YAOKO Market Place - Fujimino

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact YAOKO Market Place

住所 :

1 Chome-2-27 Kasumigaoka, Fujimino, Saitama 356-0006, Japan

電話 : 📞 +897
Postal code : 356-0006
Webサイト : https://www.yaoko-net.com/store/store01/110.html

1 Chome-2-27 Kasumigaoka, Fujimino, Saitama 356-0006, Japan
かずっこ on Google

There are many customers because it is a supermarket in front of the station. In the evening, there are commuting trips and it is often crowded. The price of vegetables seems a little higher, but the sweets are cheaper. Also, although the timing of price reductions is late, the prepared dishes prepared in the store are delicious. There are several supermarkets in my neighborhood, but I use it most.
Sachi Tsu on Google

モノはいいけど少し高め。 それでも野菜や果物、魚や肉は新鮮で良い。 駅前で店舗が小さいから、置ける商品に限りがあるので、少し品揃えが少ないがメジャーな物は押さえていると思う。 レジの対応は良いし、各コーナーの店員さんはとても感じが良い。特にお惣菜売場の店員さんはとても親切。 ただ、普通の商品の品出ししてる店員さんの中には雑な人もいて、お客の前を平気で横切り、品物を棚から取ろうとしてるお客にも気づかず邪魔。 駅前という場所柄か、お客は年配の方が多いので、もう少し気遣いが欲しいと思う。
Things are good but slightly higher. Still, vegetables and fruits, fish and meat are fresh and good. Because the store is small in front of the station, there is a limit to the products that can be placed. Correspondence of cash register is good, and the clerk of each corner feels very good. Especially the store clerk at the side dish section is very kind. However, some of the clerks who produce normal products are not familiar, and they cross in front of the customers without permission, noticing the customers who are trying to take out the goods from the shelf. As the location in front of the station, or the customers, there are many elderly people, I would like more care.
Mint Jam on Google

弁当に上げ底ケース使ったりしてた 人気が出た惣菜やサラダ袋野菜を内容量削ったり価格釣り上げて企業努力()頑張ってる フルプライスで売られてるのみたことのない今だけ半額煽り文句がついてる商品とか売ってる時もあって面白いです 贈り物のギフトも頼んだものと違うものだったりして客にドキドキサプライズを与えてくれます
I used to use a raised bottom case for my lunch box We are doing our best to cut the contents of popular side dishes and salad bag vegetables and raise the price () It's interesting because there are times when I'm selling products that have been sold at full price and have a half-price fanning complaint only now. Gifts that are different from the ones you ordered will give your customers a thrilling surprise.
Katsumi Hayashi on Google

界隈のスーパーでは、 東武ストア、イオン、カスミ、ヨーカドー あたりが競合なのだろうが、 品ぞろえ、価格、品質 どれも 平均以上かな。 極端なハズレを引いたことがない。 夕方の値引きタイムの攻略は、経験がものをいう。 通勤帰宅者が多い時間帯は 弁当の値引きが なくなる。とか。
At supermarkets in the neighborhood Tobu Store, Aeon, Kasumi, Yokado Perhaps there is competition, The product lineup, price, and quality are all above average. I have never drawn an extreme loss. Experience is the key to capturing discount times in the evening. There will be no discounts on bento boxes during times when there are many commuters. And.
はまだ on Google

近辺のスーパーでここだけ置いてない物を入れて欲しいとお願いしたところ、棚が開いたら入れますとお返事を頂き、コーナーを通るたびまだかなーとずっと待っていたのですが気づけばもう半年。 何度も商品が入れ替わり棚も開いたように見えましたが...未だに入らず... 入れるつもりがないなら嘘書かないで欲しいです
At a supermarket nearby, I asked for something that wasn't placed here, but when the shelves opened, I received a reply saying that I would put it in, and every time I passed the corner, I was waiting for a long time, but it's been half a year since I realized it. It seemed that the products were replaced many times and the shelves were opened, but ... I haven't entered yet ... If you don't intend to put it in, don't lie
ルミ小能 on Google

Certainly the assortment may be good. The clerk's attitude is too bad. It's in front of the station, so even if you keep silent, customers will come, so the clerk's attitude may be bad. With this, it can only be found in Super O, which has the highest customer satisfaction. Actually, I don't want to add any stars, but I can't write without adding stars, so I had no choice but to add them.
Roy Labastida on Google

good food and everything is available, though prices are quite expensive.
Hallee McPherson on Google

I like the supermarket I think it’s very organized and the workers are kind. They have a bakery that is very delicious and I would often go there for just the baked goods.

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