Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Oizumi-Gakuen Center - Nerima City

3.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Oizumi-Gakuen Center

住所 :

4 Chome-23 Nishioizumi, Nerima City, Tokyo 178-0065, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8779
Postal code : 178-0065
Webサイト : http://sneko2.kuronekoyamato.co.jp/sneko2/AddressListSearch%3FACTID%3DJSP_SNAL0040%26MACHIAZACD%3D13120003001%26SHF%3D1%26BANCHI%3D%26GOU%3D%26x%3D31%26y%3D3

4 Chome-23 Nishioizumi, Nerima City, Tokyo 178-0065, Japan
茂藤武弥 on Google

The reception is small, but I asked for a golf delivery service after a long time and taught me how to input on a tablet. Thank you very much. We will continue to use it.
yukarinrin oh on Google

It was very difficult to respond in a small office. Even if it took time for the operation of addressing that I was not used to, I was relieved to say gently "I'm okay without panic".
大将 on Google

The package that was supposed to be sent from 14:00 to 16:00 did not arrive at 21:00. I also opened the window while ventilating to prevent redelivery. I wonder if it will come today because the business hours of 21:00 have passed. I thought, and went shopping for a dozen minutes. Absence slip when returning. Moreover, the delivery is in the 15th era. I don't understand why, Oniden. Stunned by excuses. I went on time, and I was told that I had an intercom and knocked. I was in the room properly, opened the window, and checked if there was an absentee slip, but why? It can't be helped that I didn't make it in time, but I can't lie. Mr. Makiguchi.
re t on Google

原子、高橋というドライバーの対応が悪い。 まず、インターホンを押さないで帰ったり、集荷の荷物を忘れるなど 対応が最悪でした。この件について、所長の岩井地という人に苦情を言っても、やる気がない態度で謝罪もないです。 この営業所対応は酷すぎる。また、どのヤマトの配達員の質は低すぎ。
The driver, Atom and Takahashi, does not respond well. First, go home without pressing the intercom, forget the luggage to be picked up, etc. The correspondence was the worst. Even if I complain to the director, Iwaiji, about this matter, I have no motivation and no apology. This sales office response is too terrible. Also, the quality of Yamato's delivery staff is too low.
bv t on Google

インターホン鳴らさずに不在票だけ入れて帰ったり、他人が注文した荷物の不在票を入れるなど、社員教育が徹底されていない。また、責任者の岩井という男にクレームを言っても改善しようとしない。 ろくでもない営業所です。
Employee education is not thorough, such as putting in the absentee card without ringing the intercom and putting in the absentee card for luggage ordered by others. Also, even if he complains to the man in charge, Iwai, he does not try to improve. It's a bad business office.
雅MIYABI on Google

時間指定しても その時間に届く事はありません 忙しいのもわかるのですが その時間に指定してる意味をわかって欲しい 遅れるなら せめて連絡して欲しい インターホンも押さずに 不在票だけ入れてく事はザラです 全ての配達員って訳ではないですが ほとんどそんな感じです 近所の人達も同じ感じらしいので ちゃんとして欲しいですね
Even if you specify a time, it will not arrive at that time I know I'm busy, but I want you to understand the meaning of the time you specify. If you are late, please contact me at least It is Zara to put only the absentee vote without pressing the intercom Not all deliverers, but almost like that The neighbors seem to have the same feeling, so I want them to do it properly.
エビ天布袋 on Google

The date and time should be specified, but it never comes. I received a phone call after a while after making an inquiry. Is there an address there? Where on earth? At the end, I'm sorry for the unclear posture. Yamato also sold off and became the worst carrier. I don't want to use it.
橋村智和 on Google

1人だけ凄くザルな計測で送料をぼったくろうとするババアが居ます。 眼鏡を掛けていない肩くらいの長さの茶髪の更年期。 態度も他の人と違ってヘラヘラしてるのでよく行く人ならすぐ判ると思う。 中には63cmでも60サイズにしてあげるねと優しい人も居て、他の方のレビュー通り基本的には悪くないんですが、そいつが受付をしていたら別の人が空くまで待つようにしてます。 初めて行く方は覚えておいてください。
There is only one Baba who tries to reduce the shipping cost with a very colander measurement. Menopause of shoulder-length brown hair without glasses. The attitude is also different from other people, so I think that people who go often will know immediately. Some people are kind enough to make it 60 size even if it's 63 cm, and it's basically not bad as reviewed by other people, but if that person is accepting, wait until another person becomes available. I am. Please remember if you are going for the first time.

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