Yokohama Central Wholesale Market - Yokohama

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Contact Yokohama Central Wholesale Market

住所 :

9 Yamanouchicho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-0054, Japan

電話 : 📞 +89
Postal code : 221-0054
Webサイト :

9 Yamanouchicho, Kanagawa Ward, Yokohama, Kanagawa 221-0054, Japan
Yoshihisa Matsui on Google

I went to the market opening day in August. It may be because there was no event on the opening day, but the store side is not dealing with general consumers. If you expect a local fish market, you can't deny the sense of loss. It's not even a bus ride from Yokohama Station. Sorry.
Yasuaki Yamashita on Google

年末の買い出しは必ずここへ行きます。遅くとも朝8時には到着するのがベスト。横浜市のページで年間の休日カレンダーが見れるので日程を確認すると良いでしょう。 横浜駅東口のバス停から48系統で3つ目が中央市場前です。 その他、36、38、39系統など青木橋で降りるか、京急の神奈川駅から、どちらも徒歩20分でも行けます。歩道橋を渡るので足の悪い方などは止めておいた方がよいでしょう。 場内は年末はとても狭くて混むので覚悟して行きましょう。お店の方々はこちらから話しかけてこないと話してくれないシャイな方が多いので、値段がわからない商品や、見つからない商品はガンガン尋ねましょう。
Always go here for year-end shopping. It is best to arrive at 8 am at the latest. You can see the calendar of the year on the Yokohama City page, so check the dates. The third stop is in front of Chuo Market on the 48 system from the bus stop at the east exit of Yokohama Station. In addition, you can get off at Aokibashi, such as the 36, 38, or 39 system, or from Keikyu's Kanagawa Station, both are a 20-minute walk. It is better to stop those with bad feet as they cross the pedestrian bridge. The hall is very narrow and crowded at the end of the year, so be prepared. There are many shy people who will not tell you if you do not talk to them from here, so please ask for items that you do not know the price of or that you can not find.
にやんこ on Google

毎月第1・第3土曜日(午前9時から午前11時まで)一般開放になりました。 野菜も売ってます。 先日行った時は300円で魚詰め放題やってました。 どんな魚なんだろうと覗いたら結構生きのいい鯖、鯵、鰯を中心に入ってました。希望を言うとその魚探してくれるし、数えなかったけど、そんなに入るのって位でしたよ。 氷は有料だったかな? 各店ではくれません。 氷を売ってるところがありました。 私はクーラーや氷は持って行きます。 駐車場は業者用で一応公共の交通機関を使ってとあります。 魚の値段は店によるし、お得かどうかは目利き次第です。 市場だからと思って買うと痛い目に遭う事もありました。 鮪安いと思ったら筋ばっかとか…。 先日1600円で買ったキンメは美味しかったです。 結構大きかったし。 頭落としてもフライパンから尻尾はみ出しました。 鮪の変わった部位なども売ってます。 血合いの部分を血抜きして生姜と醤油とみりんで漬け込んで唐揚げにすると食べやすいですよ。 割と10時には殆ど売り切れてしまうので早めに行く事をお勧めします。 味噌汁なんて始まったらすぐ終わりです。 帰りに市場の食堂へ寄るのもいいですが、結構混んでます。 横浜駅からバスが出てますし、京急の神奈川駅から20分くらいかな? 小さな駐車場はいくつかあります。 相場は20分200円位です。 神奈川警察が近いので路駐は気をつけてください。 イベントも色々ありますのでホームページで行く日のイベントチェックしてみてください。 ものによっては申し込み開始日で予約いっぱいのもあります。
It became open to the public on the 1st and 3rd Saturday (from 9 am to 11 am) every month. I also sell vegetables. When I went the other day, I was doing all-you-can-eat for 300 yen. Whatever kind of fish it was, I was in the center of a very liveable salmon, salmon and salmon. I would look for the fish when I said hope, and I did not count it, but I was about to get in so much. Did you pay for ice? Not at each store. There was a place selling ice. I bring coolers and ice. The parking lot is for business use and it is said to use public transportation for a while. The price of the fish depends on the store, and it is up to you to see if it is a good deal. When I bought it because I thought it was a market, I encountered a pain. If you think it's cheap, it's a muscle. The Kinme I bought for 1600 yen the other day was delicious. It was quite big. The tail was sticking out of the pan even if the head was dropped. It also sells unusual parts of salmon. It is easy to eat it if you remove the bloody part and pick it up with ginger, soy sauce and mirin and make it fried. It is recommended to go early because it will be sold out almost at 10 o'clock. It's almost over once Miso soup has begun. It is also good to stop at the cafeteria on the market, but it is quite crowded. There is a bus from Yokohama Station, and about 20 minutes from Keikyu Kanagawa Station? There are several small parking lots. The market price is around 200 yen for 20 minutes. Please be careful about road parking as Kanagawa police is near. There are various events, so please check out the events you will visit on the website. Depending on the thing, there is also a reservation full on the application start date.
たきざわあけみ on Google

