Yayoi - Adachi City

3.8/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yayoi

住所 :

やよい 2 Chome-9-10 Umeda, Adachi City, Tokyo 123-0851, Japan

電話 : 📞 +888
Postal code : 123-0851
Opening hours :
Saturday 11:30AM–3PM
Sunday 11:30AM–3PM
Monday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Tuesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Wednesday 11:30AM–2:30PM
Thursday 11:30AM–3PM
Friday 11:30AM–3PM

やよい 2 Chome-9-10 Umeda, Adachi City, Tokyo 123-0851, Japan
サンロレンソルイス on Google

本日雨ということでチャリでの遠征は止め地元開拓です、タンメン好きな自分は近くの3店を検討しましたがそういえばここに店あったなと思った当店に決めました。 コメで参考になったタンメンセットを注文、先客は2名だけでしたが年配の女性店主ワンオペなので体感15分くらい待ち何と先にチャーハンです。 コメでは美味しいと書いてましたが右に同じ、食べたことのない味でしたが感動しました。 数分後タンメン着丼、写真では見てましたがタンメンは白いスープというイメージではなく茶色ががったもの、早速飲んでみると優しい中にガツンと来る香辛料効いて美味しい、表面には赤みがかかった脂も浮いて謎です。 麺は中細ちじれ? もう少し硬めでもいいかな野菜はシャキシャキで美味しいです、見た目量が少ないと感じましたがセットにしたせいかお腹一杯スープの謎を解くためほぼ飲み干し更に腹パン。 謎が残るこの店は近いこともあって再訪確実です。 メニューには水曜休みと書いてありました、開店時間は安全策をとって1130を越していきましたがもしかして11時開店かも。 隣の店も気になります。
Because it was raining today, I stopped the expedition in Chari and cultivated the local area. I thought that there were 3 stores nearby, but I decided to go to our store because I like tanmen. I ordered a tanmen set that was helpful for rice, and although there were only two customers, it was an elderly female shopkeeper one operation, so I waited for about 15 minutes to experience it, and it was fried rice first. I wrote that it was delicious in rice, but it was the same taste on the right, which I had never eaten, but I was impressed. A few minutes later, I saw the tanmen bowl, which I saw in the photo, but the tanmen is not an image of white soup, but a brownish one. The fat on it also floats and is a mystery. Is the noodles finely chopped? Vegetables that can be a little harder are crispy and delicious, I felt that the amount of appearance was small, but probably because I made it as a set, I almost drank it and drunk it to solve the mystery of the soup. This mysterious shop is close, so I'm sure it will be revisited. The menu said that it was closed on Wednesdays, and the opening time was over 1130 as a safety measure, but maybe it will open at 11:00. I'm also interested in the store next door.
1999 acab on Google

タンメン:600円 麺は縮れ太麺。 若干柔めの茹で加減でしたがプリッと弾力感が残る食感でした。 具材は豚肉・キャベツ・もやし・人参・ニラ・キクラゲ・生姜。 豚肉はバラ肉の部分で脂身がジューシーで美味しい。 野菜はしっかりとスープで煮込まれて柔らかい食感で食べ易い。 キャベツは細長くカットされ緑色が鮮やかでした。 スープはかなり濁りのある塩味。 長時間で具材の煮出して出汁を作った感じです。 旨味成分は十分で物足りなさは皆無でした。 炒め油は多めでコッテリ感があり香ばしいです。 しかし、刻んだ生姜で後味をさっぱりさせてくれます。 終盤に差し掛かる頃にアイスコーヒーが提供!! 嬉しいサービスですね〜 市販の物のアイスコーヒーと思われますが食後には最適です。 さらに会計時に飴玉を頂きました。 また再訪します。ご馳走様でした!!
Tanmen: 600 yen The noodles are crispy and thick noodles. It was a little soft boiled, but it had a crisp and elastic texture. The ingredients are pork, cabbage, sprouts, carrots, leek, jellyfish and ginger. Pork is juicy and fat in the rib portion. Vegetables are well cooked in soup and have a soft texture and are easy to eat. The cabbage was cut long and slender and the green color was vivid. The soup has a rather cloudy and salty taste. It feels like the ingredients are boiled for a long time to make dashi stock. The umami ingredients were sufficient and there was nothing unsatisfactory. The stir-fry oil is abundant and has a rich texture and is fragrant. However, the chopped ginger gives a refreshing aftertaste. Ice coffee is served at the end of the day! !! Nice service ~ It seems to be ice coffee on the market, but it is best after meals. In addition, I received a hard candy at the time of accounting. I will revisit it again. It was a treat! !!
kenji a on Google

