Yasuhara - Tottori

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yasuhara

住所 :

2 Chome-625 Matsunamicho, Tottori, 680-0801, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8877
Postal code : 680-0801

2 Chome-625 Matsunamicho, Tottori, 680-0801, Japan
takahiro kobayashi on Google

以前より気になっていた洋食屋さんで、今回ランチを頂きました。 店内はカウンターとテーブル席が4つだったかな?テーブル席は結構ゆったりと使えます(^^) 早めに行きましたがあっという間に席が埋ってしまいました。 ランチメニュー、ディナーメニューに単品やおつまみなど色々なメニューがありました。 牛タン定食、日替わりランチ、和牛ほほ肉のシチューを注文。 注文したランチにはスープではなく、お味噌汁が着いているのは凄くありがたい配慮ですね。 牛タンも厚切りのものをこれでもか!と盛られていてかなりのボリュームです。ほほ肉もとても柔らかくて噛まなくても口の中でとろけてしまいました(^^) どれも美味しくボリュームたっぷりでお腹一杯になりました。 ちなみに小さい子供と行くにはちょっと不向きかな~と感じました。 夫婦だけでとかデートでとかはとても良いかも◎
I had lunch this time at a Western restaurant that I was more interested in. Was there four counters and table seats in the store? The table seats can be used quite relaxedly (^ ^) I went early but the seats were filled up in no time. There were various menus such as single items and snacks in the lunch menu and dinner menu. We ordered beef tongue set meal, daily lunch, and Japanese beef cheek meat stew. It's a great consideration that the ordered lunch has miso soup instead of soup. Beef tongue is also thick! It's a great volume. The cheek meat was so tender that it melted in my mouth without chewing (^^) All were delicious and generously filled. By the way, I felt that it was a bit unsuitable for going with small children. It may be very good to have a couple alone or on a date ◎
もこ on Google

Arrived 30 minutes before opening. When I parked the car in front of the store and waited, I checked to see if a clerk came out from inside and made a reservation. If you answer that you have not made a reservation, please wait until the opening time! It was a very pleasant response and I was very satisfied with the lunch. The fourth picture is a daily lunch on another day
T T on Google

本格的な洋食屋さんです。休日の1時半ごろに伺いましたがすでに満席でした。 日替わりランチをいただきました。ハンバーグと魚のフライ両方とも味が上品でとても美味しかったです。 店員の方も丁寧な気配りをされていてとても良い時間を過ごさせていただきました。 人気店なので事前に予約をしておいた方が良いと思います。
It is a full-scale Western restaurant. I visited around 1:30 on the holidays and it was already full. I had a daily lunch. Both the hamburger and the fried fish were delicious and very delicious. The clerk also kindly paid attention and had a very good time. It's a popular store, so it's best to make a reservation in advance.
関力仁 on Google

