
4.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact えとう内科クリニック

住所 :

Yochomachi, Shinjuku City, 〒162-0055 Tokyo,Japan

電話 : 📞 +89997
Webサイト : https://www.eto-clinic.com/
街 : Tokyo

Yochomachi, Shinjuku City, 〒162-0055 Tokyo,Japan
おもち on Google

受付の女性がとても感じが良く、初診でしたが安心しました。 先生も感じがよく、入ってくるときに挨拶をして下さいました。 看護師さんもみなさん丁寧です。 雑な感じも全くなく、しっかりと診察してくれて、とても良いクリニックでした。 コロナがあるので換気で入口を開けっぱなしにしてくれていたり、熱のある人は外で待機するようで対策してくれていて安心します。
The lady at the reception was very pleasant and I was relieved that it was my first visit. The teacher also felt good and greeted me when I came in. The nurses are also polite. It was a very good clinic because it didn't feel messy at all and gave me a thorough examination. Since there is a corona, it keeps the entrance open by ventilation, and people with fever seem to wait outside and take measures, so I am relieved.
Leo Dai on Google

The teachers and nurses are very kind and friendly, and the content of the examination itself is very good and I am satisfied. I will definitely go here if I go to the internal medicine department. It's just so popular that it's very crowded. It is very crowded on weekday mornings, so if you want to see the doctor early, you should write your name on the board at the entrance before 8 o'clock. If you go normally, you may have to wait for about 2 hours.
h rin on Google

内科ならこちらの病院をオススメします。院長先生は大変優しく、たとえ普通の風邪であっても親身に相談に乗ってくれて、的確な処置をしてくださいます。看護師さんも優しいです。 曜日と時間帯によっては別の先生になってしまうので注意が必要です。また、院長先生の日は人気のため大変混んでいます。
For internal medicine, we recommend this hospital. The director is very kind, and even if you have a common cold, he / she will take care of you and take appropriate measures. The nurses are also kind. Please note that you may be a different teacher depending on the day of the week and the time of day. Also, the director's day is very crowded because of its popularity.
k u on Google

Male teachers may be kind and easy to interact with. The reception is not bad. However, before seeing the teacher, I ask an elderly female nurse to see me for some reason. It may be the policy of this clinic, but it doesn't make sense. Also, the response of this female nurse is not good. I laughed with my nose and had a lot of extra words. I was laughed at when I was talking to my teacher. It is better to improve this area. Personally, I didn't want to go anymore.
たけうちま on Google

自分は、胃痛の方でここを受診しましたが、結果から伝えてしまうと悪かったです。 まず、みなさん書かれているように受付の方の接客は悪かったです。 半年前の記憶なので、少し明確ではないところがあるのですが、受付の方に、少し不明な所があったので、そちらを訪ねた所、受付の方は「それは大丈夫です」、と一言。もちろんその伝え方で、意味としては良いと思います。ただ接客としては違うでしょう。伝え方、そうゆう所も大事なんではないでしょうか。 次に診察をしてくれた院長先生ですが、この方も自分にとっては悪かったです。 他の方は院長先生のことを、優しい、と書いていますが、これは感じ方なのでしょうか。自分には、テキトー、に写りました。 自分は30代半ば、運動をかなりやっていた方なので体格が良いほうです。 なので特に悪くはないと見た目で思ったのでしょうか。 先生に胃痛が、と伝えると、軽く触診をした後、「う~ん、ハワイでもいって休息でもしたらどうかな、ちょっと休んでおいしい物でも食べたらどうかな」と。 …いやいやいや、違うでしょう、それは。自分はかなり痛く受診をしてるのにその言葉はないでしょう。もちろん受け取り方、そうゆう部分もあるのだとは思いますが、それは違うでしょう。 その後自分は安全のために胃カメラをやって頂きました。 結果は普通の胃炎でした。が、その結果について先生は「若いのにけっこう胃が荒れてますね。お薬出しておきますね。」と。 …いやいやいや、ハワイで休息をとれば治るレベルのものだったんじゃないんですか? まずいと思ったのか少し言い方変えましたよね。 しかし最後にまた「ゆっくりね、綺麗な海でもみて休息したらね、ストレスもあるかもしれないし良くなるかもね」と。 はぁ( ´Д`) あんたそりゃ朗らかじゃなくてテキトーだよ。ダメでしょう。 ちなみに自分の場合、先生の前に診察、受け答えをしてくれる看護師さんは良い方でして。胃カメラの際、院長の横にいらっしゃった女性の先生も良い方でした。 みなさんご参考までに。
I had a medical examination here because of stomach pain, but it was bad to tell from the results. First of all, the customer service of the receptionist was bad as everyone wrote. It's a memory of half a year ago, so it's a little unclear, but the receptionist had a little unclear point, so when I visited there, the receptionist said, "That's okay." Of course, I think that the way of communicating is good in terms of meaning. However, it will be different as a customer service. Isn't it important how to convey it? The next doctor, the director, gave me a medical examination, which was also bad for me. Others have written that the director is kind, but is this a way of feeling? To myself, it was reflected in Tekito. I'm in my mid-30s, and I've been doing a lot of exercise, so I'm a good physique. So did you think it wasn't particularly bad? When I told my teacher that I had a stomachache, I palpated lightly and then said, "Well, why don't you go to Hawaii and take a rest, or take a break and eat delicious food?" … No no no, no, that ’s not it. I have a very painful medical examination, but I don't think there is a word for it. Of course, I think there is a way to receive it, but that is not the case. After that, I had a gastrocamera done for my safety. The result was normal gastritis. However, regarding the result, the teacher said, "I'm young, but my stomach is quite irritated. I'll give you some medicine." ... No, no, wasn't it something that could be cured by taking a rest in Hawaii? Did you think it was bad? But at the end, he said, "Slowly, if you take a rest in the beautiful sea, you may be stressed or better." Hah (´Д `) You're not cheerful, you're techto. It's no good. By the way, in my case, the nurse who consults and answers in front of the teacher is a good person. The female teacher who was next to the director at the time of the gastrocamera was also a good person. For your reference.
non nxnxnx on Google

