Omiya Shrine - Ichihara

4.3/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Omiya Shrine

住所 :

1-chome-20-7 Goichuominami, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0082, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8979
Postal code : 290-0082
Webサイト :
Opening hours :
Saturday 8:30AM–5PM
Sunday 8:30AM–5PM
Monday 8:30AM–5PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5PM
Friday 8:30AM–5PM

1-chome-20-7 Goichuominami, Ichihara, Chiba 290-0082, Japan
中山家範 on Google

五井駅からは徒歩圏内 長い参道から境内に至るまで、手入れが行き届いており、末社も多いお社。 駐車スペースの案内に、不快感は感じなかったものの、やや丁寧さに欠けている印象を持ってしまった為、☆一つ減らしました。
Walking distance from Goi station From the long approach to the precincts, the company is well-maintained and has many end companies. I didn't feel any discomfort in the parking space guidance, but I had the impression that it was a little lacking in politeness, so I reduced it by one.
Tsu. N. on Google

It takes about 10 minutes on foot from Goi station. I think it's impossible for 5 minutes because I walk quite a bit from the black torii gate. The parking lot is behind the main shrine, and the doorway is also behind.
Miya OS on Google

とても綺麗に管理されている神社さんでした。 車で第一駐車場に停めたため、裏から入る形になりましたが、御朱印をお願いしている間に表から入り直しました(笑) 桜並木になっており、春にも来てみたい!と思いました。表の鳥居を通る時に手を合わせる方も居て、地元で愛されている神社さんなのだなと思いました。 神職の方も雰囲気がよく、快く対応していただけて、有難かったです。 御朱印は表から入ると本宮の右手にある別棟の建物で、授与して貰えます(藤棚がある建物ですね)。300円でした。 近くの保育園のお散歩コースなのか、園児さんが並んで歩いてて微笑ましい光景も。 大杉神社や浅間神社、菅原道真公などの摂社もあります。 本当にゴミや雑草が目立たない神社さんで、気持ちよく参拝出来ました。 ありがとうございます。
It was a very well-managed shrine. Since I parked in the first parking lot by car, I was able to enter from the back, but while I was asking for a red stamp, I re-entered from the front (laugh) It is lined with cherry blossom trees and I want to come in spring! I thought. There were people who joined hands when passing through the front torii gate, and I thought it was a shrine loved by the locals. The priests also had a nice atmosphere, and I was grateful that they were willing to respond. When you enter from the front, the red stamp is a separate building on the right side of the main shrine, and you can get it (the building with the wisteria trellis). It was 300 yen. Perhaps it's a walk course at a nearby nursery school, there is also a smiley sight as the children walk side by side. There are also Setsumatsusha such as Osugi Shrine, Asama Shrine, and Sugawara no Michizane. It was a shrine where garbage and weeds were really inconspicuous, and I was able to worship comfortably. Thank you very much.
庄山 泰彦 on Google

On 1/4, the red stamp was written, so please visit again on 1/18. I received a handwritten red stamp.
Fumi on Google

御朱印をいただきにいきました。宮司さんがとても気さくな方で話しかけていただき嬉しかったです!ありがとうございました。 駐車場に簡易式トイレあります。 境内はとてもきれいでちょうど大輪の菊の花が咲いていました
I went to get the red stamp. I'm glad that Mr. Miyaji talked to me as a very friendly person! Thank you very much. There is a simple toilet in the parking lot. The precincts were very beautiful and just large chrysanthemums were in bloom.
天祥 on Google

2021.1.31.参拝 1月3日初詣で参拝したが、御朱印が書置きで且つイラストの印刷が入ったモノで気に入らなかった為改めて参拝。10時前に到着したが書入れの出来る方が11時からという事で、夕方再度訪問。「ふさのくに~」用の御朱印帳に浄書して頂いた。因みに3日頂いた書置きは別の御朱印帳に。広い敷地で一の鳥居も立派。社殿の注連縄・紫色の幕?の色合いも鮮やかな美しい神社。社務所も常駐でオリジナル御朱印帳も有り。
2021.1.31. Worship I worshiped at the first shrine on January 3rd, but I didn't like it because the red stamp was written and the illustration was printed, so I worshiped again. I arrived before 10 o'clock, but the person who can write is from 11 o'clock, so I visited again in the evening. I had you engrave it in the red stamp book for "Fusa no Kuni ~". By the way, the bookkeeping I received for 3 days is in another red stamp book. The first torii gate is also magnificent on a large site. Shimenawa, purple curtain of the shrine? A beautiful shrine with bright colors. The office is also resident and there is also an original stamp book.
山川海 on Google

とてもきれいな神社です。手入れが行き届いていることを感じさせます。参道の両側は民家が立ち並んでますが、それでも桜並木の参道は趣があります。 日本武尊が東征した折の創建と言われ「古事記」に登場する国常立命(くにのとこたちのみこと)、日本の総氏神である天照皇大神(あまてらすすめおおみかみ)、産業発展の祖神である大己貴命(おおなむちのみこと)を祀っています。1180年に源頼朝が参詣した記録も残っているそうです。 国之常立神は天地が初めて生まれたときの初期の神で姿形はない神様です。 大己貴命は大国主神(おおくにぬしのみこと)の別名です。大国主神は因幡の白兎の話で有名な神様ですね。天照皇大神に脅迫されて自分が開発した国を譲ることになった神です。 天照皇大神は古事記では一番のスーパースターです。弟の須佐之男命の蛮行にへそを曲げて天の岩屋戸に隠れた事は有名です。神世界では最大の権力をもっています。伊勢神宮の祭神でも有名です。
It's a very beautiful shrine. It makes you feel that it is in good condition. Private houses are lined up on both sides of the approach, but the approach to the cherry blossom trees is still quaint. Kuni-no-Tokotachi no Mikoto, which is said to have been built when Japan Takeru conquered the east, Amaterasu Omikami, the general god of Japan, and industrial development It enshrines Okuninushi, the ancestral god. There is also a record that Minamoto no Yoritomo visited in 1180. Kuni-no-Tsunegami is an early god when the heavens and the earth were first born, and is a god without a figure. Takashi Omi is another name for Okuninushi no Mikoto. Okuninushi is a god famous for the story of Inaba's white rabbit. It is a god who was threatened by Amaterasu Omikami and gave up the country he developed. Amaterasu Omikami is the best superstar in Kojiki. It is famous that he bent his navel to the barbarism of his younger brother Susanoo-no-Mikoto and hid in Amano-iwato. It has the greatest power in the divine world. It is also famous for the deity of Ise Jingu.
King evisu on Google

境内は、手入れされていて気持ち良く参拝出来る。 末社には、さまざまな神様が祀られている。 菅原道真公、コノハナサクヤヒメなど…ちょっとした八百万の神だなと感じる。
The precincts are well maintained and you can worship comfortably. Various gods are enshrined at the end of the shrine. Sugawara no Michizane, Konohanasakuyahime, etc ... I feel like a little eight million gods.

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