yasuhara様に敬意を込めて。鳥取では至高のお店でした。 ランチ利用者です。 表示価格の倍でもお客さんはしっかりつくだろうなーと想像します。平たく言うと現況では、接客普通、提供遅め、料理激ウマ、高コスパ、インスタ良好って感じです。 家族で行ったのでチキンのトマトシチュー、パスタ、ドリアなど、いくつかの主力メニューを纏めて堪能できラッキーでした。 パスタのバジルソース、ドリアのクリームがやば〜いです。シチューもドストライクでした。関東では2000円強クラスに相当するだろう味が1200円程度で楽しめるので、この店に通うだけで十分です。総じて具材の粒が非常に大きく、たくさん入ってる。冷凍モノって感じないし、原価どうなってるんだろうとちょい不思議。いずれもボリュームは男性が気持ちよくお腹いっぱいになれる量で女性は少し残してしまう場合かあるかも。細かく言ったらまだいくつかあるけど割愛ですが、それにしても他店の追随が想像できないレベル。 単価倍にして客層を絞るか、オペレーション改善し回転数上げて内装もうひと工夫したら抜群に稼げるお店になってるんでしょうねぇ。それを考えると今の価格は非常に嬉しいです。 2021.10気が向いたので追記 コメント参考にされてたか分かりませんが、オープン1年後くらいに課題がしっかり解決されましたね。値段上がり、提供は早くなりました。これからも相応の品格で、素敵なランチの場をこれからも提供いただけると嬉しいです。ただ、ドリアが予約制になったのが猛烈に嫌。
With respect to yasuhara. It was the best shop in Tottori. I am a lunch user. I imagine that even if the price is doubled, the customers will be able to get it. To put it plainly, in the current situation, it seems that customer service is normal, serving is delayed, cooking is intense, high cost performance, and Instagram is good. Since I went with my family, I was lucky to be able to enjoy some of the main menus such as chicken tomato stew, pasta, and doria. The pasta basil sauce and doria cream are terrible. The stew was also a strike. In the Kanto area, you can enjoy the taste that would be equivalent to a little over 2000 yen for around 1200 yen, so it's enough to go to this shop. As a whole, the grains of the ingredients are very large and contain a lot. I don't feel like frozen things, and I wonder what the cost is. In both cases, the volume is enough for men to feel comfortable and full, and women may leave a little. There are still a few things to say in detail, but I'm omitting them, but even so, it's a level that I can't imagine following other stores. If you double the unit price and narrow down the customer base, or improve the operation and increase the number of rotations and devise another interior design, it will be a shop that can make outstanding profits. Given that, the current price is very nice. 2021.10 I added it because I felt like it I don't know if it was used as a reference, but the issue was resolved about a year after the opening. The price has risen and the offer has become faster. We hope that you will continue to provide a wonderful lunch place with a decent dignity. However, I really hate Doria's reservation system.
TOMOKO y on Google

It's very delicious, but the amount is so large that I could barely eat it without leaving it. Less is enough for women.
K Miyagawa on Google

돗토리 시내 최고의 양식 레스토랑이라고 생각합니다. 매일 변하는 정식 메뉴는 저렴한 가격 이상으로 만족스러운 맛입니다. 항상 시키는 스테이크 또한 전혀 질기지 않고 육즙의 풍미가 느껴지는 감동적인 맛입니다. 비교적 작은 가게이지만 돗토리에 방문하는 많은 분들이 꼭 들렀으면 좋겠습니다.
I think it is the best Western restaurant in Tottori city. The set menu, which changes daily, is more than affordable, but it's satisfying. Steaks that are always ordered are not too tough at all and have an impressive taste with a juicy flavor. Although it is a relatively small shop, I hope that many visitors to Tottori will stop by.
大坂光 on Google

日替わりのヒラマサフライに虫がすごい入ってた。みみずのような。 そりゃあ青魚は入ってるから、プロだったら抜いていかないといけない。 目視で分かるはず。 火が通ってるからあたらないとはいえ、普通は気持ち悪くて誰でも食べれない。 まぁ、言いたかったけどちゃんとお金は払ったし。お金を払ってる間、年配の女性が片づけだし、残してるから皿を眺めてるようだったが、何も言われなかった。 もしかして、虫は普通なのか?
There were a lot of insects in the daily amberjack fly. Like an earthworm. Well, there are blue fish in it, so if you're a professional, you have to pull it out. You should be able to see it visually. Although it doesn't hit because it's cooked, it's usually unpleasant and no one can eat it. Well, I wanted to say, but I paid for it. While I was paying, an older woman was cleaning up and left behind, so she seemed to look at the dishes, but nothing was said. Maybe insects are normal?
エンガワ侍 on Google

