Yamagata Prefectural Tsuruoka Hospital - Somitsuru-51-1 茅原字 Tsuruoka

2/5 に基づく 8 レビュー

Contact Yamagata Prefectural Tsuruoka Hospital

住所 :

Somitsuru-51-1 茅原字 Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0019, Japan

電話 : 📞 +88
Postal code : 997-0019
Webサイト : http://cocorohosp-yamagata.jp/
Opening hours :
Saturday Closed
Sunday Closed
Monday 8:30–11:30AM
Tuesday 8:30–11:30AM
Wednesday 8:30–11:30AM
Thursday 8:30–11:30AM
Friday 8:30–11:30AM

Somitsuru-51-1 茅原字 Tsuruoka, Yamagata 997-0019, Japan
齋藤遊 on Google

評価低いので僕も書きます ここの病院は患者のなぜ?に一切答えない そういうもんでごちゃごちゃと誤魔化す 診察室は本人がいい歳でも家族と入れられるから本音をゆえない そして病気の説明は家族にしかしない その時本人は一旦診察室を出されてしまう きっと本人にゆわないのは都合が悪いからでしょうね 家族はそういうもんで理解しますから 本人が違うとはゆえないようにしています 後で家族から聞いたらなんだそれでした 誤診もいいところですね そりゃ本人追い出しますね 結局金儲けなんでしょう 全く関係ない病名つけるのはダメだと思います ここはちゃんとした先生はいないのですか?
I will write it because the evaluation is low Why is the hospital here a patient? Do not answer at all That kind of thing makes me mess up Even if the person is a good age, he / she can enter the examination room with his / her family, so he / she does not have a real intention. And the explanation of the illness is only to the family At that time, the person is once taken out of the examination room. I'm sure it's inconvenient not to go to the person himself Because my family understands that kind of thing I try not to be different I heard from my family later that it was Misdiagnosis is also a good place That ’s why I ’ll kick him out. I think I'm making money after all I don't think it's good to name a disease that has nothing to do with it Isn't there a proper teacher here?
れんな on Google

こんなひどいところない! 話をしたいならカウンセリングしたら?だって? お医者さんが一番話を聞かなきゃ意味ないでしょ! 気分落ちて不眠になるしつらいから来てるのに ちゃんと寝てくださいって はぁ、、、、 薬も抗精神病薬や抗不安薬や気分安定薬と色々出される 病名聞いたら今は言えませんって意味不明です もうかなり通ってるのにまだわからないんですか? せめて血液検査の結果くらい渡してください 大丈夫ですねーって結果すら見せずに言われても信ぴょう性ありません! というか外来受付の人達って正直必要ですか?何してるんですか?いつもいつも患者見てはお喋りばかりして、、、 チラチラ見てなんか喋ってるの見ると陰口言われてるみたいで怖いです こんなに不安になる病院星1もつけたくないです 入口の非接触検温も精度おかしいですよね 35.2℃とかありえないです 壊れてますよね そんなガバガバ検温も正直こわいです 行くのやめようかな、、、、
There is no such terrible place! If you want to talk, why not give counseling? Because? It doesn't make sense if the doctor has to listen to the story the most! I'm coming because it's hard to feel down and sleepless Please sleep properly Hmm ... Various medicines such as antipsychotics, anxiolytics and mood stabilizers are offered. It's unclear that I can't say it now when I hear the name of the disease You've been through quite a bit, but you still don't understand? Please give at least the result of the blood test It's not credible to be told without even showing the result! Or rather, do the outpatient receptionists need to be honest? What are you doing? I always look at the patient and talk all the time ... I'm scared to see that I'm talking about something when I glance at it I don't want to have a hospital star 1 that makes me so uneasy The accuracy of the non-contact temperature measurement at the entrance is also strange, isn't it? 35.2 ℃ is not possible It's broken, isn't it? Honestly, I'm scared of such a gabagaba temperature measurement. I wonder if I should stop going ...
シュガーちゃん on Google

精神科の入院設備のある大きな病院は特に大きな市にとって無くてはならないものであり市民が頼れるところでなければいけないものだと思います。 いくら精神科専門であったとしても精神科はおろか医学部を本当に出ているのか看護学校を本当に卒業して資格を持っているのかと疑問に思うような医師と看護師ばかりです。 そして他の方も書いていますが受付人数の多さが異常です。2人もいたら十分でしょう。 特に被害妄想の酷い方にとってお喋りしてる様子を見るのはさぞかし苦痛かと思われます。 そして意見箱を設置したりしていますがその回答に呆れて物が言えません。何も直す気無いんですね。 どうして県立病院がこんな状態なのでしょうか。 市民はここにしか頼れないから仕方なく頼っていたりします。正直とてもつらいです。 死ぬ前に精神科にかかりましょうなんて言われてもここだと余計後悔しかありません。 コロナ禍ですので余計他病院に頼れません。 地獄です。 他の方々の評価は概ね当たっています。 星5つは関係者の操作としか思えません。 書いてある内容も行ったこと無い風ですのであてにしないように気をつけましょう。
I think that a large hospital with psychiatric hospitalization facilities is indispensable especially for a large city, and it must be a place that citizens can rely on. No matter how much you specialize in psychiatry, there are only doctors and nurses who wonder if they really graduate from medical school or graduate from nursing school and are qualified. And as others have written, the number of receptionists is unusual. It would be enough if there were two people. Especially for those who are paranoid, it seems to be painful to see them talking. And I have set up an opinion box, but I am amazed at the answer and cannot say anything. I don't feel like fixing anything. Why is the prefectural hospital in such a state? Citizens can only rely on it here, so they have no choice but to rely on it. To be honest, it's very hard. Even if I was told to go to psychiatry before I died, I have no more regrets here. I can't rely on other hospitals because it's a corona virus. It's hell. The evaluations of other people are generally correct. Five stars seems to be the operation of the people concerned. Be careful not to rely on what is written because it is a wind that you have never been to.
どらどらみ on Google