Old-fashioned Chinese restaurant. Fried rice ramen set. The ramen is light and goes well with fried rice. Iced coffee after a meal is also good.
Tadashi Fujimoto on Google

本来食品サンプルが置かれていたであろうショーケースには、造花や招き猫等の陶器類の置物が飾られている。 入口は狭く低い位置に暖簾がかかっているため店内を覗き見ることもできず、客がどれぐらいいるのかもわからないため実際に入るには少々の勇気を伴う。 一瞬、逡巡したものの、裏口からだろうか、スープのいい香りがしてきて思わず暖簾をくぐってしまった。 店内は狭く、入口近くに2人用のテーブルが1つと、奥に4人用のテーブルが3つ。コロナ対策で、ちゃんとアクリルの仕切り板も設置されていた。 客は入口付近のテーブルに1人と、離れたテーブルに1人。 店の奥からご年配の女性が出てきて、席を案内された。カウンター越しに見える厨房には、他に人は居ないようだ。 彼女がワンオペで営業されているらしい。 それにしては、店内に貼られているメニューは多い。 一通りメニューを眺めた後、ラーメンセットが800円であったのでそれを注文。タンメンが気になったので、差額でラーメンをタンメンにできないかと聞いたら大丈夫だというので、タンメンとチャーハンのセット(1,000円)に。 ほどなくして、厨房の中から中華鍋を振るうガコンガコンという音がしてくる。 あの女性が振ってるらしい。リズミカルで安心感がある。 それと一緒に、スープの良い香りも漂ってきた。 出てきたタンメンは、しっかり野菜を炒めてからスープで煮たタイプ。 不透明なスープには、その匂いからもわかるように野菜のエキスがたっぷり含まれているのだろう。 具材はオーソドックスに、豚肉、キャベツ、もやし、ニラ、人参、キクラゲのようだ。 また、チャーハンの方も王道で、玉子にチャーシューに蒲鉾。そして上には、グリーンピースが載せられている。 タンメンとチャーハンを並べると、これぞザ・町中華というたたずまいだ。 セットメニューだったので、それぞれ量が少ないのだろうと思っていたのだが、どちらも普通サイズ。普通に頼むとタンメンが600円にチャーハンが600円と、それでもかなり低めの値段設定なのだが、セットにすると1000円というは破格だ。 早速スープを一口いただく。 思わず、目を見開いてしまった。 旨い。 正直、ありきたりな町中華のほぼ化学調味料のみで味付けされたかのようなスープを想像していただのが、このスープには肉と野菜の旨味だけではなく香ばしさも加わっており、濃縮された旨味感が感じれる極上のスープだった。 色々とタンメンを食べ歩いてきているが、塩分が強かったり、化学調味料の使用量の高い店が圧倒的に多いのだが、この店のスープはその見た目に反してマイルドでいて体に足して優しい。 想像していたものとの乖離もあり、これは衝撃だった。 続いて、野菜と一緒に麺をつまみあげいただく。 麺はありきたりの中華麺だが、湯で加減が絶妙。 野菜はその食感をほどよく残しており、それがこの柔らかめの麺と実に合う。 野菜にはスープの旨味がしっかりと含まれ、スープには野菜の旨味が広がっている。 それらが、麺といっしょに持ち上げられ、口の中に収められる幸福。 このまま一気に最後まで食べつくしてしまいそうになるのを我慢し、今度はチャーハンの方へ取り掛かる。 もう見た目からしてわかる。この超王道なビジュアルに、ほのかにただよってくるかぐわしい香り。 タンメンで一気にハードルも上がっていたのだが、このチャーハンもまた予想以上の出来栄えだった。 タイプ的にはパラパラ系チャーハンなのだが、レンゲの上でしっかりとまとまるしっとり感。 具材も均等に混ざっており、何よりも玉子がしっかりと火を通されながらも細かく混じっているところに、腕の良さを感じさせる。 それは、センスのなせる業なのか年季のなせる業なのか…あるいは、その両方であるのかもしれない。 味付けは、塩コショウにチャーシューから染み出した旨味。 そして、それらをまとめ米に染み込ませているのでは、ラーメンスープだろうか。 食べた後に旨味の余韻が残る。 どちらも甲乙つけがたい旨さだ。 交互に食べ続け食べ終わった後、少々名残惜しそうにしてたそがれていたら、目の前にコーヒーが置かれた。 メニュー等には書かれていなかったので、サービスなのだろう。 コーヒー自体はインスタントっぽかったけど、実に落ちつく。 メールチェック等をして、コーヒーも飲み終わり席を立つ。 厨房の方へひっこんでた女将に声をかけて会計をする。 ちょうど1000円。 無表情に、淡々と注文を取り調理をし給仕をしていた女将が、その時少し微笑んで飴を2つ差し出してきた。 下町らしい温かさを感じ、優しい気持ちと共に店を出た。
The showcase, where food samples were originally placed, is decorated with pottery figurines such as artificial flowers and beckoning cats. The entrance is narrow and low, so you can't look inside the store, and you don't know how many customers there are, so it takes a little courage to actually enter. I went around for a moment, but perhaps from the back door, the nice scent of the soup came and I inadvertently passed through the curtain. The inside of the store is small, with one table for two people near the entrance and three tables for four people in the back. As a measure against corona, an acrylic partition plate was also installed properly. There is one guest at the table near the entrance and one at the distant table. An elderly woman came out from the back of the store and was guided to a seat. There seems to be no other person in the kitchen that can be seen through the counter. She seems to be operating in one operation. For that reason, there are many menus posted inside the store. After looking through the menu, the ramen set was 800 yen, so I ordered it. I was curious about tanmen, so when I asked if I could make ramen into tanmen with the difference, it was okay, so I chose a set of tanmen and fried rice (1,000 yen). Soon, you will hear the