油そば はてな多賀城本店

3.9/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 油そば はてな多賀城本店

住所 :

Yawata, Tagajō, 〒985-0874 Miyagi,Japan

電話 : 📞 +8997
Webサイト : http://aburasoba-hatena.co.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–12:45AM
Sunday 11AM–11:45PM
Monday 11AM–2:45PM
Tuesday 11AM–2:45PM
Wednesday 11AM–12:45AM
Thursday 11AM–2:45PM
Friday 11AM–2:45PM
街 : Miyagi

Yawata, Tagajō, 〒985-0874 Miyagi,Japan
たまご男爵 on Google

油そば専門店としてNO.1。 仙台において確固たる地位を築いている名店。 汁なし部門では本格派なお店と言えます。 大学時代なんども油そばは食べてきましたが、ここの油そばはお酢とラー油をかけて食べる王道の油そばで、余計な物を乗せたまぜそばとは違います。 そして、タレはもちろんですが、麺がモチモチでめちゃくちゃ美味い! 油、タレ、麺、のバランスがとにかく絶妙です! かれこれ10年近く通っていますが、週1で食べないと気が済まないくらいに、癖になります。 ここの油そばを美味しくないと言う人は味覚を疑いますね。 接客も◎で、ちょっと濃い顔?(失礼)のお兄さんは元気ハツラツで気持ちいいくらい! 仙台の油そばを語るならここは押さえないとですね。 オープン当初から通っていますが、今では蕎麦屋さんや普通のラーメン屋もやっていてどこの店舗もハイクオリティー! 今回は定期的に変わる期間限定の「天理油そば」。 毎回定期的に変わる限定麺も楽しみの一つで、今まで食べた事がないような変わり種を味わえます。 飽きさせないお店側の努力も高評価です。 とにかく仙台ではベスト3に入る大好きなお店!
No.1 as an abura soba specialty store. A well-known store that has established a solid position in Sendai. It can be said that it is an authentic shop in the soupless department. I've eaten abura soba many times when I was in college, but the abura soba here is a royal road abura soba that is eaten with vinegar and chili oil, and it's different from mixed soba with extra things on it. And, of course, the sauce is chewy and the noodles are insanely delicious! The balance of oil, sauce and noodles is just right! I've been going there for almost 10 years now, but I'm so addicted that I have to eat it once a week. People who say that the abura soba here is not delicious doubt the taste. The customer service is also ◎, and is it a slightly dark face? (Excuse me) My brother is cheerful and comfortable! If you talk about abura soba in Sendai, you have to hold it down here. I've been going there since the opening, but now there are soba shops and ordinary ramen shops, and every shop is of high quality! This time, "Tenri Abura Soba" will change regularly for a limited time. One of the pleasures is the limited noodles that change regularly every time, and you can taste the different kinds that you have never eaten before. The store's efforts to keep you from getting bored are also highly evaluated. Anyway, my favorite shop in Sendai is one of the top 3!
松田家侍 on Google

夜も結構遅くまでやっているので、仕事終わりにも行きやすいです。 油そばが好きで色々なところに食べに行きましたが、はてなの油そばが1番好きです。 まずはそのままで食べて、次に温玉と唐辛子を追加して食べるという、二度美味しい食べ方に行きつきました。
I do it until late at night, so it's easy to go to the end of work. I like abura soba and went to various places to eat, but I like Hatena's abura soba the most. I came up with a delicious way of eating twice, first eating it as it is, and then adding hot balls and chili peppers.
めっつ(めっつ) on Google

油そば中を食べました。油がしつこくなくて食べやすい。 おいしかったから、次行く時は大食べるし、ほかのも食べる為に通う!
I ate the inside of abura soba. The oil is not persistent and easy to eat. It was delicious, so the next time I go, I will eat a lot and go to eat other things!
Michiko “vanillacoco” on Google

美味しくて深夜まで営業しているので、若者たちに人気の油そばのお店です。 ボリュームもありトッピングも豊富です。 私のオススメは、仙台辛味噌です。 塩釜方面に向かって行くと左手にあります。 コーナンと多賀城眼科を過ぎてすぐにありますが、はてなの奥にあるとんかつ屋さんの看板が目立っているので、少しスピードを落として探すことをオススメします。 入口で食券を買うのですが、スタッフに学生証を見せるとトッピングサービスがあるそうです。学生の方は学生証を忘れずに。
It's delicious and open until midnight, so it's a popular abura soba restaurant for young people. There is volume and abundant toppings. My recommendation is Sendai Spicy Miso. Go toward Shiogama and you will find it on your left. It's just past Kohnan and Tagajo Ophthalmology, but the signboard of the pork cutlet shop in the back of Hatena stands out, so it's recommended to slow down a little and look for it. I buy a meal ticket at the entrance, but when I show my student ID to the staff, there is a topping service. If you are a student, don't forget your student ID.
かずゅ on Google

油そば、初めて食べました。 全然油っぽく感じられず、おいしかった。 痺辛のものでしたが、適度な辛さでした。
I ate abura soba for the first time. It didn't feel oily at all and was delicious. It was spicy, but it was moderately spicy.
寿司好き on Google

仙台近郊で評価の高いはてなに初訪。太麺好きなので、期待して油そばペチカを頼みましたが、もちもちした極太ちぢれ麺ではありませんでした。ゴワゴワして硬い麺で、食べてる途中で疲れてきました。 次はノーマルの油そばを注文してみます。
First visit to Hatena, which is highly evaluated in the suburbs of Sendai. I like thick noodles, so I asked for abura soba stove in anticipation, but it wasn't the chewy, extra-thick noodles. The noodles are stiff and hard, and I got tired while eating. Next, I will order normal abura soba.
絵理 on Google

I'm not sure. I'm sick of serving customers and I didn't ask. Satisfied once you come. Abura soba tastes less than usual. If you don't change the taste, you won't taste anything.
M S on Google

A shop that repeats many times. Hatena is the name of abura soba! I'm so addicted to it (laughs) I came around 19:00 on weekdays, but there were quite a few customers and it was crowded. After all, it's delicious. You will be addicted to it. The fee is about 750 yen. You can choose from medium, medium, and large. In addition to the table seats, there is a high counter in front of you, so you can eat without worrying about the surroundings, and it is a place where even one person can easily come. I would like to come again regularly! If I had added a friend of the line, I received a free coupon for a cup of abura soba in the month of my birth and received it for free. Visit point? Because of that, I'm glad that there are benefits when I collect points!

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