The number of people started to appear around 11:30 on weekdays and it became full in a blink of an eye, but some shops are okay. It's not a relaxing place, so I don't think it will take much time to wait.
Sebastian Kobayashi on Google

You can buy freshly caught fish and shellfish, but the general public can only buy them twice a month on the general release day. Check it on the city homepage. The price is written only in kilos, or it is not displayed in the first place, so it may take some getting used to buying.
かっち on Google

The Fisheries Department will be open to the public at the end of the year in 2021 on December 29th and 30th, from 8:00 am to 11:00 am. This time when I came to eat breakfast, it was the first Saturday, so it was open to the public. It was nice to see the dismantling of the tuna.
魚好き海楽(海楽 魚好き) on Google

第1、第3土曜日の8時~10時は一般入場可能。 一般も仲買店で購入できます? 基本1匹丸のままで買えます。 貝類とかはあまり見ない種類あるので重宝します。 鮮魚以外にも練り物、乾物、業務用食材等も取り扱いあります。 お店次第応相談で、簡単な下処理ならしてもらえるかも。 関連棟の食堂は一般解放日は混雑してます。 基本は卸売り市場なので、ターレーが走り回り、トロ箱などが山積み。 足元も氷や水が散らばってる場所もあるので滑りにくい靴で? お怪我しないように注意☆
General admission is possible from 8:00 to 10:00 on the first and third Saturdays. The general public can also buy at a middleman ? Basically, you can buy one as a whole. I don't see many kinds of shellfish, so it's useful. In addition to fresh fish, we also handle kneaded foods, dried foods, and commercial foods. Depending on the shop, you may be able to get a simple preparation by consulting. The cafeteria in the related building is crowded on the general opening day. Since it is basically a wholesale market, turrets run around and toro boxes are piled up. There are places where ice and water are scattered around your feet, so wear non-slip shoes ? Be careful not to get injured ☆
らJag on Google

2021年12月30日の一般開放日に買い出しに訪れました。 8時オープンなので、混雑を避けるべく8時半過ぎに到着。しかし駐車場入口で、出る車を先に通す為か10分近く待たされました。 市場内はコロナが、不安になるほどの混雑。一巡した後、鮪の骨付き中落ち(1000円)、中トロのサク2本(2700円)等を買って速やかに退場しました。 9時半頃、臨時駐車場はガラガラでした。
I visited for shopping on the public opening day of December 30, 2021. It's open at 8 o'clock, so we arrived after 8:30 to avoid congestion. However, at the entrance of the parking lot, I had to wait for nearly 10 minutes, probably because the car leaving was to pass first. Corona is so crowded in the market that it makes me uneasy. After making a round, I bought a tuna with bones (1000 yen) and two fatty tuna saku (2700 yen) and left immediately. Around 9:30, the temporary parking lot was rattled.

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