区の健康診査を受けるための病院を探していまして、家から近かったのでこちらで予約を取りました。 平日昼前に行きましたが待合席が埋まるくらい混んでいました。 電話予約の段階で、健康診査でしたが初診だったので初診料はかかるとのこと。区の健診ではかからないのでは?と思いましたがそれを了承した上で予約しました。 しかし当日受付では、予約したのにも関わらず初診では健康診査を受けられないと帰されそうになりましたが、その後突然、初診料もかからず診査の方も当日受けられると言われました。 説明も謝罪も一言もなかった為、不安なまま検診を受けることになりました。 健診を担当していただいた看護師さんは親しみやすく優しい方だっただけに電話予約の段階から受付の適当さには残念です。 健康診査を受けるのなら他の病院の方が安心して受診できると思います。
I was looking for a hospital to get a health checkup in the ward, and I made an appointment here because it was close to my house. I went there before noon on weekdays, but it was so crowded that the waiting seats were filled. At the stage of telephone reservation, it was a health checkup, but since it was the first checkup, the initial checkup fee will be charged. Isn't it not possible to take a medical examination in the ward? I thought, but I made a reservation after accepting it. However, at the reception desk on the day, I was about to be told that I could not receive a health checkup at the first visit even though I made a reservation, but suddenly I was told that I could receive the checkup on the day without paying the initial consultation fee. .. There was no explanation, no apology, and no word, so I was anxious and had to undergo a medical examination. The nurse who was in charge of the medical examination was a friendly and kind person, so it is a pity that the reception is appropriate from the telephone reservation stage. If you are going to have a health checkup, I think that other hospitals can go to the hospital with peace of mind.
ムーンF on Google

朝一受付ボードに名前を書いて開院後行くと、 受付の看護師さんに症状を、 夜に少し咳が出ます。 と伝えたところもの凄く嫌な顔をされ、 外でお待ちください。 と案内され椅子もなく待たされました。 次に対応してくれた看護師さんには、 受付ボードに名前を書いていてもその場にいないと受付出来ない。一時間後に来てください。 と言われ少しこちらの話をしても、全く聞いてもらえず反論されました。 こちらの話を聞いてほしかったと思いました。 あからさまに嫌な顔をされて少し残念でした。 症状もあいまってなのか態度に出ていて悲しかったです。 半年前に来た時はそんな印象なかったのですが、また来院する時には変わっていると嬉しいです。
When I write my name on the reception board in the morning and go after the hospital opens, Symptoms to the nurse at the reception I have a slight cough at night. When I told him that he had a very disgusting face, Please wait outside. I was guided and waited without a chair. To the nurse who responded next, Even if you write your name on the reception board, you cannot accept it unless you are there. Please come in an hour. Even if I talked about this for a while, I couldn't hear it at all and it was countered. I wanted you to hear this story. It was a little disappointing to have an unpleasant face. I was sad because I had an attitude because of the symptoms. I didn't have that impression when I came half a year ago, but I'm glad that it has changed when I come to the hospital again.
D. LEE on Google

I would really recommend this clinic especially to foreigners (like me) since you can communicate with the doctor in English. I heard that the doctor had stayed in Canada for years. He's also nice, positive and seems confident ? It's my first time feeling cosy at a clinic !

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