予約必至の人気店。味濃い目で男性向け。美味しくて、ボリュームの割に低価格ランチ。オムライスが絶品。 コロナ対策としては、入り口の自動の消毒スプレーが設置。店舗入り口は開放されていて店内換気は充分。使い捨てマスクケースを着席時に配ってくれます。ただコロナ時でさえ混みあうので、席間隔は以前と変わらず狭いですし、テーブルにパーティション設置は有りません。店員さんはなるべく密にならないように席案内したり、テーブルが空けばカウンターから移動を促したりと気遣いしてくれます。また満員順番待ちの場合は入り口で受付の後、車内で待機となり順番になれば呼びに来てもらえます。 いつもランチタイムは満員なので待たずに必ず食べたいなら予約は必要です。たまに貸し切りの場合もあるので注意。夜営業は比較的に空いてる時間があります。 日替りランチは1,000円(税込)で、+200円(税込)でアフタードリンクを追加出来ます。また稀に+200円で、お味噌汁が蟹入り等にバージョンアップ可能な日もあります。 この日の日替りランチは、ハンバーグメインでパスタが下に隠れています。見た目通りの軽めなデミグラスソースが食欲を誘い、ハンバーグの片面だけパン粉焼きでカリカリしていて食感を楽しめました。味噌汁は出汁が強めでご飯との相性もバツグン。 後日、オムライスランチ(サラダ、味噌汁付き)をオーダー。チキンライスは病み付きになる旨さ。味は濃いくて喉乾きますが、とにかくチキンライスのバターのコクとトマトソースの奥深さが野菜や肉を纏め上げる力が凄い。洋食も数知れず食べ歩いてきましたが、本当にダントツ上位の実力。オムライスならこの店だと胸を張って言えます。 ランチ限定オージービーフのヒレステーキ3,500円(税込み)は200グラムのレア焼きのヒレステーキにしめじの濃厚バターソースがかかっています。オージーなので赤身か国産より硬め。付け合わせのサラダ、ご飯、味噌汁が付いてます。 ビーフシチューはトロットロの柔らかさで、かなり濃い目の味。本格ビーフシチューにご飯がすすむ旨さです。ランチはご飯、味噌汁、サラダ付きで2,500円(税込み)です。 ディナータイムの和牛ハンバーグセット2,450円もオムライスの次にイチオシです。溢れ出す肉汁、間違いない美味しいブラウンソースで白米がすすみ過ぎで大変です。前日予約のフィレステーキセット、いつか食べてみたい! 駐車場は店横と店正面の空き地にも駐車出来るそうです。
A popular shop where reservations are inevitable. For men with strong eyes. Delicious and low-priced lunch for its volume. The omelet rice is excellent. As a measure against corona, an automatic disinfectant spray is installed at the entrance. The store entrance is open and there is sufficient ventilation inside the store. They will give you a disposable mask case when you are seated. However, since it is crowded even at the time of corona, the seat spacing is as narrow as before, and there is no partition on the table. The clerk will guide you to the seats so that they are not as crowded as possible, and if the table is empty, they will encourage you to move from the counter. Also, if you are waiting for a full turn, after the reception at the entrance, you will be waiting in the car and if it is your turn, you will be called. Lunch time is always full, so if you want to eat without waiting, you need to make a reservation. Please note that it may be reserved occasionally. The night business has a relatively free time. Daily lunch is 1,000 yen (tax included), and after-drinks can be added for +200 yen (tax included). On rare occasions, it costs +200 yen, and there are days when miso soup can be upgraded to include crabs. The daily lunch of the day is hamburger steak with pasta hidden underneath. The light demiglace sauce as it looks attracted the appetite, and only one side of the hamburger was crispy with bread crumbs and I enjoyed the texture. Miso soup has a strong soup stock and goes well with rice. Later, I ordered an omelet rice lunch (with salad and miso soup). Chicken rice is addictive. The taste is strong and thirsty, but anyway, the richness of chicken rice butter and the depth of tomato sauce have a great power to gather vegetables and meat. I've been eating and walking around countless Western foods, but I'm really the top performer. I am proud to say that this is an omelet rice restaurant. Lunch-only Aussie beef fillet steak 3,500 yen (tax included) is 200 grams of rare grilled fillet steak with rich butter sauce. Because it is aussie, it is harder than lean or domestic. Garnished with salad, rice and miso soup. The beef stew is the softness of Trottro and has a very strong taste. It is delicious that rice is recommended for authentic beef stew. Lunch is 2,500 yen (tax included) with rice, miso soup, and salad. The Japanese beef hamburger set for dinner time of 2,450 yen is also recommended next to omelet rice. The overflowing gravy and definitely delicious brown sauce make the white rice too sloppy. I want to eat the fillet steak set reserved the day before! The parking lot can be parked in the vacant lot next to the store and in front of the store.

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