Yokkaichi Port

3.7/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yokkaichi Port

住所 :

Yokkaichi, 〒510-0051 Mie,Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Webサイト : http://www.yokkaichi-port.or.jp/
街 : Mie

Yokkaichi, 〒510-0051 Mie,Japan
ツーリングライダー on Google

It seems to be popular with anglers. It usually during the day can not enter because there are work vehicle. The nearby Suehiro Canal JR Movable Bridge has been designated as an important cultural property, but DD51-driven cargo will enter. A lot of ships from overseas come in and out.
Koo Koo on Google

よくウォーキングで利用しまーす! ありがとう!四日市港!
We often use by walking! Thank you! Yokkaichi Port!
Masaaki Kishi on Google

冬場によく行きます。ヒイカ狙いで。 (過去の写真ですけど、セイゴ、ヒイカの釣果を追加)
I often go to winter. Aim at the squid. (It's a past photo, but I added fish from Seigo and squid)
白壁の街に住むオオツキ on Google

明治32年(1899)8月4日に開港した四日市港は、主に羊毛、綿花の輸入港として栄え、昭和27年(1952)には、外国貿易上、特に重要な港として特定重要港湾に指定され、平成23(2011)年には国際拠点港湾に名称が改められました。 四日市港は中部圏における代表的な国際貿易港として、また、我が国有数の石油コンビナート等を擁するエネルギー供給基地として重要な役割を担っています。 昭和44年(1969)からコンテナ貨物の取り扱いを開始するなど国際海上輸送のコンテナ化にも迅速に対応し、東南アジア、中国航路をはじめとするコンテナ定期航路網は年々充実しつつあります。 これからの四日市港は、多様化する物流需要に応えるため、また、物流合理化の進展に対応すべく、一層の港湾機能の拡充を進めるとともに、広く市民に愛され親しまれるウォータフロントの創造をめざし、港づくりを進めていきます。
Yokkaichi Port, which opened on August 4, 1899, prospered mainly as an import port for wool and cotton, and was designated as a particularly important port for foreign trade in 1952 (Showa 27). It was designated, and the name was changed to the international base port in 2011. The Yokkaichi Port plays an important role as a representative international trading port in the Chubu region and as an energy supply base with Japan's leading petroleum complex. In 1969, we started handling container freight and swiftly responded to the conversion of containers to international ocean freight, and the regular liner network for containers, including the Southeast Asian and China routes, is expanding year by year. In order to meet the diversifying logistics demand and to respond to the progress of logistics rationalization, Yokkaichi Port aims to create a waterfront that is widely loved and loved by citizens, while further enhancing the port function. We will proceed with building a port.
ぶちお。 on Google

I go to fishing well.
江戸川一 on Google

There was only a fisherman in the middle of the night, and when I was excited to remember the fun of going to midnight after a long time, I was impatient without knowing where to go. I was prepared to stay overnight at the port.
チキンラーメン on Google

四日市港千歳区に11月2日 クルーズ船の飛鳥2が寄港しました。 予定では午前8時に港への着港でしたが 一時間半早い7児には着いたそうです。 着港の様子が見られず残念! こちらの千歳区の方へのクルーズ船の着港は珍しいみたいですよ。 機会があれば。 見てみるのも迫力があり、気持ちも高揚しますよ。
November 2 in Minato Chitose Ward, Yokkaichi Cruise ship Asuka 2 visited the port. Planned to arrive at the port at 8am It seems that he arrived at 7 children, an hour and a half earlier. Sorry for not seeing the port! It seems that it is unusual for a cruise ship to arrive here in Chitose Ward. If the opportunity arises. It's also powerful to see and raise your feelings.
Shary Sk on Google

Beautiful night view

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