Yato Shrine - Namegata

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yato Shrine

住所 :

3451番地1 Tamatsukuri, Namegata, Ibaraki 311-3152, Japan

Postal code : 311-3152

3451番地1 Tamatsukuri, Namegata, Ibaraki 311-3152, Japan
Kentaro Yoshida on Google

0 Mitsugaki on Google

常陸國風土記 行方郡条 夜刀神 所管している小美玉市小川の素鷲神社にて御朱印が頂けます。
Hitachi Koku Fudoki Whereabouts Gunjo Yatogami You can get a red stamp at the Owase Shrine in Ogawa, Omitama City.
谷口正好 on Google

It is in a dim forest during the day. I went to September, but there are many bush mosquitoes and those who worship in the summer need insect repellent measures.
Eichi Enu on Google

The shrine was founded so old that it dates back to the mythological era. Did it remain as a small shrine next to Atago Shrine? It seems that Atago Shrine was originally located in another place. In the back is a private house (although it seems unlikely that anyone will do so), not within the precincts of the shrine.
seagull 8 on Google

梅雨の合間を縫って7月の下旬に椎井池から石段を登って訪れました。 樹々に覆われていて薄暗い中、濡れ落ち葉などがあってとても滑りやすく、一歩一歩十分注意して登りました。 場所は愛宕神社のお社の隣で、夜刀神社の鳥居とお社がありました。 足元も一部はぬかるんでおり、たどり着くのに注意が必要でした。 愛宕神社のお社に比べると新しい感じです。 蛇嫌いの私は、どうにも不気味さを感じて、お参りもせず早々に山を下りました。(夜刀神とは椎井池では蛇の事だそうです)
I sewed between rainy seasons and climbed a stone stairway from Shiiike in late July and visited. It was covered with trees and dimly lit, and there were wet fallen leaves and it was very slippery, and I climbed with caution one step at a time. The place was next to the shrine of Atago Shrine, and there was a torii and a shrine at Yatora Shrine. The feet were also partly muddy and needed attention to get there. It is a new feeling compared with the company of Atago Shrine. I hate snakes, I felt somehow weird and went down the mountain early without any effort. (The night sword God seems to be a snake in Shiiike)
美智子(ミン・タカ) on Google

知り合いの方から、ここが常陸風土記に出てくる一番古い神社と言われ、訪れました。 古よりコンコンと湧き出る清水。この土地を今も潤していることに感謝✨
A friend of mine told me that this is the oldest shrine in Hitachi Fudoki. Shimizu that springs up with the concon since ancient times. Thank you for still hydrating this land
みけねこ on Google

御祭神は夜刀神。養老5(721)年成立の「常陸風土記」の行方郡の段によれば,夜刀神とは頭に角を生やした蛇体で群体の神であり,継体天皇の御代(450-531),箭括麻多智が当地に田を開墾するため,夜刀神を打殺して山へ駆逐し,「此より上は神の地と為すことを聴さむ。此より下は人の田と作すべし。今より後,吾,神の祝と為りて,永代に敬ひ祭らむ。冀くは,な祟りそ,な恨みそ」と言い,社を造営して子孫代々仕え,今も絶えていない。孝徳天皇の御代(596-654)御代には,壬生連麿が,当地の谷の池に堤を築こうとしたところ,池のほとりの椎の樹上に夜刀神が集まって去ろうとしなかったので,麿が「此の池を修めしむるは,要は民を活かすにあり。何の神,誰の祇ぞ」と言い,人夫に向かって「目に見る雜の物,魚虫の 類は憚り懼るるところなく,随尽に打殺せ」と叫ぶと,夜刀神はたちどころに去った。その椎の木があった池は「椎井池」と名付けられた。 常陸風土記は,古事記・日本書紀に次ぐ日本最古クラスの歴史書ですので,当社は古い・・・とても古い社です。 案内板を頼りに,山の間の狭い道路を進むと,おおっ!驚いたことに舗装された立派な駐車場があり,その脇には夜刀神が集まりになられた「椎井池」(天龍の御手洗)。その脇から境内へと続く坂と階段を上ると,愛宕神社・夜刀神社境内となります。(愛宕神社と椎井池については,分散してクチコミを書きましたので,参照ください)ちなみに,駐車場反対側にも山道がありましたが,本来の参道は,あちらの山から「椎井池」のある谷へ下って,境内まで上るという参道なのでしょう。 上述の伝説を読んでの訪問でしたので,少し怖いところかと覚悟しての参拝だったのですが,いえいえ。そんなことはありません。椎井池から境内までの全てが幽玄風靡でありますが,大変よく手入れの行き届いた境内であります。 おそらく,こちらの氏子さん方は,常陸風土記にありますように箭括麻多智の遠い遠い子孫であり,千五百年後の今に至るまで,絶やすことなく社を守ってこられたに違いありません。
The deity of the festival is Yatogami. According to the whereabouts of the whereabouts of Hitachi Fudoki, which was established in Yoro 5 (721), Yatogami is a snake with a horn on its head and a group of gods. In order to clear the rice field here, Satoshi Ward Matachi kills the night sword god and destroys it on the mountain, "I hear that it will be the land of God above this. After that, I will celebrate God's celebration in honor of the Eiji era. I will say, "Nagori Riso, Nagisa Miso," and built a company to serve descendants. It hasn't stopped. In the reign of Emperor Kotoku (596-654), Miyu Renmaro tried to build a bank on the valley pond here, and the night sword gods gathered on the trees of the Shii on the bank of the pond to leave. As he did not, he said, "The key to training this pond is to make use of the people. What God and who is the god of worship." Insect The swords rushed to death, and the sword god immediately left. The pond where the Shii tree was located was named "Shiii Pond". Hitachi Fudoki is the oldest history book in Japan after Kojiki and Nihonshoki, so we are old...a very old company. When you go down the narrow road between the mountains, relying on the information board, oh! Surprisingly, there is a fine paved parking lot, and next to it is Shiiike, where the sword gods gathered (Tenryu Mitarai). If you go up the slope and stairs leading from that side to the precincts, you will reach the precincts of Atago Shrine and Yatou Shrine. (For Atago Shrine and Shiii Pond, I wrote a word of mouth, so please refer to it.) By the way, there was also a mountain path on the opposite side of the parking lot, but the original approach is "Shiii Pond" from that mountain. It may be a path that goes down to a valley and up to the precincts. It was a visit after reading the above-mentioned legend, so it was a visit that I was prepared to do if it was a little scary, but no. That's not true. Everything from Shiiike to the precincts is a mysterious style, but it is a very well-maintained precinct. Probably, this Mr. and Mrs. Son is a far distant descendant of Satoshi Susumu Matachi, as stated in Hitachi Fudoki, and must have been able to protect the company incessantly until the present after 1,500 years. ..

名前に惹かれて訪れましたが、行くまでの道が人里離れた秘境みたいな感じの所を通るので心配になりました。 その割に駐車場は何だかすごくちゃんと整備されていました。
I was attracted to the name, but I was worried because the road to go would be like a remote and unexplored region. For that reason, the parking lot was very well maintained.

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