Machidashoten Tagajo - Tagajō

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Machidashoten Tagajo

住所 :

4 Chome-3-6 Machimae, Tagajō, Miyagi 985-0845, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8899
Postal code : 985-0845
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 11AM–12AM
Sunday 11AM–12AM
Monday 11AM–12AM
Tuesday 11AM–12AM
Wednesday 11AM–12AM
Thursday 11AM–12AM
Friday 11AM–12AM

4 Chome-3-6 Machimae, Tagajō, Miyagi 985-0845, Japan
sarcorock on Google

大好きな、家系の味。宮城に出店してくれてありがとう。東北で食べた家系ラーメンの中でいちばん好きです。店員さんは元気だし、ピンボールゲームでお菓子をもらえる、待ち時間に折り紙やお絵かきができるなど、子ども連れへのサービスも充実しています。ただ、スープが濃いので自分には完まくは無理です。 追記 丼変わりましたね。王道はこの色かもしれませんが、申し訳ないんですが黒い方が好きでした。
My favorite family taste. Thank you for opening a store in Miyagi. I like the most of the Iekei ramen I ate in Tohoku. The clerk is fine, and there are plenty of services for families with children, such as getting sweets in a pinball game and origami and drawing while waiting. However, the soup is so thick that I can't finish it. Postscript: The bowl has changed. The royal road may be this color, but I'm sorry I liked the black one.
ceiestial blue on Google

脂ギトギトなのかなと思ったら、意外にもスルスル食べられました。 太麺も嫌いではないですが、選択肢があれば尚いいかなと思ったり(^-^;) うずらの卵が入ってる~!ってテンション上がりました(笑) 個人的にはどんなメニューにも味玉が入ってるより何気にうずらちゃんの方が好みです♪ 店内の清潔感、元気いっぱいの店員さん、コロナ禍だからこそ何だか嬉しいですね。 これからも頑張って欲しいです。 また食べたい!
I wondered if it was greasy, but I was surprised to eat it. I don't hate thick noodles, but I think it would be better if there were options (^-^;) It contains quail eggs! I got excited (laughs) Personally, I prefer quail to any menu that has flavored balls in it ♪ The cleanliness of the store, the energetic clerk, and the corona sickness make me happy. I hope you will continue to do your best. I want to eat again!
スバル on Google

It's delicious no matter how many times you eat it, and the staff are so excited that you'll want to come back again.
ぽっちゃま on Google

初めて来店しました。 14時半過ぎていましたが週末ということもあり、混んでおりました。 駐車場は18台収容、店内は、ボックス席8席位? カウンター席は16席大きめの店内です。 入り口近くのボックス席は大人6人は余裕で座れるくらい広くて良かったです?‍♀️ カウンターはアクリル板もあり、コロナ対策されていて、トイレにはオムツ買えシートもあるので小さいお子さんも来店しやすそうです。 本日は、単品チャーハン、餃子セット、唐揚げセット、お子様ラーメン、特製つけ麺を頼みました。 ラーメンは、濃さが普通でも名取、柴田より薄めに感じたので、食べやすかったです。 チャーハンがとても美味しかった!!餃子と唐揚げもとても美味しかったです!! 私は、特製つけ麺にしました。(写真を撮る前に箸を入れてしまったので、崩れています?) 前のつけ麺と麺が変わってしまってから初めて食べたのですが、好みは、前の太麺です? 家系ラーメンの麺と同じだと思うのですが、麺が細くなった分、濃いつけタレが絡みやすく、凄くしょっぱく感じました。 割りスープで薄めたら丁度良いかもしれません? 店員さんは、元気で感じが良かったです? 女性店員さん、男性店員さん、笑顔で頑張ってました! 店員さんは、☆5ですが、つけ麺の麺が変わってしまったので☆4つにしました。 美味しかったです!ご馳走様でした!
I came to the store for the first time. It was past 14:30, but it was crowded because it was a weekend. The parking lot can accommodate 18 cars, and the inside of the store has about 8 box seats? The counter seats are 16 seats larger. It was good that the box seats near the entrance were large enough for 6 adults to sit comfortably ?‍♀️ The counter has an acrylic board, corona measures are taken, and there is a diaper buying sheet in the toilet, so it seems easy for small children to come to the store. Today, I ordered a single fried rice, dumpling set, fried chicken set, children's ramen, and special tsukemen. The ramen was easy to eat because I felt it was thinner than Natori and Shibata, even though it was normal in thickness. The fried rice was very delicious! !! The dumplings and fried chicken were also very delicious! !! I made special tsukemen. (I put my chopsticks in before taking the picture, so it's crumbled ?) I ate it for the first time since the previous tsukemen and noodles changed, but my favorite is the previous thick noodles ? I think it's the same as Iekei Ramen noodles, but the thinner the noodles, the easier it is for the thick sauce to get entangled, and I felt it was very salty. It may be just right if you dilute it with split soup ? The clerk was fine and pleasant ? A female clerk and a male clerk worked hard with a smile! The clerk is ☆ 5, but since the tsukemen noodles have changed, I chose ☆ 4. It was delicious! It was a treat!
猫えみにゃ on Google

