Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Kuroneko-stand Toyosu 4-Chome Center - Koto City

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamato Transport Co., Ltd. Kuroneko-stand Toyosu 4-Chome Center

4 Chome-10 Toyosu, Koto City, Tokyo 135-0061, Japan
五十嵐liquid on Google

When I sent the package, it was helpful to carefully pack my packaging. I was deeply grateful for the response I did without a bad face ❗
Ko Na on Google

The day I went was unmanned. The instructions for use were written, but the questions were not wiped out and brought back. It is recommended that you use it at first.
Haru。 on Google

It is possible to ship lockers for up to L size for 24 hours by sending PUDO at flea market site. Otherwise, it can be shipped between 10:00 and 18:00 manned time. Refrigeration and freezing can also be sent and received if manned time. Since it is open 24 hours, you can also receive a locker for luggage.
aya tanaka on Google

メルカリの発送にめちゃくちゃ便利です。 今まで近所のコンビニで発送してましたが、仕事の行き帰りの時間帯はレジが混むため、複数発送する際に店員や他のお客さんに気を遣ってしまい大変でした。送り状の発行に手間もかかって煩雑ですし。 クロネコスタンドができたことで、QRコード読み取りで商品をロッカーに預けるだけなので複数個の発送もお手軽にできるし、何より列に並ばなくて済むので気持ちもラクです。
It is extremely convenient for sending out Mercari. Until now, I was sending it out at a nearby convenience store, but because the cash register was crowded during work return time, it was very difficult to pay attention to the clerk and other customers when sending out multiple shipments. It takes time and effort to issue invoices, and it is cumbersome. By having a black cat stand, you can easily send multiple shipments as you just store the product in the locker by reading the QR code, and it is easier to feel because you don't have to line up in a row.
M H on Google

I'm having trouble understanding why I'm trying to meet face-to-face every time even though I'm giving instructions on Amazon.
Taku Nakane on Google

A strange place that feels like a delivery locker that Yamato does. If you choose from the menu, you can also accept regular courier service. The employees who responded were more refreshing and good. Thank you very much.
Yoshikazu Shibata on Google

きれいなお店です。 宅配ロッカーで、24時間受取と発送ができます。 送る時に使う箱もPayPayを使えば24時間買えます。 クール便や大きなサイズでロッカーから出せないものは、10:00〜16:00の間に行くとスタッフが対応してしてくれます。
It's a beautiful shop. You can pick up and ship 24 hours a day at the delivery locker. If you use PayPay, you can buy the box you use for sending it 24 hours a day. If you have a cool flight or a large size that cannot be taken out of the locker, the staff will take care of it if you go between 10:00 and 16:00.
N J on Google

どのスタッフの方になっても伝票の貼り方がとても丁寧で手際がいいです(他のセンターと比べ物にならないほど)。場所柄仕方ないのですが、営業時間が限定的、駐車場がないのが難点。 PUDOの利用も簡単で気に入っています。
Regardless of the staff, the method of pasting the slip is very polite and smart (it is incomparable to other centers). The location is unavoidable, but the drawbacks are that the business hours are limited and there is no parking lot. I like how easy it is to use PUDO.

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