麺喰い処 風々亭

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 麺喰い処 風々亭

住所 :

Yokawa, Minamiuonuma, 〒949-6681 Niigata,Japan

電話 : 📞 +877
Webサイト : http://tabelog.com/niigata/A1504/A150402/15000869/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–2:30PM
Sunday 11AM–2:30PM
Monday 11AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11AM–2:30PM
Friday 11AM–2:30PM
街 : Niigata

Yokawa, Minamiuonuma, 〒949-6681 Niigata,Japan
伊佐正樹 on Google

It has a nostalgic taste. I'm sure it's been open for a long time since Aeon was created, so I think it's fairly popular. We have soy sauce, salt, miso and everything.
しぶ爺 on Google

スープの 濃さも 麺の固さも 背脂の 量も 自分好みに できるので 超~ 親切 味噌ラーメン 背脂多め 美味しかった。
The strength of the soup, the hardness of the noodles, and the amount of backfat can be adjusted to your liking, so it was super-kind miso ramen with a lot of backfat.
春川直子 on Google

店長が店でタバコ吸っていたから( ̄□ ̄;)!!子供と行っていたのでもうあの店には行かないです❗︎
The store manager was smoking at the store ( ̄ □  ̄;) !! I went to that store with my kids so I won't go to that store anymore ❗︎
若様言 on Google

塩ラーメン¥800 味噌らーめん¥850 大盛+100にすると、結構なボリュームです。火曜日は大盛+60、中盛+30になります。
Salt ramen ¥ 800 Miso ramen ¥ 850 If you make Omori +100, it is a good volume. On Tuesday, it will be Omori +60 and Nakamori +30.
mi hen on Google

一人でも家族でも入りやすいです。 暑い日にも濃いめの味付けでシャッキリします。
It is easy for one person or a family to enter. Even on hot days, it's refreshing with a rich seasoning.
4649 Yazawa on Google

もう、何年ぶりかなぁ? 昔は、背油ラーメン何て、ここしかなかったから、混雑してる印象だったけど、今は空いてて良いんじゃん?
How many years have it passed? In the old days, back oil ramen was the only place here, so it was crowded, but now it's ok.
fsp sbm on Google

麺はさっぱりして食べやすいんだけど、 あれ?スープが全然熱くない。 どちらかと言ったら麺の熱で 温められたって程度なので スープから香りが全く感じられず、 これならいちばん安いラーメンに しておけば良かったって後悔している。 何年か前から利用して満足していたけど 今日はいったいどうした?
The noodles are refreshing and easy to eat, that? The soup isn't hot at all. If anything, with the heat of the noodles Because it ’s just warmed up I couldn't feel the aroma from the soup at all This is the cheapest ramen I regret that I should have kept it. I've been happy with it for a few years now What happened today?
大江良雄 on Google

非常に美味しいとはないけど…普通に美味しい! 出来るのが、すっごく早い。どこかのチェーン店より早いかもです。
It's not very delicious but ... usually delicious! It is very early to be able to do it. It may be earlier than some chain stores.

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