Yamagata University Hospital - Yamagata

3.2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamagata University Hospital

住所 :

2 Chome-2-2 Iidanishi, Yamagata, 990-2331, Japan

電話 : 📞 +8
Postal code : 990-2331
Webサイト : http://www.id.yamagata-u.ac.jp/MID/index.htm
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30AM–5PM
Tuesday 8:30AM–5PM
Wednesday 8:30AM–5PM
Thursday 8:30AM–5PM
Friday 8:30AM–5PM

2 Chome-2-2 Iidanishi, Yamagata, 990-2331, Japan
3 puyorisu on Google

様々な科にてお世話になっております。 診察について☆5です。 不安な事や知りたい事等、医師に質問すると分かりやすい言葉で丁寧に教えてくださいます。(勿論、診療科や先生にもよりますが……。) 忙しい中ありがたいと思います。 条件はありますが、会計待ち時間の緩和の対応も出来て、以前よりも待たなくなりました。 駐車場については、患者料金として¥200請求されます。
I am indebted to various departments. About medical examination ☆ 5. If you have any concerns or want to know, ask your doctor and he will tell you in easy-to-understand words. (Of course, it depends on the department and teacher ...) Thank you for your busy schedule. Although there are some conditions, we have been able to ease the waiting time for accounting, and we are no longer waiting than before. For parking, a patient fee of ¥ 200 will be charged.
Hiroyuki Yamashita on Google

山形大学病院は最先端の医療を地域に届けている。ダ・ヴィンチを使った遠隔操作手術、VR の技術を用いた3D手術やゲノム診断医療など最先端医療に取り組む。来年には重粒子線を使った新たな先進医療も加わると聞いた。
Yamagata University Hospital delivers leading-edge medical care to the community. Working on cutting-edge medicines such as teleoperated surgery using da Vinci, 3D surgery using VR technology and genome diagnostic medicine. I heard that next year new advanced medical care using heavy particles will be added.
NOTE BLUE on Google

人にもよるが、医師、看護師、事務員の態度が最悪。 患者が払っている診療料金や健康保険でメシを食っている自覚がない。 患者を舐めた態度は、よほど仲がいい間柄以外はやめた方がいい。 心を込めて接してくれとは言わないが、タメ口ではなく、普通に敬語で接してもらいたい。
Depending on the person, the attitude of doctors, nurses and clerks is the worst. I am not aware that I am eating food with the medical fees and health insurance paid by the patient. The attitude of licking the patient should be stopped except for a very close relationship. I don't ask you to treat me with all my heart, but I would like you to treat me with honorifics, not with a tame mouth.
チワワ大治郎 on Google

I think the hospital is a facility that goes well with each other. Also, the larger the hospital, the more different types of people work. This time, I visited the Yamagata University Hospital with a letter of introduction from my private clinic. The selection of a hospital in Yamagata was full of failures, but at the Yamagata University Hospital, I was generally satisfied with the results. Reception and accounting are all clerical. The point is how much doctors and nurses will take care of this symptomatology, or the type of illness that has a life expectancy of several years. The doctor respects my wishes and intentions, and I'm going to say that I'm pretty selfish, but he will respond accordingly. The nurses listened to me kindly, and I feel very good as I am undergoing a medical examination. At home as much as possible! This request has been fulfilled. It would be helpful if private rooms were a little cheaper. Unlike public hospitals, it is a national attachment, so it may be unavoidable that it is a little expensive. I want to have a good relationship with this hospital until the end of my life. Thank you Yamagata University School of Medicine Hospital! !!
minmin on Google

婦人科入院しましたが、部屋は開放的で綺麗でお風呂も綺麗。何より病院食が美味しい♪ 先生も看護士さんも優しいし無駄がなく的確です。 外来は混むので、受付に声をかけてドトールや食堂へ中抜けして休憩するのもお勧め。 腹腔鏡手術で4泊5日の最短退院です。
I was admitted to a gynecology department, but the room was open and clean, and the bath was clean. Above all, the hospital food is delicious ♪ The teachers and nurses are kind and lean and accurate. The outpatient clinic is crowded, so it is recommended that you call the receptionist and take a break by going to the doutor or dining room. Laparoscopic surgery is the shortest discharge for 4 nights and 5 days.
ささめ on Google

