Yanaka-Inari-jinja Shrine - Suginami City

3.6/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yanaka-Inari-jinja Shrine

住所 :

1 Chome-39 Honan, Suginami City, Tokyo 168-0062, Japan

Postal code : 168-0062

1 Chome-39 Honan, Suginami City, Tokyo 168-0062, Japan
Yoshihisa on Google

He was quietly sitting in the middle of a residential area. Many fried foods are offered.
yoshi nomura on Google

There was a small presence in the residential area, but there was a presence.
Sango Coral on Google

UberEats YouTuberヒカリマンのアパートのすぐ近くにある神社
UberEats YouTuber Shrine in the immediate vicinity of Hikariman's apartment
Y K on Google

とっても赤い神社です。 写真はたまたま撮っただけです。
It's a very red shrine. I just happened to take a picture.
MSTK MUR on Google

住宅街にある静かな神社です。⛩️? 無人で保護のため柵などが目立ちますが きちんと管理がなされていました?✨
It is a quiet shrine in a residential area. ⛩️? Although it is unmanned and the fences are conspicuous for protection It was properly managed ?✨
Miwa on Google

2017/9/16 環状7号線の内側の地元民が利用する道にあるとても小さな稲荷神社。 赤い旗が敷地を囲むように立てられていて面白い。
2017/9/16 A very small Inari Shrine on the road used by locals inside Ring 7 It is interesting that a red flag is set up around the site.
1999 acab on Google

赤い多数の幟が目印。 本殿は朱色で鮮やかです。
Many red nobori are landmarks. The main shrine is vermilion and vivid.
masahiro i on Google

総本社が伏見稲荷大社(京都府京都市伏見区)という由緒ある神社。 ご祭神は当然稲荷神で境内は小さいですがいつも綺麗にされています。 ご祭神の稲荷神は五穀豊穣の神と言われ、昔から地元住民に厚く信仰を受けていたと思われます。 五穀豊穣のほかには商売繁盛が御利益ありとされています。参拝形式は二拝二拍一拝とされ、皆がそのようにされていました。 (頻繁に参拝する方がいるわけではないですが) 真っ赤な印が目をひきます。こういうコンパクトな街中にある小規模神社は大切にしていきたいですね。
The head office is Fushimi Inari Taisha Shrine (Fushimi Ward, Kyoto City, Kyoto Prefecture), a venerable shrine. The deity is of course Inari, and the precincts are small, but they are always beautiful. The god of ritual, Inari, is said to be the god of fertility of five grains, and it is believed that it has been deeply worshiped by local residents since ancient times. In addition to the abundance of five grains, prosperous business is said to be beneficial. The form of worship was two worships, two beats, and one worship, and everyone was doing so. (Although not many people worship frequently) The bright red mark is eye-catching. I want to cherish the small shrines in such a compact city.

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