広島市の不用品回収なら ゆづり葉リサイクル堂 安佐南区 遺品整理

5/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact 広島市の不用品回収なら ゆづり葉リサイクル堂 安佐南区 遺品整理

住所 :

Yamamoto, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0137 Hiroshima,Japan

電話 : 📞 +878887
Webサイト : http://www.recycle-yuzuriha.com/
街 : Hiroshima

Yamamoto, Asaminami Ward, 〒731-0137 Hiroshima,Japan
natsu ta on Google

売却することになった一軒家の片付けを手伝って頂きました。搬出する家具も多く、分別などもかなり大変だったと思います。 庭や物置の中まで、敷地内の作業を全てお願いしましたが、フットワークも軽く、どんどん作業が進んでいきました(*^_^*) 作業開始と、終了時は必ず一報してくれ、またその日の作業状況など、連絡を密に取って下さり安心して作業をお願い出来ました。 急な依頼にも関わらず、日程の調整もこちらの要望通りして頂け大変助かりました。 また幼い子供への対応もとても親切でした( ¨̮ ) また機会があれば是非お願いしたいと思います! ありがとうございました!
They helped me to clean up the house that was to be sold. There are a lot of furniture to carry out, and I think it was quite difficult to sort. I asked for all the work on the premises, even in the garden and storage, but the footwork was light and the work progressed steadily (*^_^*) Be sure to inform me when the work started and finished, and keep in touch with us about the work situation on that day, and thank you for your peace of mind. Despite the urgent request, it was very helpful for me to adjust the schedule as requested here. Also, the support for young children was very kind (¨̮ ). If there is another opportunity, I would like to request it! Thank you very much!
ペヤング on Google

引越しの為、不用品回収を依頼させていただきました。 言葉遣いも丁寧で、仕事も早くスムーズに回収していただけました。また、当日に回収していただくものを追加依頼したところ、快く承諾していただき、当初の見積もり金額のまま対応していただきました。
Due to the move, I requested the collection of disused items. The wording was polite, and the work was collected quickly and smoothly. In addition, when we requested additional items to be collected on the day of the event, they kindly agreed and responded with the original estimated amount.
けーけー on Google

引っ越しの為、不要品回収を依頼しました。 解体しにくいベッドフレーム、机、布団類、その他、もろもろ処分しにくい物がありましたが 快く引き受けて下さりました。 他の方のクチコミにも書いてありますが、人柄の良い方で安心して作業を任せる事ができました。 値段も、他の業者よりも1万程度安く見積もって頂き、良心的な値段です。 ありがとうございましたm(_ _)m
I requested the collection of unnecessary items for moving. There were bed frames, desks, futons, etc. that were difficult to disassemble, and other things that were difficult to dispose of. He was willing to accept it. As it is written in the reviews of other people, I was able to entrust the work with confidence by a person with a good personality. The price is also reasonable, as it is estimated to be about 10,000 cheaper than other companies. Thank you m (_ _) m
マリオが好きすぎて死んでしまいそうなチャンネル on Google

I asked you to remove the large furniture before you moved. There was a lot of it, but it was done before I was quick to work with it. Also, I was prepared for an additional charge, but I thought that it was a fairly conscientious company because the amount was as estimated. I would like to ask if there is another opportunity. Please do not hesitate to ask us. You will never regret it!
やのれ on Google

It was my first time to use it, but I was able to leave it to me with confidence because the communication until the day was polite and prompt. We are very grateful to you for your willingness to move the disused items and furniture on the day of the event. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Yuichi I on Google

感じの良い店主さんでした。 良いものを低価格で買えました☺️☺️ またよろしくお願いします。 無印良品の机とチェアと電気スタンド(サービス)
It was a nice shopkeeper. I was able to buy a good one at a low price ☺️☺️ Also thank you. MUJI desks, chairs and desk lamps (service)
Kyoko on Google

初めての利用で、窓と網戸とお風呂掃除をしていただきました!汚くて自分では手をつけれなかったのですが予想以上に丁寧にピカピカにしていただけて大満足です( ; ; ) しかもリーズナブルでこんなにやっていただけて本当にありがたいです( ; ; ) 代表の方もとてもいい人だったし、また何かあればよろしくお願いします!
For the first time, I had you clean the windows, screen doors and bath! It was dirty and I couldn't touch it myself, but I'm very happy that it was made shiny more carefully than I expected (;;) Moreover, it is reasonably priced and I am really grateful that you did so (;;) The representative was also a very nice person, and I would appreciate if you could find something else!
きよ on Google

この度ソファ、収納BOX、観葉植物を回収して頂きました。作業もとても丁寧でお優しい対応して下さりました。一人暮らし女子である為不安な気持ちはありましたが、ゆづり葉さんには安心してお任せする事ができました!何よりも作業に来てくださった代表の宇土さん、女性スタッフさんの人柄が素敵だなと思いました!本当に助かりました 感謝しています。 回収して頂いた家具、次購入して下さる方に大切に使っていただけたらいいなと思います! また機会があれば是非お願いしたいです!
We have collected the sofa, storage box, and foliage plants. The work was also very polite and kind. I was worried because I was a girl living alone, but I was able to leave it to Yuzuriha-san with confidence! Above all, I thought that the personalities of the representative Uto and the female staff who came to work were wonderful! Thank you so much for your help. I hope that the collected furniture will be used carefully by those who purchase it next time! If you have another chance, I would love to hear from you!

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