前から知ってはいたものの、通りすがりに、家系ラーメンとはなんぞや?と、今回は相方が行くと言うのでいざ入店。入店してすぐ、ごめん。元気がイイのはイイんだろうけど、うるさい。調理している女の子の声がうるさい。何言ってるかわかんないし。 まあ、とりあえず初めましてなので、相方はスタンダード?な醤油ラーメン。私はスタンダードな塩ラーメン。豚骨ベースなのかしら?お互いのラーメンを味見したけど、ちょっぴり違う。マジ美味い。刻み玉ねぎとかテーブルに置いてあるし、ちょっとした味変も出来るのね。 また行こう。 あんまり元気に叫ばないでね。こんな時期だし。
I knew it before, but what is Iekei Ramen when you pass by? This time, my partner said that he would go, so I entered the store. I'm sorry right after I entered the store. I think it's good to be fine, but it's noisy. The voice of the girl who is cooking is noisy. I don't know what you're talking about. Well, nice to meet you for the time being, so is your partner a standard? Soy sauce ramen. I'm a standard salt ramen. Is it based on pork bones? We tasted each other's ramen, but they are a little different. It's really delicious. It's on a table with chopped onions, and you can change the taste a little. Let's go again. Don't scream too well. It's such a time.
0515 mk on Google

Fried rice set. I usually ask for a normal taste, but this time I tried diluting it and using less oil, but it seemed too light. .. Personally, I think normal is safe.
Sa on Google

お店に入って右側に自販機が 置いてあり、お金を入れて食べたいメニューを押しチケットを購入してると店員が来て 席に案内してくれました。 若いスタッフが多く、赤いタオルを頭に巻いた姿で、元気が良い声掛けと感じのいい対応で好印象でした。 どれを食べるか迷い、 特製炒飯のセット¥1000 相方は醤油ラーメン¥740 を選びました。 麺は(固い・普通・柔らか) スープは(濃い・普通・薄い) 油は(多い・普通・少ない) 店員さんから聞かれ、初めての来店だった為、よく理解していないので、びっくり! 自分の好みを選び注文が 出来るのは凄く嬉しいです。 中太麺に骨豚骨スープ醤油味と塩味が麺によく絡んで美味しかったです。 テーブルには、冷水ポット・ キュウリのキュウリちゃん・刻み玉ねぎ・ニンニク・コチジャン・しょうが、が置いてあり、自分の好みで使えたり、紙エプロンも店員に言えば使える様です。清潔感もある店内で良かったです。
There is a vending machine on the right side of the store A clerk comes when you put money in and press the menu you want to eat and buy a ticket He guided me to my seat. There were many young staff members, and I was impressed by the cheerful voice and pleasant response, with the red towel wrapped around my head. I'm wondering which one to eat, Special fried rice set ¥ 1000 My partner is soy sauce ramen ¥ 740 I chose. Noodles are (hard / normal / soft) The soup is (thick, normal, thin) Oil (more / normal / less) I was surprised because I didn't understand it well because it was my first visit to the store when asked by a clerk! Choose your taste and order I am very happy to be able to do it. The soy sauce and salty taste of the bone pork bone soup was well entwined with the medium-thick noodles and it was delicious. Cold water pot on the table There are cucumber cucumbers, chopped onions, garlic, gochujang, and ginger, and you can use them as you like, or you can use a paper apron if you ask the clerk. It was good in the store with a feeling of cleanliness.
Ivan Chin on Google

Noodles with nice soup. You would be enjoying. Although is a chain store but the standard really value for money. Local style with quick service, you just order through machine and pass your ticket to the staff. Oh.. The added value is. You may choose the hardness or soup thickness. Will there Gould adjust till your wish. The addition ice water, Onion, ginger, veg serve free. Which increases the taste of the soup as well. Car Parking is available for this area, but always full in lunch hours.

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