sound of shaking a wok from inside the kitchen. That woman seems to be shaking. Rhythmic and secure. Along with that, the nice scent of the soup also drifted. The tanmen that came out is a type of stir-fried vegetables and then boiled in soup. The opaque soup probably contains plenty of vegetable extracts, as you can see from its smell. The ingredients are orthodox, pork, cabbage, bean sprouts, garlic chives, carrots, and wood ear mushrooms. In addition, fried rice is also a royal road, with eggs, char siu and kamaboko. And on the top is a green peas. If you put tanmen and fried rice side by side, this is the appearance of The Town Chinese. Since it was a set menu, I thought that the amount of each was small, but both are normal size. If you ask normally, tanmen is 600 yen and fried rice is 600 yen, which is still a fairly low price, but 1000 yen as a set is exceptional. Have a bite of soup immediately. I opened my eyes unintentionally. delicious. To be honest, I imagined a soup that seemed to be seasoned with almost only chemical seasonings in the ordinary town of China, but this soup has not only the flavor of meat and vegetables but also the flavor, and the flavor is concentrated. It was the best soup that you can feel. I've been eating tanmen in various ways, but the overwhelming majority of stores have high salt content and high chemical seasoning usage, but the soup in this store is mild and adds to the body. friendly. This was a shock, as there was a gap from what I had imagined. Next, pick up the noodles with the vegetables. The noodles are ordinary Chinese noodles, but the amount of hot water is exquisite. Vegetables retain their texture moderately, which goes well with this soft noodle. The umami of the soup is firmly contained in the vegetables, and the umami of the vegetables spreads in the soup. The happiness that they are lifted with the noodles and put in the mouth. I put up with the fact that I was about to eat up all at once, and this time I started working on fried rice. You can tell from the appearance. This super-royal visual has a faint scent. The hurdles were raised at once with Tanmen, but this fried rice was also better than expected. Although it is a para-para type fried rice, it has a moist feeling that is firmly organized on the astragalus. The ingredients are evenly mixed, and above all, the egg is well cooked but finely mixed, which makes you feel the goodness of your skill. It may be a work that can be done by sense, a work that can be done by the season, or both. The seasoning is the umami that exudes from the char siu in salt and pepper. And if they are put together and soaked in rice, is it ramen soup? After eating, the umami lingering remains. Both are difficult to attach. After eating alternately and finishing eating, I was a little regrettable and twilight, and coffee was placed in front of me. It wasn't written on the menu, so it's probably a service. The coffee itself was instant, but it really calms down. After checking my e-mail, I finished drinking coffee and left my seat. Call out to the landlady who was in the kitchen and make an account. Just 1000 yen. The landlady, who was expressionlessly taking orders, cooking, and serving, smiled a little at that time and offered two candies. Feeling the warmth of downtown, I left the store with a gentle feeling.
san POT on Google