精神科の受付の電話対応がかなり冷たかったです。 面倒くさそうな感じがひしひしと伝わってきて、話をするのも嫌になりました。 もう2度とあの受付の人と話をしたくありません。 担当の方を変えて頂きたいです。 私はあまり、このようにクチコミを書くタイプではないのですが、あまりの態度の悪さに腹が立ったので今回投稿いたしました。 総合受付は、とても感じの良い方でした。
The telephone response at the psychiatric reception was quite cold. I felt like it was a hassle, and I didn't want to talk. I don't want to talk to that receptionist again. I would like you to change the person in charge. I'm not the type to write reviews like this, but I was angry at the bad attitude, so I posted this time. The general reception was very nice.
hidemi hidemi on Google

整形外科、リハビリ、放射線科、整形外科病棟、麻酔科とお世話になってますが、どこも好印象ですよ。 特に整形外科病棟の看護師さん、介助スタッフの方、リハビリの理学療法士さんと作業療法士さんには感謝しかありません。 長い入院生活ちょっと看護師さんと揉めた事もありますが・・・。 ①整形外科病棟の大部屋はカーテンフルオープンが基本。 自分は同室の患者さんと別に交流を望んで居ないのでカーテン締め切ってたい人間なので・・・。 ②整形外科受付が出入り口から遠い。 ③院内売店[ファミリーマート]が病棟から遠い、動きに難ありの整形外科患者にはちょっとキツい。 ④とにかく会計に時間がかかる。 ⑤看護師さんはネームプレートをハッキリ見える位置に着けて欲しい、看護師交代時はちゃんと担当の○○です。とハッキリ挨拶お願いします。 こんな時期で皆さんマスクしてるので誰が誰かわからない事が多々ある。 余談ですが、入院生活では楽しみの1つ、入院食ですが某病院と違い常にアツアツとは行かないですがボリュームと味はなかなかです。 いつも出るヨーグルトに飽きたので看護師さんに、他の患者さんとかに出てるジョアとか他のデザートと変わらないか聞いたら看護師さんが食堂?に聞いてくれました。 回答は豆腐と交換なら可能です・・・。 勿論ヨーグルトのままでお願いしました・・・。 おかずを増やしたいんじゃないんです・・・。
I am indebted to the orthopedics, rehabilitation, radiology, orthopedics ward, and anesthesiology department, but I have a good impression of them all. I am especially grateful to the nurses in the orthopedic ward, the caregiving staff, and the rehabilitation physiotherapists and occupational therapists. I've been in the hospital for a long time, but I've had some trouble with a nurse ... (1) The large room in the orthopedic ward is basically fully open with curtains. I don't want to interact with the patients in the same room, so I want to close the curtain ... ② The orthopedic reception is far from the doorway. ③ The in-hospital shop [FamilyMart] is a little difficult for orthopedic patients who have difficulty moving because it is far from the ward. ④ Anyway, accounting takes time. ⑤ I want the nurse to put the nameplate in a position where I can clearly see it. When the nurse changes, I am in charge of ○○. Please give a clear greeting. Everyone is masking at this time, so there are many things that I don't know who. As an aside, one of the pleasures of hospitalized life is hospital food, but unlike a certain hospital, it is not always hot, but the volume and taste are quite good. I'm tired of the yogurt that comes out all the time, so I asked the nurse if it was the same as Joa or other desserts from other patients. Asked me. The answer is possible if you exchange it for tofu ... Of course, I asked for yogurt as it was ... I don't want to increase the side dishes ...
KO on Google

以前眼科で手術したことがあります この度は、母の皮膚科の付き添いに! 立体駐車場もあり広くなった気がする 病院内部が増築、増築で迷路のようになっており皮膚科に辿り着けなかった 県内随一の大学病院だけあり適切な診察が受けられた(紹介状なしで5時間待ったけど) 患者さんが集中するのは田舎だから仕方ないと諦めてる 医師の絶対数が不足なんだろう
I have had surgery in ophthalmology before This time, to accompany my mother's dermatologist! There is also a multi-storey car park and I feel that it has become wider The inside of the hospital was expanded, and the extension made it look like a maze, so I couldn't reach the dermatologist. There was only one of the best university hospitals in the prefecture, and I was able to receive an appropriate medical examination (although I waited for 5 hours without a letter of introduction). Patients concentrate in the countryside, so I have to give up I wonder if the absolute number of doctors is insufficient

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