とても最低な気分 話をしていてもすぐに薬の話 話が長いと簡潔にまとめられて それで診察終わり 私の場合はカウンセリングをかたくらに 断ったのでしなくてすみました カウンセリングの先生らしき人の 態度が悪くて受けたくありませんでした。 実際はカウンセリングが誰になるのかは 知りません。 親が連れてくるから 仕方なく来てるけど、なんで私は来てるのでしょうか。リストカットも自力で治して 薬なんて低血圧のものしか飲んでません。 全員がそうではないと思いますが 私の中ではとても嫌でした
Very bad mood Even if you are talking, immediately talk about medicine If the story is long, it will be summarized briefly That's the end of the examination In my case, counseling I refused so I didn't have to A person who seems to be a counseling teacher I didn't want to take it because of my bad attitude. Who will actually be counseling I do not know. Because my parents bring me I have no choice but to come, but why am I coming? Heal the wrist cut by yourself I only take medicine with low blood pressure. I don't think everyone is I hated it very much
五十嵐徹 on Google

看護師のレベルが他病院(精神科)に比べ格段に高いです。認定・専門看護師等も複数いて、知識だけではなく、患者への時に優しく時に厳しいアプローチが出来る人間性の優れた人達が多い印象です。 医師も多く在籍していて、担当医が指名出来ないのはちょっと残念な点で、悪い口コミが多い様ですが、私は、概ね良い病院だと思います。
The level of nurses is much higher than other hospitals (psychiatric departments). There are several certified and specialized nurses, and I get the impression that there are many people with excellent humanity who can take a gentle and sometimes strict approach to patients as well as knowledge. There are many doctors enrolled, and it is a bit disappointing that the doctor in charge cannot be nominated, and it seems that there are many bad reviews, but I think that it is generally a good hospital.
やぁさん on Google

担当医は選べない 本当ガチャみたいなもの SSR新田先生 SR五十嵐先生 R阿久津先生 その他なら駅前行った方がいいかも。 私は金野先生に人生狂わされました。 入院は東2なら看護師もいいし、若い子も多いし 3ヶ月しか居れないので大体3ヶ月あれば退院できます。 3階は地獄なので私は2度と行きたくないです。
I can't choose the doctor in charge Really like a gacha SSR Nitta-sensei SR Igarashi-sensei R Akutsu sensei In other cases, it might be better to go in front of the station. I was crazy by Professor Kanano. If you are hospitalized in East 2, nurses are good and there are many young children. Since I can only stay for 3 months, I can leave the hospital in about 3 months. The 3rd floor is hell so I don't want to go there again.
春欞 on Google

●障害者差別者の女医 →女医があからさまに、患者が気にする身体的特徴を、口にして指摘してきます。患者である受け手の感じ方を無視して、女医本位で診察を進める姿勢が傲慢な印象を受けました。
● Female doctor who discriminates against persons with disabilities → The female doctor will openly point out the physical characteristics that the patient cares about. I got the impression that it was arrogant to proceed with the examination from the female doctor's point of view, ignoring the feeling of the recipient as a patient.
優奈齋藤 on Google

建物は比較的新しいのに内部のやり方が凄く古いですね。精神科の病院と言うより薬売りみたい。 薬の説明せず出すの本当にやめてください。一々薬局の薬剤師に聞くのがめんどくさい。 入院しても外来でも何かあれば「ハイ薬」っていう。単純に言えばそういった病院です。 精神科の仕事って話聞くことだと思うんですけど何故かカウンセラーに回されるシステムがまずおかしいですよね。守秘義務あるから何を喋っても主治医に届くわけでもなく喋ったら違反。 あとここの医者はすぐ感情的になりますよね。 患者の状態に振り回されてどうするんですか? そこを上手くやるのが治療でしょう?薬飲ませたり打ったり隔離拘束するのは立場上卑怯だと思いますけどね。そういうので勝った気になんないでくださいね。 こっからはここで働こうと思ってる人向けなんですけど公で頻繁に求人出してる所はやめておくべきです。ここはしょっちゅう人員募集かけてます。 良い病院は自然と人が入るものです。見学も自主的にしてきます。 受け身で待ってるような病院は雰囲気が悪い証拠です。出来るだけ自主的に訪れる人が多い病院にしましょう。レビューも見逃さずに。
The building is relatively new, but the internal method is very old. It's more like a drug dealer than a psychiatric hospital. Please really stop giving out without explaining the medicine. It's annoying to ask the pharmacist at the pharmacy one by one. If there is something in the hospital or outpatient, it is called "high medicine". Simply put, it is such a hospital. I think that psychiatric work is about listening, but for some reason the system that is sent to a counselor is strange. Since there is a duty of confidentiality, no matter what you say, it does not reach your doctor and it is a violation if you speak. Also, the doctors here will soon become emotional. What do you do when you are swayed by the patient's condition? Isn't it the cure to do it well? I think it's cowardly to take medicine, hit it, or quarantine it. So don't feel like you've won. From now on, it's for people who want to work here, but you should stop the places where you are hiring frequently in public. We are constantly recruiting personnel here. A good hospital is one that naturally accommodates people. We will also visit the site voluntarily. Hospitals that are passively waiting are proof of a bad atmosphere. Let's make the hospital as many people as possible voluntarily visit. Don't miss the reviews.

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