There are only grandpa and grandma. It's not lively at all ???
Kou K on Google

国内3番目・東日本では最初に開設された中央卸売市場。1931年(昭和6年)開場。 毎月第一・三土曜日9:00~11:00まで一般公開され、賑わう。 また食事処も数件あり、安く美味しいので、近くのサラリーマンも利用し、昼食時には並んでいる。 入場口に関係者以外立入禁止の看板があるが、一般でも普通に入れる。
Central wholesale market opened first in Japan and first in East Japan. Opened in 1931 (Showa 6). It is open to the public every month on the first and third Saturdays from 9:00 to 11:00 and is full of people. In addition, there are several restaurants, which are cheap and delicious. There is a signboard at the entrance that prohibits entry to anyone other than the people involved, but it can be inserted in general as well.
Mazza Chan on Google

横浜市場まつり2019に参加してきました 普段は入れない仲卸のお店(お店はやってなかったですが、雰囲気だけでも味わえた)横浜にも立派な市場があるんだと初めて体験できました。 おまつりなので、出店も沢山ありました。お魚だけでなく花も果物も沢山ありました。 くじら肉のアンテナショップ的なお店もあれば、サバサンド、エビ天丼、アナゴ天丼、しらす丼、もう少し早くいけば海鮮丼もあったみたいでした。 価格も1000円以下で食べれるので、コスパ最高でした。 開催時間が朝8時から13時半までと早くに終わってしまうので、今度は準備していきたいです。 出店以外にも、飲食店街もあり、美味しい海鮮が食べれるようなので、次回はこっちを回ってみるとしたいです。 こちらの飲食店街も14時までと早くに閉まるようです。
I participated in the Yokohama Market Festival 2019 It was the first time that I had a great market in Yokohama, which I couldn't usually enter (I didn't do it, but I could have tasted the atmosphere alone). Because it is a festival, there were many stores. There were lots of flowers and fruits as well as fish. There was a shop like a whale meat antenna shop, and there seemed to be a mackerel, a shrimp tempura bowl, an anago tempura bowl, a shirasu bowl, and a seafood bowl later. The price was 1000 yen or less, so it was the best cospa. The holding time will end early from 8 am to 13.30 am, so I would like to prepare this time. In addition to the store openings, there are restaurants and restaurants where you can eat delicious seafood. Next time I would like to go around here. This restaurant district seems to close as early as 14:00.
yori “yori” on Google

It's been renewed and it's fun to see more things. Please note that from late night to early morning, market participants (trucks, etc.) come and go very often, and forklifts run around not only inside the market but also on public roads. I didn't expect the forklift to run around with such a small turn, so it's interesting to watch (I'm an amateur and I'm sorry!). At noon, the restaurant area is crowded and some shops are lined up. If you have a chance, I recommend you to visit there.
色とりどりP.T on Google

行き交う人たち、魚な匂い、まさしく市場が目の前に! 魚好きとしてはたまらない場所です。 マグロを目の前で解体したり、珍しい魚や本マグロが格安で手に入る。 毎日海鮮丼が食べれますよw
People coming and going, the smell of fish, the market is right in front of you! It's an unbearable place for fish lovers. Tuna can be dismantled in front of you, and rare fish and real tuna can be obtained at low prices. You can eat seafood bowl every day

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