ザ.街中華 優しそうなお母さんが切り盛りしてます。 お店は古いですが、掃除は行き届いていてベトベト感はなくきれいです。 価格は安いですが、ラーメンと餃子が同じ400円とちょっと不思議な設定価格... 塩バターラーメン 600円を注文 並々のスープに驚きサイズのバターの塊がゴロっと入ってます。 スープはしっかりと鶏ガラが効いててバターなくても濃い目の味付けでした。 麺は柔らか目でしたので、もう少し硬めのシコシコ感があると良いかな 食後にサービスでアイスコーヒー出してくれます。 会計後はさらに飴ちゃんも貰えます。下町人情サービスですね(笑) 再訪 今回はカレーラーメン600円を頼みました。 想像の斜め上をいくラーメンでした いつも思うのですが、スブタ1200円、肉ダンゴ1200円って...凄い量が出てくるのかな。怖くて頼めない
The. Chinese food A gentle mother is cutting it. The shop is old, but it is clean and clean without stickiness. The price is cheap, but the ramen and dumplings are the same 400 yen, which is a strange set price ... Order salt butter ramen 600 yen A surprisingly sized chunk of butter is stuffed into the extraordinary soup. The soup had a strong chicken broth and was seasoned with a strong flavor even without butter. The noodles were soft, so it would be nice to have a slightly harder chewy texture. After meals, the service will serve iced coffee. After the checkout, you can get more candy. It's a downtown humanity service (laughs) Revisited This time I ordered curry ramen 600 yen. It was a ramen that went diagonally above the imagination I always think that 1200 yen for sputum and 1200 yen for meat dumplings ... I wonder if a great amount will come out. I'm scared and can't ask
豊松本日 on Google

あだちの輝くお店セレクション選出店ということで12時前に来てみました。 チャーハンラーメンセットを注文しましたが、昔ながらのあっさりとしたしょうゆラーメンとグリンピースの乗ったチャーハンでした。 2つともあっさりとした味付けですのでとても美味しくいただけました。 また、食後にはアイスコーヒーを出していただけたのでお口直しもできます。 味は星5ですが、店内喫煙可で自分はタバコが苦手なので1つ減らしました。 家族連れやタバコが苦手な人には注意が必要ですが、喫煙者の方にはおすすめかと思います。 もしかすると、時間によって喫煙不可があるかもしれません。
I came before 12 o'clock because it was selected by Adachi's shining shop selection. I ordered a fried rice ramen set, but it was a fried rice with a traditional light soy sauce ramen and green peas. Both of them were lightly seasoned, so they were very delicious. Also, after the meal, you can have an iced coffee, so you can try it again. The taste is 5 stars, but I'm not good at smoking because I can smoke inside the store, so I reduced it by one. Be careful with families and people who are not good at smoking, but I think it is recommended for smokers. Perhaps smoking is not allowed depending on the time.
m s on Google

The red table is appetizing. There was a handwritten menu all over the wall and it was fun to choose. What kind of croquette rice and gyoza rice will come out? I was worried, but I was worried about the tamagodon and ordered the tamagodon ramen set. Tamagodon with Naruto and seaweed. It looks cute. The taste was of course delicious. Eat ramen to warm up, and even coffee after meals. .. It was a blissful time.
yosss0930mjk on Google

A Chinese restaurant in a residential area on the main street of Route 4 in Adachi Ward. The landlady was alone in cooking. The menu is abundant and I'm wondering which one to eat, but I chose an orthodox fried rice ramen set. Both fried rice and ramen were lightly seasoned and delicious enough to be eaten with peace of mind. I'm glad that this shop comes with a free coffee service after meals. I received a candy ball at the time of checkout, and I was relieved by a very conscientious and kind landlady.

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