Kasai Metropolitan Wholesale Market - Edogawa City

3.4/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Kasai Metropolitan Wholesale Market

住所 :

3 Chome-4-1 Rinkaicho, Edogawa City, Tokyo 134-0086, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8878
Postal code : 134-0086
Webサイト : http://www.shijou.metro.tokyo.jp/

3 Chome-4-1 Rinkaicho, Edogawa City, Tokyo 134-0086, Japan
鍜治隆成 on Google

久しぶりの大阪で美味しいカレーを3日連続食べました❗️ ここのカレーは本当に美味しいですよ‼️
I ate delicious curry for 3 consecutive days in Osaka after a long time Curry here is really delicious !! Moth
久保春雄 on Google

花の仕入れで花き棟を利用しています。 利用者のマナーのなさには本当にガッカリします。いまだにトイレで喫煙、、、 壁から天井までヤニで汚い。
I use the flower ridge to purchase flowers. I'm really disappointed in the lack of manners of users. I still smoke in the toilet ... It's dirty from the wall to the ceiling.
中山美津子 on Google

市場手前の西村食品さんに行きました。 業務用ですが一般も買えます。 今日はアボカド3個で100円でした。 私は鶏肉を買いに行きました。
I went to Nishimura Foods in front of the market. Although it is for business use, you can buy it for the general public. Today it was 100 yen for 3 avocados. I went to buy chicken.
まさき on Google

One of the guards is crazy to rant immediately. It was also unpleasant for the old man who came with Ichamon because the truck was in the way when unloading. But there are a lot of really good people ... I didn't want to go too much.
佐藤和彦 on Google

一般でも買えるお店があれば良いのですが… 食堂は角のお店がオススメ、天丼はかなり美味しいです。が!担々麺は酷すぎるくらいラー油麺です。練りごまも入ってないし、ラーメンにラー油を入れただけみたいな感じ…天丼が美味しいだけにもったいない…
It would be nice if there were shops that could be bought by the general public ... The cafeteria is recommended from the corner, and Tendon is pretty delicious. But! Dandan noodles are so terrible noodles. There is no kneaded sesame seeds, just like ramen oil in ramen ...
seiji on Google

There is a wide selection of [Packaging supplies Miyata] in the market, kind and polite, and [cheap].
Hi de on Google

食事のために入りました。市場内には店舗もあり、買い物もできるそうです。食事は懐かしい大衆食堂的なイメージの店でした。施設の西の端、建物の隅っこです。 席数が、どうかな、30席もないかな、施設規模から見ると広いとは言えないので譲りあって急いで食べましょう。なおコロナ対策としてのシート、席間確保は見受けられず、皆さんタフなようです。
I entered for a meal. There are stores in the market where you can shop. The food was a nostalgic restaurant with the image of a popular dining room. At the western end of the facility, in the corner of the building. I wonder if the number of seats is 30 or not, it can not be said that it is large from the scale of the facility, so let's give it up and eat in a hurry. There are no seats or seats secured as a measure against corona, and everyone seems tough.
Ben G. on Google

Shipping depot

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